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Like Mandela, We Also Wait...

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Wrongly incarcerated, to the outrage of most of the right thinking world, denied our rightful place in the top flight, the wait goes on. A wait of some 33 years and counting. A wait characterised by a heroic and noble fortitude, strength, hope and forgiveness, and an absence of bitterness and hate. As witnessed here on Otib.

There will be no need for Truth and Reconcilliation here. Not with men likeTimothy Bird, Harry, RalphMilne'sLeftFoot, Mad Cyril, Spudski, Red-Robbo, BristolCity?, GrahamC, glynriley, swanker, that bloke with the hedgehog, and many hundreds more that we can call on. When our moment comes, all that will be left, is A Long Walk to Swindon. Or Sweden, sorry. A Long Walk to Sweden, for that first glorious step into Europe (not forgetting the anglo-Italian glory days, 1994...).

But a journey of a thousand miles, starts with one, small step, and possibly a banana skin to navigate. This Sunday, we must stay strong, people. This Sunday, To Tamworth!


Les Madiba Q. xxx

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Twenty seven years in nick will seem like a stroll in the park compared to the prospect of going out of the F.A cup to a non league club in the first round. Nelson may have been able to forgive, but will we be able to forgive the board if this weekend brings more sorrow?

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Twenty seven years in nick will seem like a stroll in the park compared to the prospect of going out of the F.A cup to a non league club in the first round. Nelson may have been able to forgive, but will we be able to forgive the board if this weekend brings more sorrow?

With great men like yourself, swank, and MurraysRightPlum, RogerRedHat, AlwaysTheBroadmead, lanlodger, MrBibs, Dollymarie, PortlandBill, Dorset Cider, i hate Rovers, we can find within ourselves great depths of forgiveness. Depths we never knew we had...

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With great men like yourself, swank, and MurraysRightPlum, RogerRedHat, AlwaysTheBroadmead, lanlodger, MrBibs, Dollymarie, PortlandBill, Dorset Cider, i hate Rovers, we can find within ourselves great depths of forgiveness. Depths we never knew we had...

....and men like ChesselsChick, ciderbeans, WTFigo, RedDave, ten minutes of rough, my 'olman, RandyMarch, Esmunds Million Bong ....

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With great men like yourself, swank, and MurraysRightPlum, RogerRedHat, AlwaysTheBroadmead, lanlodger, MrBibs, Dollymarie, PortlandBill, Dorset Cider, i hate Rovers, we can find within ourselves great depths of forgiveness. Depths we never knew we had...


Forgiveness is not a thing that often comes about naturally for most people, myself included. It needs to learned and it takes time and effort to forgive the injustice that we may suffer. I was promised my money's worth when I purchased my season ticket earlier in the year. I now feel I've been had over !!!!! This weekend may add to my suffering and if it does, forgiveness will be a challenge on my part. I don't know whether I have it in me to let bygones be bygones. This board of directors have made my life a !

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Wrongly incarcerated, to the outrage of most of the right thinking world, denied our rightful place in the top flight, the wait goes on. A wait of some 33 years and counting. A wait characterised by a heroic and noble fortitude, strength, hope and forgiveness, and an absence of bitterness and hate. As witnessed here on Otib.

There will be no need for Truth and Reconcilliation here. Not with men likeTimothy Bird, Harry, RalphMilne'sLeftFoot, Mad Cyril, Spudski, Red-Robbo, BristolCity?, GrahamC, glynriley, swanker, that bloke with the hedgehog, and many hundreds more that we can call on. When our moment comes, all that will be left, is A Long Walk to Swindon. Or Sweden, sorry. A Long Walk to Sweden, for that first glorious step into Europe (not forgetting the anglo-Italian glory days, 1994...).

But a journey of a thousand miles, starts with one, small step, and possibly a banana skin to navigate. This Sunday, we must stay strong, people. This Sunday, To Tamworth!


Les Madiba Q. xxx

This is why I love you Les.

You inspire a generation

Your loving ex accomplice,

Big "Winnie Tutu" Tone xx

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May be a coincidence, but It seems to have all gone downhill since our main man in Sweden was silenced.


Surely a bit of forgiveness and reconcilliation in that direction could only help our chances of a happy outcome against Tamworth? :dunno:  

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May be a coincidence, but It seems to have all gone downhill since our main man in Sweden was silenced.


Surely a bit of forgiveness and reconcilliation in that direction could only help our chances of a happy outcome against Tamworth? :dunno:  

Are you referring to Sven or Big Jan Moller, Nog?

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You won't be saying that if we loose this weekend. But will you, like Nelson be able to forgive ? The proof of the pudding is in the eating !

We won't "lose " !!! I can forgive If the team run around a lot and the coach shouts and waves his arms about.

Second point ; hmmmm pudding !

Thirdly i am still angry i bought "Free Nelson Mandela" and all i got was a stupid record and am still waiting for my Nelson Mandela ( Rip).

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Lord Nelson, the famous British Admiral was sleeping in his chambers when his night watch awoke him to tell him that a Spanish frigate was approaching. Lord Nelson ordered the watch to bring him his red waistcoat and to prepare the crew for battle. The British ship handly defeated the Spanish Frigate. On two other occassions the same battle took place, each time, Lord Nelson would request his red waistcoat prior to battle. The watch asked Lord Nelson why he always wore his red waistcoat while going into battle. Lord Nelson replied, "I wear red because if I am wounded during the battle, our crew will not see me bleed and loose heart." Satisfied with the answer, the watch returned to his post. A week later, the watch informed the Admiral that the entire Spanish Armada was heading toward their ship. To this news, Lord Nelson ordered, "Bring me my brown cords!"

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