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Wes Burns


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His willingness to run at the opposition certainly livened things up but only added to my frustration as to why Bryan was incapable of doing the same in the first half.

Considering the reports from his loan spell at Plymouth and his decent appearances last season, Watford away especially, I couldn't understand his reluctance to do anything but pass the ball backwards yesterday despite his undoubted pace.

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Think we need to give ajala or krans a run out at least they will play for the shirt and give it 100% instead of the over payed under achievers

Ridiculous comment, have you ever seen either of them play 90 minutes?

I'll bet good money one will be in League Two ( at best) whilst the other will be non league next season.

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Good to see this thread.


As someone who's been bemoaning Wes's lack of, involvement all season, I was going to start one myself.


I thought he did really well, looking confident and dangerous every time he got the ball and great to see a skilful, pacy young player taking the game to the opposition with no fear and putting them on the back foot.We know he's got goals in him too.


Not sure if he's quite ready for a start - it would be much better if he came into a more confident team - but hopefully half an hour next week and take it from there.


He's in a different league to the likes of Wagstaff imo and looks far too good not to nail down a regular place as the season goes on.


Cotterill can't fail to have been impressed and will no doubt agree with what I've thought for some time - we've got a very exciting young player on our hands with Wes Burns.



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I'd agree with Noggers here. Wes has natural dribbling ability although his decision making isn't quite there yet.

More game time and we'll have a very tidy player on our hands.

Of course, Wes and Bob came on when the penny dropped on Cotterill that a toothless attack meant that we had no way to make the ball stick in their half. Everyone looked better once we injected some aggression.

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Ridiculous comment, have you ever seen either of them play 90 minutes?

I'll bet good money one will be in League Two ( at best) whilst the other will be non league next season.

We will be in league 2 if the team keeps playing without any passion maybe them two aren't up to this standard but I bet they will give it there all to be!

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I don't buy this 'not wanting to win' malarkey, surely as they're on good win bonuses it's in their interests to go out with the intention of winning. Putting it into action however is sadly proving somewhat elusive.

Wanting to win is easy..........A will to win is what we need!!!!!!!

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I don't buy this 'not wanting to win' malarkey, surely as they're on good win bonuses it's in their interests to go out with the intention of winning. Putting it into action however is sadly proving somewhat elusive.

But most will be happy with the wage they are on and a win bonus will just be a bit of a boost, Some of the players on Saturday looked like they couldn't give 2 Sh!ts about who they played for and sadly that is football nowadays (well for us it seems anyway :( )

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Good to see this thread.

As someone who's been bemoaning Wes's lack of, involvement all season, I was going to start one myself.

I thought he did really well, looking confident and dangerous every time he got the ball and great to see a skilful, pacy young player taking the game to the opposition with no fear and putting them on the back foot.We know he's got goals in him too.

Not sure if he's quite ready for a start - it would be much better if he came into a more confident team - but hopefully half an hour next week and take it from there.

He's in a different league to the likes of Wagstaff imo and looks far too good not to nail down a regular place as the season goes on.

Cotterill can't fail to have been impressed and will no doubt agree with what I've thought for some time - we've got a very exciting young player on our hands with Wes Burns.

I couldn't agree more Noggers.

I have wanted Burns to get a chance from the word go this season. Every time he does get even half a chance he appears to grab it with both hands. He never hides, works hard and has the confidence to get on the ball and courage to try and make things happen. With his pace I can't believe we haven't utilised him more.

He seems to have a fantastic attitude. Yes he is still perhaps a little raw and of course not the finished article, but so what? So what if he's young as well? Surely a player who is prepared to show initiative and express himself is exactly what we need in the team at present? He certainly can't do worse than any of the more 'experienced pros'

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I like wes and think he's going to be a fantastic winger if he continues his devlopment, his movement off the ball is very good but his final ball isn't there yet,

Off the bench was the correct thing to do for someone like him I think he played 80 odd minutes on thursday for the under 21's (someone correct me) so throwing him into the starting line up against rotherham would of been wrong,

However I would drop Wagstaff for him against county his direct running and willness to have the ball was a breath of fresh air in a much improved second half,


He has a very bright future imo

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