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Since Hull At Wembley Have There Been Any Good Times

where's the joy

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i can't remember many highlights for five and a half years now.


caulkers equaliser at QPR in the 90th minute may be.


ivan sproule's goal at leicester in a 3-1 win 


mc clueless leaving


can anyone cheer me up with some better memories?


Beating Southampton 2-0 at home, 1-0 away. Drawing 2-2 at home with Newcastle, maynards goal. The Coventry game a couple of seasons ago that was the catalyst for us staying up. Theres plenty more im sure, but your right times are looking very bleak at the moment!

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The 1-0 away win at Southampton will stay with me for a long time. Besides that, Coventry and Barnsley at home, crucial games and we won both. Beating the gas this season!


There's been a good few, but none of them exactly spectacular. 


The good times will return!

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The two seasons following the Play Off Final were largely enjoyable, we still looked like a reasonably strong team in the Championship especially in 2008/09. Since Coppell though it's been a different story, a few good results here and there but mainly a struggle.

The only real highlight for me has been staying up the other season partly because every Gashead I know was smugly celebrating our relegation 3 months too early.

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The two seasons following the Play Off Final were largely enjoyable, .

Not really, we played some dreadful football and would concede a 90th minute equaliser in almost every home match! Not to mention the awful run of form that saw GJs departure. Looking back in hindsight, it seems like paradise compared to now but I certainly dont remember anyone enjoying it at the time.

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Not really, we played some dreadful football and would concede a 90th minute equaliser in almost every home match! Not to mention the awful run of form that saw GJs departure. Looking back in hindsight, it seems like paradise compared to now but I certainly dont remember anyone enjoying it at the time.

Ok, but we were a Championship team who were surviving easily at that level. When things did start to go wrong with GJ he was replaced and we ended up finishing that season very comfortably. Maybe some fans didn't enjoy the football on show at the time but I personally was more than happy being a top half Championship club.

Like you say, paradise compared to the embarrassing posistion we find ourselves in now.

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i can't remember many highlights for five and a half years now.


caulkers equaliser at QPR in the 90th minute may be.


ivan sproule's goal at leicester in a 3-1 win 


mc clueless leaving


can anyone cheer me up with some better memories?


thanks for mentioning that one mate. It's lodged away in the memory bank.


Pittman's volley against QPR. Is that in the right time span? Seriously clutching now.


We have to be content with crumbs now instead of steak sandwiches during the best of Johnson's time


JETS against the Rovers?


but no team performance .................. Maybe the 0-0 at West Ham?

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