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Sheikh N' Stephen


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At the recent Rotherham game there had been reports of a mysterious 'sheikh' sitting in the stands. This caused me much dismay as the last thing I want is for a Saudi billionaire to come along and bribe the board and Steve Lansdown to hand over the reins of our beloved club. Thankfully. City put in a dire performance and we've heard no more of this shady character.


Foreign zillionaires care nothing for football, and only buy teams like other people buy toys. A few years ago there were reports of 'Serbian businessmen' purportedly interested in possibly buying the club, fears which thankfully came to nought. Steve Lansdown is a genuine supporter and I welcome his money because I can see that he clearly has the interests of City at heart.


Selfish owners like Tan at Cardiff and Allem at Hull are a disgrace, despite their heavy investment. I'd be interested to know what other fans think about a foreign takeover. Would the promise of untold millions really be worth it whatever the cost to the integrity and respect of our team, or should be keep ticking over, with pride that we haven't sold our soul like so many other once great clubs?

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OP I like the way you've put that question, it's an open question with your opinion moulded into it. I have to say I agree with you 100pc. We are a proper football club and I long for a proper football club to win the league. Everton, still owned by a proper fan (I think).

Although I think this club could have been much better run this is only with the benefit if hindsight. We have re- grouped and we have a lot of promising young talent and as with the economy, I am very optimistic about our future. The continued investment in our academy is our future. Signing that young lad from Mangotsfield, was music to my ears.

The Lansdowns must stay x

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You are aware that was a stag do fancy dress? This has to be a wind up do you Actually think that was a wealthy Saudi? For one why would he sit in the cheapest seats in the ground :D ? Totally agree though, we have a west country lad at the top of our club, so passion runs through him and hurts him as much as it does us, if we lose! To get a tan, would be a disaster!

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I would hate it if we had some foreign millionaire come in & take over as we would effectively just be their play toy which in the end would be split up & sold to get the money they've invested. As much as some the decisions SL has made have been the wrong ones I do believe he has got the clubs welfare at heart & wants us to be successful while at the same time making sure we're run properly & keeping our club going for many years to come. I hope that we continue to invest in our youth academy to the highest standard for which we will reap the benefits in years to come weather that be players coming through making us successful or them coming through & us making decent money on them to invest into the club in other ways :-) Also hope we can get a brand new stadium as we really need it with executive boxes & for events etc outside of football. May SL continue to invest ( more wisely hopefully ) so the club we all love can thrive be that competing for the championship play offs year in & out or making it into the premiership & hopefully staying up for a good decade so the west country has a team in it for once. COYR :-)

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Whilst the majority on OTIB appear to have a prefferance towards the way we are currently ran,,, local lad done good , lifelong supporter prepared to put his money on the table etc, we must remember that OTIB is only a small snapshot of the fanbase.


My fear is that (ala Cardiff) there are a larger number out there who would happily accept a foreign input of cash if it provided the on field success ...


Without the son involved at the top we will lose the connection with the father and In the future we could well find ourselves in the position of having to decide which side our principles lie,,,,

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