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Williams E Block


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All depends on where the away fans are going during reconstruction doesn't it?

I'd imagine it will be Ateyo but the H block side. It's bound to piss people off wherever they put them but I don't think they'd want to take another bollocking for moving the family stand again.
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How many ee went in Williams today?

Wasn't just people from the EE that moved.

Up to Friday lunchtime 73 had swapped, but many more swapped on the day.

I expect that the reason many disappeared was that the game was being shown on many screens in the bar

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I sit near where the large following that arrived in the Williams and I thought it was a stag doo or a football team as their game was called off :facepalm:


Fair play though guys, gave it a good atmosphere in the stand and my lad loved it. :clap:



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Dolman A/B block?

But the Dolman A/B block can't be like the old Dolman A/B block unless it is changed from being the new Dolman A/B block into the other one it was. It would be easier to make the Williams a bit like the old the Dolman A/B block thirty years later only its the Williams and it will have more arthritic limbs and bald patches.

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I think they shoukd give a small discount if you have had a st in ee this season and want to get one next season

I doubt very much this will happen, I'm more worried that certain behaviours that are tolerated in the EE are an alien concept in other parts of the ground. I fully expect to be carted out by a steward on day one of our relocation.

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So the cheapskates in the Eastend pay less than those who have been in more expensive seats for years? I don't think so!

Some years, not every and irregular pay on the day price was on occassion more than other stands. From that it can be deduced that other factors beyond price are of importance.

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Was alright but legends bar didn't start serving beer until first half had finished.

Comically, they wouldn't let Mickey Bell in as the place was full!

FA rules, can only serve when the game is not taking place ie half time, and for one hour after the game has finished

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For me I enjoyed it. not all who moved came from the Eastend, some friends in other stands gave it a try who I drink with outside of Ashton gate, but KO time go separate ways into other stands, it was good to have a load of them together.


So thoughts on another game in there? I would try it again, might need to sort out a few issues like the bar [it was full]  so people can get in etc...


It does show that Ashton Gate would do well with pub like bars for fans who like that type of thing as well v corporate areas. The right bar might just draw more fans to drink at Ashton Gate well as surrounding pubs/bars. Sadly a real bar is something the Eastend does not have.


Theres been a decent trial now some more views to go with it. Maybe somebody at BCFC will read it all.

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Also It is good to remember that this is not just a EE thing on moving as IF the redevelopment goes ahead then the Atyeo stand and East End will be affected (first stages), so it might pay for some in the Atyeo to think on where they might have to move as well, depending on the amount of away fans the Atyeo stand could be split segregation like the EE at the moment so the odds are that a few will have to move seats if not stands, it is worth thinking about....

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Yeah but when the Atyeo changes the East End be open, or are you suggesting a more permanent solution?


I am looking (short term) temporary at the moment as when the EE is in rubble and with a stand less people from the EE will need to go somewhere during the building work as will some will have to move around in the Atyeo seeing the Away fans will be going over there.


This also in the long term will be the case when the Dolman and Williams are done.


When all four sides of the ground are back up and running again then that is another question where which stand people

will end up going, as no one really knows what it will all be like beyond drawings at the moment.

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This kind of elitist attitude is the reason people are worried about moving. I bet you can't wait to have some peasant from the EE say next to you.

As long as they bring their own swan sandwiches and don't try and steal mine, they'll be fine.

The cheapskate comment was more aimed at someone moving from the cheapest part of the stadium and suggesting an additional discount might be an idea.

Given that the redeveloped EastEnd will probably become the most expensive stand ****il the others get rebuilt), those who like watching the game from an end rather than a side view might have to get used to increased charges.

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When will the next trail move to another stand be? Because last game in the EE the atmosphere was horrendous

I like this idea of these 70 - 80 chaps just appearing and then vanishing. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Next up running out of the Williams tunnel and diving head first in the Atyeo.

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FA rules, can only serve when the game is not taking place ie half time, and for one hour after the game has finished

Not FA rules, 


The Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985 prevents:-

  • drunken entry into a football ground (which, in practice, to be an arrestable offence includes disorderly behaviour);
  • the consumption of alcohol within view of the playing area including, during the restricted period (15 minutes before the start of the event to 15 minutes after the end of the event), rooms within the ground from which the event may be directly viewed;
  • the consumption of alcohol on certain coaches, trains and motor vehicles travelling to a designated football match;
  • the possession of fireworks or flares.
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Not FA rules, 


The Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985 prevents:-

  • the consumption of alcohol on certain coaches, trains and motor vehicles travelling to a designated football match;



Intersting, I thought alcohol was banned per se on any coach travelling to a football match

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