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I dread to think what Red Goblin and others would say if Clegg or Cameron had been given such a platform to present such an article on the BBC... which of course is horrifically biased against UKIP. To be fair to Farage it's quite an amusing way of making light of the fact that a councillor in your party has revealed himself to be an arch homophobe, but I don't think it's an appropriate item for a BBC current affairs show

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The UKIP must be doing something right.

Before they were largely ignored outside of the European Govt arena - now - any mention sends 'opposition' supporters on the defensive.

They must be doing something right.

We will see in Europe this year, and the UK in 2015.

I think they'll do very well in European elections this year and then nothing in the UK come 2015. The Conservatives will steal just enough of their policy to keep the right-wing elements who were swaying, whilst not going so far as to isolate the centre-right voters. UKIP will probably get an increased share of the vote, but it'll be diffuse

I personally question the logic of UKIP MEPs; they hardly seem to actually attend the parliament and because they're not actively engaging with the (admittedly massively flawed) machinery of the organisation, they're not exactly improving the lot of their constituents. As I've said before, we're awful at getting the most of the EU and then we're very good at complaining about the fact we don't get anything out of the EU and I don't think UKIP help that, though of course that is kind of the point

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My weather viewpoint is that all our shower of shite politicians and business leaders that insist on keeping us in the EU without holding a referendum are guilty of High Treason. These EU loving traitor politicians and business leaders should be executed for their High Treason. Off with their heads. :shifty:

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My weather viewpoint is that all our shower of shite politicians and business leaders that insist on keeping us in the EU without holding a referendum are guilty of High Treason. These EU loving traitor politicians and business leaders should be executed for their High Treason. Off with their heads. :shifty:


I had no idea that the Queen was so against the EU...

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I dread to think what Red Goblin and others would say if Clegg or Cameron had been given such a platform to present such an article on the BBC... which of course is horrifically biased against UKIP. To be fair to Farage it's quite an amusing way of making light of the fact that a councillor in your party has revealed himself to be an arch homophobe, but I don't think it's an appropriate item for a BBC current affairs show

"Horrifically biased against UKIP" hahaha, is this why we have either Farrage or his no2 on Question Time every other week.

A party that hasn't got one MP gets far more coverage than it deserves.

Mind you, every time either of them are on our tv it's worth watching just for the comical value!

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The UKIP must be doing something right.

Before they were largely ignored outside of the European Govt arena - now - any mention sends 'opposition' supporters on the defensive.

They must be doing something right.

We will see in Europe this year, and the UK in 2015.

The more they are on the tv and the more they get interviewed, the more Labour and the Tories must enjoy it.

Farrage was asked about some of his election 2010 policies last week, he wasn't even aware of what they were!.

The more air time that UKIP get the better, people will then see how inept they are.

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I had no idea that the Queen was so against the EU...


Treason is the act of betraying; betrayal of a trust undertaken by or reposed in anyone; a breach of faith, treachery. High Treason or Treason Proper is the violation of a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state. Thus the Conservative and Labour politicians that have sold us down the river of subjugation to the alien organisation that is the hopelessly corrupt and criminal led European Union project are guilty of High Treason. The full sovereignty of the United Kingdom is not now in the hands of the Queen; her powers were handed over by Tory traitor Edward Heath. Edicts and laws can now be sent out from Brussels and Strasbourg which are enforced by traitors in the United Kingdom. European Law and Community Law is now destroying the respective laws and customs of the British realm and the very birthright of the indigenous British people.


The English Bill of Rights Act 1689 states:

"That no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm".


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Treason is the act of betraying; betrayal of a trust undertaken by or reposed in anyone; a breach of faith, treachery. High Treason or Treason Proper is the violation of a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state. Thus the Conservative and Labour politicians that have sold us down the river of subjugation to the alien organisation that is the hopelessly corrupt and criminal led European Union project are guilty of High Treason. The full sovereignty of the United Kingdom is not now in the hands of the Queen; her powers were handed over by Tory traitor Edward Heath. Edicts and laws can now be sent out from Brussels and Strasbourg which are enforced by traitors in the United Kingdom. European Law and Community Law is now destroying the respective laws and customs of the British realm and the very birthright of the indigenous British people.

The English Bill of Rights Act 1689 states:

"That no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm".

High treason is specifically a crime against the crown or monarch. Just pointing it out like...
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High treason is specifically a crime against the crown or monarch. Just pointing it out like...


Tory traitor Edward Heath did commit High Treason by handing over the Queen's sovereignty of the UK to the EEC. European Unionists of the Lib-Lab-Con and their sponsors at the BBC will just have to live with the fact that they are traitors.

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Not necessarily. Charles I was executed for treason and he WAS the monarch.


The treason of King Charles I against the English people was very minor in comparison to the handing over of our country - by Edward Heath, John Major, Tony Blair etc - to the whims of the enemy alien despots of the EU project. This Franco-German led European Union project is Napoleon's and Hitler's dream come true.

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The treason of King Charles I against the English people was very minor in comparison to the handing over of our country - by Edward Heath, John Major, Tony Blair etc - to the whims of the enemy alien despots of the EU project. This Franco-German led European Union project is Napoleon's and Hitler's dream come true.


Very similar, and more heinous. He offered to sell the realm to the French.

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Not necessarily. Charles I was executed for treason and he WAS the monarch.

There is a difference between treason and high treason, though I think the charges against Charles I were of convenience as much as anything. I don't think he promised England to The French until the tide of the civil war turned against him, did he?
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I dread to think what Red Goblin and others would say if Clegg or Cameron had been given such a platform to present such an article on the BBC... which of course is horrifically biased against UKIP. To be fair to Farage it's quite an amusing way of making light of the fact that a councillor in your party has revealed himself to be an arch homophobe, but I don't think it's an appropriate item for a BBC current affairs show


I'm sure that if Clegg, Milliband, or Cameron requested it the BBC would give them a platform. In all honesty could you see them carrying it off in the way that Farage does? Anyone that can't see the point he is making really doesn't deserve the vote.


I think they'll do very well in European elections this year and then nothing in the UK come 2015. The Conservatives will steal just enough of their policy to keep the right-wing elements who were swaying, whilst not going so far as to isolate the centre-right voters. UKIP will probably get an increased share of the vote, but it'll be diffuse

I personally question the logic of UKIP MEPs; they hardly seem to actually attend the parliament and because they're not actively engaging with the (admittedly massively flawed) machinery of the organisation, they're not exactly improving the lot of their constituents. As I've said before, we're awful at getting the most of the EU and then we're very good at complaining about the fact we don't get anything out of the EU and I don't think UKIP help that, though of course that is kind of the point


I have posted in the past along the lines that it will be bizarre to see, after the elections in May, a Parliament consisting of large swathes of MEPs that don't actually believe in its existence, and not just from the UK either as trust in the EU across Europe is at an all time low now that more and more people are realising the mess they've been dragged into by their politicians.


To state that UKIP MEPs hardly attend is a gross exaggeration and a fact you state just to support your own agenda. The latest figures I can find show that Tory MEPs are the best attenders with UKIP lagging just behind the LiBLabGreen contingent on around 80%. Besides the Parliament is just a talking shop and has no real power as all the important decisions have already been taken by the unelected Commisioners and their army of bureaucrats. The whole machinery and the constant shuffling back and forth between Brussels and Strasbourg is a colossal waste of European taxpayers' money. Farage asserts that his MEPs spend more time sorting out the problems their constituents face because of EU law.


As for your assertion that we don't get what we can from the EU, well the link I've attached shows what can happen when we do get something back. Besides shoudn't it be a more harmonious gathering of nations rather than everyone squabbling about what they get or don't get and what their contributions should be. This is all very undignified and very un-British. When all is said and done sending buckets loads of cash to a bunch of bureaucrats who then decide how they think it best to distribute the money is a poor substitute for the wealth creating  ability of the free market to respond to price signals and to direct resources accordingly.



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I'm sure that if Clegg, Milliband, or Cameron requested it the BBC would give them a platform. In all honesty could you see them carrying it off in the way that Farage does? Anyone that can't see the point he is making really doesn't deserve the vote.

I have posted in the past along the lines that it will be bizarre to see, after the elections in May, a Parliament consisting of large swathes of MEPs that don't actually believe in its existence, and not just from the UK either as trust in the EU across Europe is at an all time low now that more and more people are realising the mess they've been dragged into by their politicians.

To state that UKIP MEPs hardly attend is a gross exaggeration and a fact you state just to support your own agenda. The latest figures I can find show that Tory MEPs are the best attenders with UKIP lagging just behind the LiBLabGreen contingent on around 80%. Besides the Parliament is just a talking shop and has no real power as all the important decisions have already been taken by the unelected Commisioners and their army of bureaucrats. The whole machinery and the constant shuffling back and forth between Brussels and Strasbourg is a colossal waste of European taxpayers' money. Farage asserts that his MEPs spend more time sorting out the problems their constituents face because of EU law.

As for your assertion that we don't get what we can from the EU, well the link I've attached shows what can happen when we do get something back. Besides shoudn't it be a more harmonious gathering of nations rather than everyone squabbling about what they get or don't get and what their contributions should be. This is all very undignified and very un-British. When all is said and done sending buckets loads of cash to a bunch of bureaucrats who then decide how they think it best to distribute the money is a poor substitute for the wealth creating ability of the free market to respond to price signals and to direct resources accordingly.


As I said; fair play to him, it's amusing. However, every one of the other cases he brought up got national press so it hardly demonstrates anti-UKIP bias

Well UKIPs attendance is a matter of perspective I guess as there are numerous sources suggesting they ain't great at it;


http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ukip-branded-laziest-political-party-1936913 (though perhaps Bloom can be excused in part for ill health)

As for the parliaments power or lack there of, wouldn't it be better for us to reform from within rather than chuck out toys out the pram and then have to deal with the EU anyway

All your link shows is that the EU have funded some projects that didn't work out. They're not infallible and neither should they be expected to be. However, I can't deny that beaurocracy and bad decisions create significant waste in the EU and that needs to change

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What is the spread bet for UKIP and the euro seats? I can see them mopping up next May. Most MEPs are a shower of shite anyway so I think this will be pretty funny, watching the labour and tory apparatchiks getting booted out of brussels and having to go and get a real job. Bring it on.


Don't forget there's also a few of Nick Smegs Lib-Dums that need to lose their Euro seats as well. I think that every EU loving traitor politician now needs to get worried..........off with their heads. :D

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Well Bill - you are attacking them, and I don't recall you making too many political comments on here in the last 2 years.

It's ok to be afraid of change Bill. Embrace it. It will only hurt for a moment, and then all will be blissful.

Or something like that anyway.

If the far-right block can get their 7 countries/27 seats together, then we will be able to see for ourselves what UKIP can do.

They have clearly stated they will not join due to anti-semetism, but they can vote with them to grind Brussels down to even slower pace than they are now.

Be interesting to see which battles Farage will take on first.

I have do doubt - absolutely none - that UKIP will replace Lib-Dems as the 3rd party. Right leaning voters, people simply wanting a 3rd choice and are sick of the LibDem betrayal, pissed off Red and Blue supporters - all have been looking for a 'nationalistic' non-racist party.

I still stick by my 3-4 seats as a minimum, maybe as many as 7-8 if I am living in dreamland, but even 1 will be enough to make the big 2 sit up and take notice.

Either way, Nick Clegg will be remembered in History as the man who destroyed the Lib-Dems.


I wouldn't really say that my post was an "attack",

It's hard to attack any political party when I ( and ukip!) haven't a clue what there policies are!

Seriously, no one on here who says they will vote for them knows what they stand for, other than taking us out of the EU.

If someone does know any other policies then please let us know.

As for me not making many political comments on here over the last couple of years,I do on occasions but it's not exactly a political forum is it, if I want to air my views I would go and find one of those!!

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