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In Like Flint


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Since McCombe left we've wanted a player that'll attack the ball in the air. Flint does that. The problem for me is what SC has done to the defence. Flint, Williams and Osborne played a couple of games together and started to look like it was going to work. Then he changed it. Flint there to win the first ball, Williams and Osborne are a pacier and can be there to mop up around him. Instead we have him and El Abd who will be beaten all day with pace. 


I don't expect too much from Flint, he's a limited player and we're at the arse end of League 1. If he continues to win the ball in the air and players around him make themselves available when he's got the ball at his feet (I thought Pack did this quite effectively in the second half yesterday) then we'll see improvement. He'll always be a limited player but as part of a more balanced team selection i think he'll do for this level.


Personally, I don't agree with booing your own side and particularly individual players but it happened and Flint seemed to respond well afterwards.

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when SOD implied he'd have not bought Flint, ( a Lansdown inspired buy?) I thought it was down to his weird ways, but having watched him closely for several matches I tend to agree, he 's actually pretty shit!

He is good in the air, but that's about it, distribution consists of banging it long, he looks like a giraffe on a skateboard when faced with a nimble attacker, and strikes me as a liability - compare to one Shaun Taylor, who was good in the air and fearsome in everything else as well as a leader!

Do disagree, but for me put Williams in in front of him any day

That would be Williams who kindly squared theball to their forward requiring the crossbar to make the best save of the match?

The the entire defence was shyt that match. I wouldn't single Flint out for particular abuse, particularly when he - as has been said - wins everything in the air.

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I'm not excusing the booing but I think some people are losing patience with Flint. When he is scoring more own goals than he is keeping out people aren't happy. I think if he was a young kid or perhaps not someone who we laid out a decent fee for people would be more forgiving.

Yes I agree the defence,all of them, looked better as a four. I don't see what many people see in Williams if I am honest, we might as well have kept Nyatanga for hoofing it. But he is young, not sure Flint is his best partner though. El Abd has made more mistakes than I thought he would too, still early days. I quite like Maloney and Cunningham to play and get forward, looks like Maloney out of favour though.

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Flint was overpriced.  We all know that.  Sod said he wouldn't have paid what we did for him.  Burt convinced the board to stump up the cash.

Basically we were in a bit of a pickle.  We wanted a big lad who could head it and I can only assume we didn't have too many of those identified on our 'database'.  Therefore, we really had no Plan B and Swindon had us over a barrel.


The problem we have at the moment is that we're asking him to do things he can't do.  Sod tried to get the CB's to play out from the back early in the season, before soon realising they couldn't do it, so adjusted the tactics slightly.  Cotterill then comes in and has gone to great lengths to explain how he wants them to play out from the back again, and no doubt he is now realising they can't do it.


The first 2 goals away at Wolves came as a result of the CB's splitting to the corner flags and receiving the ball from the keeper.  They quickly lost it and we conceded.  Williams nearly did the same v Carlisle.  SC will soon abandon this.


Flint, in my opinion, is not capable of playing in a 3 man back line.  Neither is El Abd.  Both of them are too slow.  As a 3, the ground the left and right CB's have to cover is greater, they'll get pulled out wide more often, and in the case of El Abd we've seen him get pulled 10 yards into the opposition half!!  He then has much further to recover if he's beaten and bigger holes are in behind him.  This then relies on the middle CB of the 3 to cover those holes - hence he gets pulled further across than he should.  If you've got pacy guys who are agile and quick on the turn, then fine.  But Flint and El Abd are both way too slow to have both of them playing in such a formation.  As a back 2, they might be much better, as they'll have full backs who's first priority is to defend, therefore the CB's won't get pulled too far wide on too many occasions.


Basically, a back 4 is more solid, a back 3 is more flexible.  Flint and El Abd are not suited to flexible.

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Flint is an absolute joke!!

My brother and I are season ticket holders and a lot of the time we have differing opinions on players. But when it comes to Flint, we both say exactly the same thing!

He looks like a shit Sunday league player at best sometimes.. He has cost us 7-8 goals already directly through himself, own goals, penalty's, giving it away, headering out for corners when under no pressure!

The sooner we replace that donkey the better, just my opinion!

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Flint, in my opinion, is not capable of playing in a 3 man back line. Neither is El Abd. Both of them are too slow. As a 3, the ground the left and right CB's have to cover is greater, they'll get pulled out wide more often, and in the case of El Abd we've seen him get pulled 10 yards into the opposition half!! He then has much further to recover if he's beaten and bigger holes are in behind him. This then relies on the middle CB of the 3 to cover those holes - hence he gets pulled further across than he should. If you've got pacy guys who are agile and quick on the turn, then fine. But Flint and El Abd are both way too slow to have both of them playing in such a formation. As a back 2, they might be much better, as they'll have full backs who's first priority is to defend, therefore the CB's won't get pulled too far wide on too many occasions.

Basically, a back 4 is more solid, a back 3 is more flexible. Flint and El Abd are not suited to flexible.

Was discussing exactly this just last night. El Abd suffers even more than Flint as he is outside of the middle CB (Flint) where his lack of pace is exposed time and time again.

Hope we move to a flat back 4 soon.

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Was discussing exactly this just last night. El Abd suffers even more than Flint as he is outside of the middle CB (Flint) where his lack of pace is exposed time and time again.

Hope we move to a flat back 4 soon.

Exactly.  El Abd is clearly not familiar with playing "out there".  He's all too often seen chasing half way up the pitch or out on the touchline.  Once he's turned he's screwed.  Flint then has to drag his ass too far over to cover him.  The result is 2 slow players out of position, and that spells trouble.


The sooner we go back to 4 at the back the better in my opinion.

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Exactly. El Abd is clearly not familiar with playing "out there". He's all too often seen chasing half way up the pitch or out on the touchline. Once he's turned he's screwed. Flint then has to drag his ass too far over to cover him. The result is 2 slow players out of position, and that spells trouble.

The sooner we go back to 4 at the back the better in my opinion.

Slim, are you on lates because of that 'Hand Egg' game that's scheduled to take place this evening, or because you are a really good husband?

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Slim, are you on lates because of that 'Hand Egg' game that's scheduled to take place this evening, or because you are a really good husband?

You know the answer to that!!

It's all about the Superbowl tonight buddy!!  I'll be logging off from here very shortly!

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Exactly. El Abd is clearly not familiar with playing "out there". He's all too often seen chasing half way up the pitch or out on the touchline. Once he's turned he's screwed. Flint then has to drag his ass too far over to cover him. The result is 2 slow players out of position, and that spells trouble.

The sooner we go back to 4 at the back the better in my opinion.

EL-Abd out of position + nippy forward going past = free kick in a dangerous position. My Brighton mate loves AEA for his wholehearted approach to the game but acknowledged that...

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Since McCombe left we've wanted a player that'll attack the ball in the air. Flint does that. The problem for me is what SC has done to the defence. Flint, Williams and Osborne played a couple of games together and started to look like it was going to work. Then he changed it. Flint there to win the first ball, Williams and Osborne are a pacier and can be there to mop up around him. Instead we have him and El Abd who will be beaten all day with pace. 


Not only that El Abd doesn't seem comfortable in a 3, Flint is then drawn in to covering Al Abd's lack of positioning and finds himself with no cover.  He then gets turned very easily when he ends up in a 1 on 1.


However you can't single anyone out on Saturday.  Outplayed all over the pitch by Car*******lisle.

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Here's my gripe with Flint: when the five pillars were introduced, we were told that we would endeavour to sign players 25 or under that could either be improved for our needs or sold on for a profit...

Can anyone actually believe that Flint will ever improve from the downs league player he is? We will never get a decent return on 300k and if we do ever haul ourselves out of this mess and get back up to the forgotten heights of the championship, Flint will be exposed week on week as woefully inadequate and therefore we will never get a good sell on price for him. We will probably revert to type and sign a journeyman centre half on huge wages all because the first signing was the wrong one.

Flint is crap, I'm sorry I'm sure he's a lovely bloke but as footballers go he is crap and was a poor, majority overpriced signing with little potential to improve for our needs or to bring in a decent fee. We're lumbered with the QE2 in defence.

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I really hate it a player gets slightly criticised and everyone then makes him a "scapegoat", but this really does feel the case with Flint

Funny how Williams doesn't get criticised one bit, even though 95% of his "passes" end right to the oppositions feet

I've told you a million times not to exaggerate! ;-)

But you have a point, Williams was worse than Flint for me on Saturday. His game has deteriorated since the first half of the season and you can see he's another player not particularly happy in a back 3.

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I was talking about this with my Dad last night, I honestly can't ever recall any other crowd booing their own player WHILST ON THE BALL.

An absolute embarrassment. Yeah he'd just misplaced a pass when he had better options, fair enough, but to boo him when he next gets on the ball? An absolute joke. With fans like that we deserve **** all.

Completely agree.

Mind you it doesn't surprise me as I was sat near a racist on Saturday. As well as a bloke who screamed at Baldock....'you should be in the box you stupid little ******* *****'. This was after Baldock had come short to receive the ball near the by line. Absolute brainless moron.

You're right though with fans like that we deserve **** all.

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