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Are All Our Supporters Moaning Wa##ers


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Is it just where I sit in Block D of the Dolman or are there other parts of the ground with moaning, whinging idiots?


For a while now all they do is moan if we pass the ball back, moan if we hit a long pass, moan if we try a shot etc. Christ they even moaned when Waggy passed the ball back to the keeper in the last minute but failed to notice he was injuried and could hardly walk let alone pick out a 40 yard pass.


You are with your moaning, slagging off, booing players making an embarrassment of the club, and don't give me this bollox about I pay for a ticket so I can do what I want, bullshit!!! All you are doing is making the players scared to pass the bloody thing for fear of more booing. Take a look at you if your one of the plebs that do the above and back the team or stay away.




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Is it just where I sit in Block D of the Dolman or are there other parts of the ground with moaning, whinging idiots?

For a while now all they do is moan if we pass the ball back, moan if we hit a long pass, moan if we try a shot etc. Christ they even moaned when Waggy passed the ball back to the keeper in the last minute but failed to notice he was injuried and could hardly walk let alone pick out a 40 yard pass.

You are with your moaning, slagging off, booing players making an embarrassment of the club, and don't give me this bollox about I pay for a ticket so I can do what I want, bullshit!!! All you are doing is making the players scared to pass the bloody thing for fear of more booing. Take a look at you if your one of the plebs that do the above and back the team or stay away.

I get your drift but the players need to be stronger than that ffs. Next you'll be asking the opposition to back off as our players lose confidence playing teams better than them.

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I get your drift but the players need to be stronger than that ffs. Next you'll be asking the opposition to back off as our players lose confidence playing teams better than them.

Not at all mate, they need to man up I get that but support the team not bloody boo all the time!

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Is it just where I sit in Block D of the Dolman or are there other parts of the ground with moaning, whinging idiots?


For a while now all they do is moan if we pass the ball back, moan if we hit a long pass, moan if we try a shot etc. Christ they even moaned when Waggy passed the ball back to the keeper in the last minute but failed to notice he was injuried and could hardly walk let alone pick out a 40 yard pass.


You are with your moaning, slagging off, booing players making an embarrassment of the club, and don't give me this bollox about I pay for a ticket so I can do what I want, bullshit!!! All you are doing is making the players scared to pass the bloody thing for fear of more booing. Take a look at you if your one of the plebs that do the above and back the team or stay away.


Another clueless display from a group of players earning thousands and thousands a week....they probally earn more in three weeks then what we do in a year...yet this bunch cannot even get the basics right.


I just cant get over how shocking we are, not only as a team, but as a club. 


The fans deserve so much better and to call them wa*kers is laughable.  The fans have been patient and have stuck by this moronic board for the last few years, whilst they make mistake...after mistake...after mistake.  Lansdown Senior and Junior, Keith Dawe....and the rest of the clowns running the show, have destroyed this club.


I said years ago, on this very forum....Lansdown should have appointed someone to help him run the football club, like Reading had with Hammond.  The fact he didn't and still hasn't...proves how big the guys ego is.


Fans moaning at games?? they are lucky were not in Italy! by now they would have stormed the board room and training ground

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Is it just where I sit in Block D of the Dolman or are there other parts of the ground with moaning, whinging idiots?


For a while now all they do is moan if we pass the ball back, moan if we hit a long pass, moan if we try a shot etc. Christ they even moaned when Waggy passed the ball back to the keeper in the last minute but failed to notice he was injuried and could hardly walk let alone pick out a 40 yard pass.


You are with your moaning, slagging off, booing players making an embarrassment of the club, and don't give me this bollox about I pay for a ticket so I can do what I want, bullshit!!! All you are doing is making the players scared to pass the bloody thing for fear of more booing. Take a look at you if your one of the plebs that do the above and back the team or stay away.

Roll. We have an utter embarassment of a team, a total pile of steaming crap and you expect people to sit there and take it like a bunch of brainwashed North Koreans? If those bunch of losers on the pitch are scared to pass the ball for fear of being booed then they should not be playing professional football in the first place. (in fact one might argue they shouldnt anyway).

I appreciate your frustration at yet another completely clueless and embarassing performance but blaming the fans is totally the wrong thing to do. The fact that we turn up at all should be commended, given that what we are watching can barely be called football.

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Is it just where I sit in Block D of the Dolman or are there other parts of the ground with moaning, whinging idiots?


For a while now all they do is moan if we pass the ball back, moan if we hit a long pass, moan if we try a shot etc. Christ they even moaned when Waggy passed the ball back to the keeper in the last minute but failed to notice he was injuried and could hardly walk let alone pick out a 40 yard pass.


You are with your moaning, slagging off, booing players making an embarrassment of the club, and don't give me this bollox about I pay for a ticket so I can do what I want, bullshit!!! All you are doing is making the players scared to pass the bloody thing for fear of more booing. Take a look at you if your one of the plebs that do the above and back the team or stay away.


While I do have a smidge of empathy as a public Bristolians are negative....However what seperates the men from the boys in pro football (and perhaps life in general) is mental strength!  


Pro footballers accept the fact that fans will have there say as part of the price of being paid the wages they are....particularly at our football club!...We have players Fontaine, Flint, El Abt et al that need to put their big boy undies on suck it up and turn it around!...And stop people having to make excuses for them and blaming miserable Fred in the Dullmoan, who'll be back earning his semi-skilled wage at Filton tomorrow morning!!

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I sat in a new seat in the Dolman to escape the rain. Trust my luck to pick the Taurettes section.

one poor chap had a particularly nasty tic that meant every two minutes he would stand up an uncontrollably scream "@@#$ ing useless! Get that @$*$ off now!"

This of course increased in frequency as the game wore on, particularly after the third substitution had been made.

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I sat in a new seat in the Dolman to escape the rain. Trust my luck to pick the Taurettes section.

one poor chap had a particularly nasty tic that meant every two minutes he would stand up an uncontrollably scream "@@#$ ing useless! Get that @$*$ off now!"

This of course increased in frequency as the game wore on, particularly after the third substitution had been made.

To be fair, if you'd been supporting City for 50+ years, you might have a tendency towards Tourette's Syndrome, too :(

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I have nothing against people moaning in a game or even booing (though I don't see much benefit that it brings). What frustrates me more those people who will moan about players before they've even done anything remotely worth moaning about. If you don't think a player is much cop that's fine but to be reminded of that fact every time that player then touches the ball in every subsequent game is just ******* annoying.


And then there are the moaners who moan because a player didn't do something that they think they should of done without engaging their brains and realising that the player doesn't have the benefit of sitting in the elevated position that they are in and so can't necessarily see the player free on the side of the pitch or the player making a run out of their peripheral vision.


That's my moan over!

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I have nothing against people moaning in a game or even booing (though I don't see much benefit that it brings). What frustrates me more those people who will moan about players before they've even done anything remotely worth moaning about. If you don't think a player is much cop that's fine but to be reminded of that fact every time that player then touches the ball in every subsequent game is just ******* annoying.


And then there are the moaners who moan because a player didn't do something that they think they should of done without engaging their brains and realising that the player doesn't have the benefit of sitting in the elevated position that they are in and so can't necessarily see the player free on the side of the pitch or the player making a run out of their peripheral vision.


That's my moan over!


That can be annoying, but people pay good money and are entitled to express their views. Even if they're wrong.

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It's amateurish stuff down there at the moment, you see better decisions made on the Downs.


They get paid very well for this level and to have the nerve to call themselves professionals is pathetic.


The goals last night proved that there is no awareness, fight, passion or determination in the whole squad.


We are going down without a fight again.

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