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Does Anyone Know

Bristol Rob

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Where I can get one of the special City shirts I've seen?


I noticed it this evening - of course it might be down to the sterling work by our wonderful kit-man 'Barry' Scott(y)-Murray and his skill with the Hotpoint (with support from Cilit Bang) but I'm sure it must be down to the kit.


The shirt and shorts combo I've seen (and is so special) will surely command a premium, but I think I'll get that money back in the long term.


If I can try and describe the kit, maybe someone will be able to tell me where I can get one;


The shirt looked to be a bog-standard City shirt, but this one had the number 10 on the back - the shorts were, as per usual, white.


I'm hoping that one of you will be able to tell me where I can get one of these magic shirts. A shirt that even in the most dismal conditions is able to finish 90 minutes on a quagmire of pitch as spotlessly clean as when it was first put on at the beginning of the game, the shorts have similar properties to them where despite the cut and thrust and rough and tumble of professional football, these shorts could go straight back to the supplier with a note that simply says, 'yeah, tried 'em on, they didn't fit so I'm returning them for a refund, as you can see, they've never been worn, other than to try them on'.


So information on where I can get these magical items that'll never need washing would be appreciated.


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