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Need Help - Son Injured


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My 11 year old son and I, are season ticket holders, and as usual, on our way to the game last night we walked along Winterstoke Road, until we came to Imperial Tobacco, we started to cross the wide Road, and, three quarters of the way across, a car coming from the direction of the football ground, indicated to turn right into the Imperial Tobacco car park, and to ensure that he beat the oncoming car, raced across the road, where my son and I were almost at the first island,  he just missed me, but not my son, who he ploughed straight into, sending him flying through the air to land in a heap in front of the car......  This all happened at around 7.15pm.  The car went on to park in the Imperial Car Park and I assume continued to the game, I however, had to get my son to hospital, where he has been given the all clear, just bumps and bruises, (thank god)  Imperial Tobacco have been fabulous and have given details to the police, but I wondered if anyone else witnessed the event ??   It would be good to have a new set of eyes just to confirm my details with the police, if anyone can help I would be really grateful, my son is really worried about going to football again, I am just hoping that this hasn't ruined our footballing time together......

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My 11 year old son and I, are season ticket holders, and as usual, on our way to the game last night we walked along Winterstoke Road, until we came to Imperial Tobacco, we started to cross the wide Road, and, three quarters of the way across, a car coming from the direction of the football ground, indicated to turn right into the Imperial Tobacco car park, and to ensure that he beat the oncoming car, raced across the road, where my son and I were almost at the first island,  he just missed me, but not my son, who he ploughed straight into, sending him flying through the air to land in a heap in front of the car......  This all happened at around 7.15pm.  The car went on to park in the Imperial Car Park and I assume continued to the game, I however, had to get my son to hospital, where he has been given the all clear, just bumps and bruises, (thank god)  Imperial Tobacco have been fabulous and have given details to the police, but I wondered if anyone else witnessed the event ??   It would be good to have a new set of eyes just to confirm my details with the police, if anyone can help I would be really grateful, my son is really worried about going to football again, I am just hoping that this hasn't ruined our footballing time together......

Failing to stay at the scene of an accident is an offence, if it is picked up on cctv, and it will be being near a football ground, I would say the driver is screwed.  No excuse not going to the cctv for this, and I am sure they will.


Hope your son is okay.

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Didn't see the incident, Hope your son recovers well

If it's any consolation you didn't miss much and the scum driving the car will get what he deserves

I would be angry as well if someone had just ran over a kid. Coward ran away and thought everything will be fine

I'm sure you wouldn't of been as angry as you are now if you spoke to the driver and the police sorted it out last night

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Didn't see the incident, Hope your son recovers well

If it's any consolation you didn't miss much and the scum driving the car will get what he deserves

I would be angry as well if someone had just ran over a kid. Coward ran away and thought everything will be fine

I'm sure you wouldn't of been as angry as you are now if you spoke to the driver and the police sorted it out last night

I got the wife to come round and pick us up . i new were the driver parked so i gave my self 5 min then whent to his car but he was gone 

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Awful to hear that, hope your son is on the mend now.

Did the driver stop and speak to you at the time or just drive off? Don't blame you for losing the plot

He stopped when he hit him i lost it because of the speed [ and he just hit my boy] he tried to say sorry but i was to busy screaming at him  my boy [ben ] got up and said dad i am alright 

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Did you get the lad checked out at casualty?

On Halloween I tripped over a temporary road sign that some kind person had thrown out of the cycle lane and on to the pavement. I thought I'd got away with a few scrazes.

I was wrong. The plaster came off yesterday, and I've a month or so of painful physio :(

Do get him checked out.

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Very glad to hear the boy is OK.


But why is everyone jumping on this as a hit and run?


Ted said the driver stopped, and said sorry, but Ted had 'lost it' and was screaming at him.


The boy was back on his feet and said 'Dad I'm alright' and the driver went on and parked.


Awful, frightening thing to happen, both for the lad, and for the Dad to witness, but surely not a callous 'hit and run' from ted's posts above?

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A terrible experience. I hope your son is okay Ted.


When I leave the ground I head along Ashton Road towards North Street. Some of the cars come tearing down through there straight into the crowd of people. Absolute lunatics. It's a terrible accident waiting to happen. I'd like to see traffic calming measures along there or maybe even close the road for 15-20 minutes after the game has finished.

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Did you get the lad checked out at casualty?

On Halloween I tripped over a temporary road sign that some kind person had thrown out of the cycle lane and on to the pavement. I thought I'd got away with a few scrazes.

I was wrong. The plaster came off yesterday, and I've a month or so of painful physio :(

Do get him checked out.

Yes we took him to the childrens hospital 

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A friend of mine works for Imperial Tobacco. Don't know if you have any details of the car but I'm sure he could make any enquiries into obtaining CCTV etc if required.

Thank you but i spoke to a manager yesterday at imperial and he has sent all details to the police

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Ted, I hope someone from the hierarchy at the Gate sees this post and your lad is invited to the pre match lunch and a seat in the Directors box to show that we are a club that cares. Perhaps if the Mods read this they can suggest it to the relevant people

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Ted, I hope someone from the hierarchy at the Gate sees this post and your lad is invited to the pre match lunch and a seat in the Directors box to show that we are a club that cares. Perhaps if the Mods read this they can suggest it to the relevant people

That would be nice he's had a season ticket for 5 years

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