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Farage Exposes More Bull From The E U........

Mr Mosquito

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...throughout the Earth's history the climate and gas composition of atmosphere has changed. In actual fact, it's unusual for there to be ice at the poles in geological terms, so we're actually in an ice age by definition. Man and man's activities on climate has little effect in the greater scheme.

Man cannot change the climate? Which scientific journal did you read that in?
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Well CD I claim no expertise in this area so any opinion I have is probably worthless. I entered the thread simply to challenge the statement that ''climate change is man made''. However I have for some time subscribed to the theory of ''the Delusion of Crowds'' in as much as when everyone seems to support a point of view it is quite often not necessarily the case. A good way to make some cash investing or betting by the way.

I'm by no means an expert either, but i have got some grounding in the subject. You are technically correct; climate change is an inevitability that man did not start and cannot stop. However, because we understand the processes behind 'natural' climate change and we know what gases, etc. that man is belching out through industry and the internal combustion engine, we can be pretty damn sure that we're not helping. In addition, because of our understanding of the underlying processes, we can also be sure that by reducing our output of these harmful gases we will be able to affect the rate and perhaps the extent of the climate change. Whether we'd be better served spending money on preparing for the inevitable rise of sea level than reducing carbon emissions, but I think the added benefit of a universal improvement in health (which is a different, though heavily related discussion) from breathing in less particulate, less volatilised metals, VOCs, etc. means we need to reduce industrial emissions as a matter of urgency
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Who gives really cares?, at the end of the day the earth will disappear as a life supporting planet as the Sun dies.


We are not killing the planet, the planet is killing us as it reacts to what we belch out into it.


Either way we are all ****ed

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