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What ******* Liberty

Esmond Million's Bung

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we live in a litigious society - who will insure the state against claims if it goes around fitting second hand electrical equipment into vulnerable people's houses? what will happen to the warrenty on the stairs? what if some gran shoots up the stairs like in that film 'gremlins'?


Yes I am aware of this, sadly the legal gravy train supported by hordes of failed solicitors and barristers in parliament and greedily and endlessly squeezed by the ambulance chasing legal profession, has managed to convince the 'litigious society' that 'where there's blame, there's a claim', but has forgotten that sometimes in life shit happens.



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Most people accept the need for and accept taxation.

What makes our blood boil is just how much of this hard earned dosh gets wasted.

I recon over 1/2 of my tax is p****d up against the wall by one government / council dept or another.


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