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Before I start I just want to make this clear, this is not meant to be a negative moaning post, it's supposed to be a kind of assessment of how the fans are relating to the club.


So I use the word detachment as the post title because I think it's fair to say that it's something I am feeling with the club right now. I could put it down to poor results, I could put it down to the board, I could put it down to the manager or the players but I don't think it's one specific thing right now, I think it's the club as a whole.


I was wondering who else is feeling detached from the club and how severe it is for you? Personally I think a large part of the issue for me is the arguing on these forums and between fans, it's almost become a competition to see who has the right answer. One person says one thing, another argues with him, insults begin to go back and forth, it's almost like our fanbase have become children who can't get along. Is this the reason we're doing so bad? No obviously it's not but it's hardly bringing the fans together.


This made me realise, my main reason not to go is the current fans attitude, the feeling. I'm sure I'll be abused for not being "loyal" because I don't go every week but this is a part of the problem. Many fans can't go each week, my family and location makes it impossible to begin with but being abused for having a different opinion and being told I'm an idiot and not a "true fan" is hardly helpful and something you would think a good fan would not do to another.


This brings me to my question, what is it currently that makes you feel detached from the club? It's plain to see I'm not alone in feeling detached, even if my reasons are different from others.

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The impression I'm getting is attendance will continue to decline, more and more people are reaching their personal line.

It's similar with the economic state, morale is low.

Love to see lower ticket pricing and the club busting a gut to get people enthused again, but I feel a general state of cynisism.

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Felt a bit detached and offended yesterday. When approaching the dolman turnstiles yesterday the steward asked me to raise my arms so that I could be searched. I said no I wasn't to which he replied that I would not be allowed in so I reluctantly did as he requested and in I went. At 61 this is all totally unnecessary, having been supporting for 55 years it's not the crappy football that will stop me going (it's never stopped me before) it's being treated in this type of way at my age.

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Felt a bit detached and offended yesterday. When approaching the dolman turnstiles yesterday the steward asked me to raise my arms so that I could be searched. I said no I wasn't to which he replied that I would not be allowed in so I reluctantly did as he requested and in I went. At 61 this is all totally unnecessary, having been supporting for 55 years it's not the crappy football that will stop me going (it's never stopped me before) it's being treated in this type of way at my age.

I absolutely  hate being searched, and considering I go on the ground quite early they still search me like I'm going in to blow the place up, but at the end of the day they're doing their jobs the stewards, even though I have this feeling they enjoy searching people

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I find the forum infuriating. Some people are still carrying O'Driscoll, some even haven't yet put down McInnes. The knives are now out for Cotterill - I suggested March but apparently that was too optimistic :( Incidentally, my favourite example of forum idiocy had nothing to do with football. A poster couldn't see why anyone might object to a ban on something that he personally disliked. There's no hope for some people...


But, hey, it's my choice to be on the forum, and I can hold my own.


That's not what distances me from the club, though. It's the feeling of alienation that comes over me when I approach Ashton Gate. I feel that it's no longer our club. I feel that it's a faceless PLC with zero concern for the supporters.


Typical is, that despite having to arrive early to handle the POTD queues, I still can't get a drink under the stand in which I'll be sitting. Equally typically, those who can see no problem with this.


When I read about a supporter with a pin in his ankle being forced to walk the line on suspicion of drunkenness*, of supporters in The East End having their tickets checked twice despite repeated promises that it would not happen, when I taste the shite food and disgusting coffee, when POTD is made as inconvenient as possible, I wonder why the frack should I pour money into a Corporation that doesn't give a shit about me and the other fans.


Yes, we still play in Red and it's not the Hargreaves Lansdown Stadium, but in some ways it might as well be.


* If it had been me, I'd have demonstrated that I could walk in a straight line out of the stadium for good, but maybe that's just me.


PS Read the two previous posts in conjunction with this to get the full horrible picture :(

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Felt a bit detached and offended yesterday. When approaching the dolman turnstiles yesterday the steward asked me to raise my arms so that I could be searched. I said no I wasn't to which he replied that I would not be allowed in so I reluctantly did as he requested and in I went. At 61 this is all totally unnecessary, having been supporting for 55 years it's not the crappy football that will stop me going (it's never stopped me before) it's being treated in this type of way at my age.

Seriously? That is absolutely outrageous, I'm 32 and didn't get searched, I've never been searched going to a home game. I've been searched plenty of times at away games.
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Outrageous?  Nah.

From my experiences generally people aren't searched going into the Dolman but I've been searched going onto the EE. It doesn't really bother me TBH. I would rather be searched on the way in that some nutter get in with something he shouldn't, no matter how small the chances of that are.

Paying customers can't even get into a concert nowadays without being searched, even the darts have the same at the Ally pally. I appreciate it's a tad OTT but wonder wether people would be so bothered if the results were better?

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Outrageous?  Nah.

From my experiences generally people aren't searched going into the Dolman but I've been searched going onto the EE. It doesn't really bother me TBH. I would rather be searched on the way in that some nutter get in with something he shouldn't, no matter how small the chances of that are.

Paying customers can't even get into a concert nowadays without being searched, even the darts have the same at the Ally pally. I appreciate it's a tad OTT but wonder wether people would be so bothered if the results were better?


Curious. I wasn't searched when I went into the Colston Hall to see Aida last night, and neither was my lady wife.

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The ironic thing is, we'd probably feel more detached the higher up the leagues we went. I'm sure most non-league fans feel a lot more connected to their club than Man U/Chelsea fans.


Personally, I feel people take football far too seriously.


For me, I buy a ST because I love the game, and love supporting my local team. Of course the highs are better than the lows, but you'll never see me angry after a defeat. Disappointed maybe, but not angry. 


I'm not feeling particularly detached at the moment, because I don't place too much importance on footy.

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You'll notice that I haven't mentioned the football in my comments, and neither have most here. When you've supported any team for as long as I have, you'll have experienced the miserable times. The consolation is that it always gets better if you wait long enough.


It's the miserable atmosphere created by the club management that turns me off. If they don't want us to come, why don't they just say so?

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Aiz, I was searched going to see Paul Weller in a bleedin' field at Westonbirt last summer and going into the Ally Pally for the darts over the new year. It didn't bother me in all honesty and I can't see why it would.


It bothers me, but maybe I grew up in a less totalitarian era.

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What I think it is, is that us fans can't face the fact that we are a poor team and fed up of playing poorly as a club we should easily be in the championship but have we haven't got players to be there once the board realise we are going down hill and need a big change we will gradually rise and reach the heights of where we can dream we are

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Modern football.

It is not our club anymore and it never will be.

Football is dying, and unless fans (from all over the country) wake up and realise that, then very soon, football will be dead.

Top post, couldn't agree more, the day out at league football is no longer the game i grew up with. Even though i am still a season ticket holder i get more enjoyment now watching grass roots football.

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Aiz, I was searched going to see Paul Weller in a bleedin' field at Westonbirt last summer and going into the Ally Pally for the darts over the new year. It didn't bother me in all honesty and I can't see why it would.

Do you look like you're smuggling hedgehogs?

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Outrageous?  Nah.

From my experiences generally people aren't searched going into the Dolman but I've been searched going onto the EE. It doesn't really bother me TBH. I would rather be searched on the way in that some nutter get in with something he shouldn't, no matter how small the chances of that are.

Paying customers can't even get into a concert nowadays without being searched, even the darts have the same at the Ally pally. I appreciate it's a tad OTT but wonder wether people would be so bothered if the results were better?

Don't know how old you are but at my age (61) I think it's outrageous to be searched going into the ground as a season ticket holder. I hope I don't look like a nutter trying to get in with something I shouldn't what ever that might be as it was not exactly a high risk game. Just Pisses me off that I get subjected to such nonsense going into the ground I have been for 55 years. As I said I can put up with rubbish football as I've seen worse than we're watching now but it's stuff like this that will eventually stop me going.

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Don't know how old you are but at my age (61) I think it's outrageous to be searched going into the ground as a season ticket holder. I hope I don't look like a nutter trying to get in with something I shouldn't what ever that might be as it was not exactly a high risk game. Just Pisses me off that I get subjected to such nonsense going into the ground I have been for 55 years. As I said I can put up with rubbish football as I've seen worse than we're watching now but it's stuff like this that will eventually stop me going.


I'm not as old as your good self aa and I kind of agree with you, but, entrance into alot of modern day arena's are governed by sanctimonious rubbish like being searched on entry. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but we appear to be stuck with it!

The choice appears to be search on entry or don't enter WTGR. I do not understand why it's such an issue in all honesty. I'm sure the security people that have to carry out these searches are more fed up checking 1000's of people than we are.

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For starters I should say that through disability I am no longer able to attend games. However I doubt whether I would if I could. The reason for that detachment? Well, it's not simply a question of performances or league position. I have rarely had such fun as I had when we were in Div 4 under Terry Cooper for instance. Rather it's to do with the culture of the club.


First, the impression of disdain for supporters given by those administering the club. Repeated cock ups, half-hearted apologies, broken promises, terrible catering and so on tell their own story. This is hardly unusual in modern football but a club of our size at our level needs to do a hell of a lot better to retain let alone attract support. Big Prem clubs can take a sod the fans attitude if the stadium is going to be sold out every game anyway. Bristol City can't, a point that seems to completely escape everybody from Steve downwards. Steve's a nice guy. So is Dave L. Those I have never met may well be jolly decent chaps as well. But actions speak louder than words. All sorts of crap organisations claim to be customer-oriented. Most of them are nothing of the sort, their aim is to screw the customer. Saying one thing and doing another will only generate cynicism.


On the football side, for long periods the culture has been similarly wrong. Players have flocked here because they know the chances are that they will be well paid for failure because low expectations are acceptable. Experienced players will sign up as a means of topping up their pension fund while living the easy life in a nice part of the country. Low standards of professionalism have prevailed too often and not been dealt with by managers.Getting pissed and buying flash cars has been the first priority for too many players. Jobs for the boys on the coaching staff and new contracts for non-performing or non playing players shows the club is often a soft touch. I could go on.


I thought the corner had been turned when Johnson came in and cleaned out the stables but sadly, having been successful through hard work and good organisation the players evidently decided they were better than they were (which was the prevailing attitude Pulis, for all his faults, rightly identified) and decided they didn't have to do that stuff any more. Egos became bloated, Johnson stayed too loyal, allowed the culture to drift again, lost control of the situation and himself forgot the things that had worked. That put the players back in charge. Appointing a weak manager like Millen (let's gloss over Coppell) was exactly the wrong thing to do as it played into the players' hands. So the decline continued. In any wlak of life you can have the most talented people around but if the culture is wrong you will fail.


I can't comment on the current squad, apart from the one or two hangers on who will hopefully be out of the door soon. Suffice it to say that given the choice  I would not be handing my money over to what still looks like a dysfunctional club.


What about loyalty I hear you cry? I suggest that loyalty to Bristol City as an entity that has a place in our hearts does not require loyalty to each and every owner or employee who passes through. Otherwise should we not all have been loyal to Pulis? It does not benefit the club in the long term to sit back and accept all the flaws I suggest above in the name of loyalty. Liverpool fans did not back Hicks and Gillette they forced them out; they force Hodgson out too. I would not question their loyalty to Liverpool FC as a result. Quite the opposite..


I no longer have the strength nor the opportunity but I would suggest loyal fans follow Peter Finch in the great movie Network and declare "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore". Otherwise be prepared for a lot more of the same.

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There is a form of metaphor in the opening posters picture. The club through its actions over years confirms it has lost sight of what the C in FC is.

My "we" has ceased to be part of their "us". My "we" is a separate entity to the club. "We" are relegated to consumers.

The club itself is only a club in name.

If that is hard to understood, think about how this club has managed to send out a team looking like Star Trek extras in the past, and has Directors who are not fans of BCFC talking about brands.

BCFC and its pillars = Talking bollocks.

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Almost severed but not quite detached; This club has been a big part of my life since 1967, when I went to all home and most away in those following 10yrs or so; since then my interest and attendance has faded as the years have gone by.

Has the fun gone or have I just got old? well the recent P.C rubbish has certainly not helped but moving away was also a factor.

More important things have pushed "watching football" down the list of things to spend my dwindling cash supply on, even that said could have gone yesterday had the money and time...................truth is cant be bothered with it much now, too much hassle for little to no reward. Been there done that as they say :dunno: will say my goodbyes to the Eastend after that it well will be..........a while.

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