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wasnt really a headbut was it? more of an over-reaction there. Although he shouldnt have squared up to the player. The press have made out like he knocked the blokes head off.


He should've got more of a punishment for dropping the C-bomb the other week which was caught on camera.

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He has obviously messed up but anyone else thinking far too much has been made of this?

When I heard all the reports of the radio I thought it was a serious head butt but there wasn't anywhere near as much in it.

Yes and no. He's 3-1 up yet acted like a pillock. The whole circumstances around it just makes it worse in my eyes.

Should know better and if I was Ashley I'd spot this as a chance to bin him off his ludicrously long-term contract with nil pay off as gross misconduct. I'd have the board meeting monday AM with the club's legal team. First business would be 'if we replace what candidate is out there?' Secondly would be 'would a gross misconduct dismissal stand up?' - the answers to question one and two would determine Pardew's future.

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He has obviously messed up but anyone else thinking far too much has been made of this? 


When I heard all the reports of the radio I thought it was a serious head butt but there wasn't anywhere near as much in it.


I think it will blow over he will get a ban and a big fine.

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