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Liverpool United / Spurs Arsenal...


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I was wrong, I thought Flanagan was Irish!!

He looks to be some talent. Man Utd should have put more pressure on himwhen the ref gave him his final warning. Get someone running at him and force him into a mistake.

Even at 2 nil Liverpool never looked comfortable, had utd got a goal there would have been a comeback.

As I previously said Liverpools tactics were to sit back and soak up pressure then hit Utd on the counter by using their excellent pace on the wings. Time and time again this caused problems. However they didn't take the game to Utd and control the game as people suggest. Had it been attack after attack full on attack then I would understanf peoples comments but it was a classic counter attacking system. They will only get so far playing that system as it's far too one dimensional.

Why do people pay so much attention to shots on target and base that as how good a team as be? I prefer to go by goal scoring oppertunities and that was pretty even if i'm honest.

Rvp had a few clear cut chances but his finishing was dreadful, Rooney one or two, Fellani also had a few. Had they been put away completely different game.

Man Utd were not bad and Liverpool were not excellent. Pretty even game. The only difference were the pens. United should have had one or possibly two also.

I can't stand that people follow the pundits opinions instead of forming their own opinions.

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Think utd were lucky it was only three. Rafael should of been sent off for the handball deffo booking and second half was lucky to escape again for a blatant foul. They were outplayed and Liverpool were more commited than utd were.

Liverpool were lucky they managed to get 3. Take away the pens or give Man Utd one of their shouts and it was a 1 nil or a 1-1 game. People get clouded by the scoreline.
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How arrogant of you. Perhaps they are their own opinions. Just because they agree with a pundit doesn't mean it is copied.

When people see it as a one sided game when it clearly wasn't then it's easy to assume they are following what the pundits say.

Most people want United to fail so opinions get skewed because of that. I watched a good game of football between two sides. Penalties aside it was a pretty even game, Utd should have had one too. Both teams had good chances, no team dominated and both made mistakes.

But as it's the much loved Liverpool and the much hated Utd then people see the game with rose tinted glasses.

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He looks to be some talent. Man Utd should have put more pressure on himwhen the ref gave him his final warning. Get someone running at him and force him into a mistake.

Even at 2 nil Liverpool never looked comfortable, had utd got a goal there would have been a comeback.

As I previously said Liverpools tactics were to sit back and soak up pressure then hit Utd on the counter by using their excellent pace on the wings. Time and time again this caused problems. However they didn't take the game to Utd and control the game as people suggest. Had it been attack after attack full on attack then I would understanf peoples comments but it was a classic counter attacking system. They will only get so far playing that system as it's far too one dimensional.

Why do people pay so much attention to shots on target and base that as how good a team as be? I prefer to go by goal scoring oppertunities and that was pretty even if i'm honest.

Rvp had a few clear cut chances but his finishing was dreadful, Rooney one or two, Fellani also had a few. Had they been put away completely different game.

Man Utd were not bad and Liverpool were not excellent. Pretty even game. The only difference were the pens. United should have had one or possibly two also.

I can't stand that people follow the pundits opinions instead of forming their own opinions.

I have to disagree with you and say that Liverpool never looked in danger. Should of had two other penalties and man u should of been down to ten men in the first half.

Both me and my friend commented that Liverpool were shy at pulling the trigger at times and appeared to want to walk the ball in.

Man u did nothing for large periods of the game. Including the first 40 odd minutes. Once Liverpool got their noses in front they didn't have to take chances and were able to play on the counter. Up until that point man u had barely had the ball in Liverpool's half.

I can only recall rvp having one meaningful chance and that was the header when already 2 down. The only others I recall he hit the side netting when offside twice.

My main feeling was Liverpool were not even playing at full tilt. It felt like if they needed to they could go up a gear. Man u looked to lack ideas.

So I'm perfectly capable of making my own mind up thank you.

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I agree Liverpool deserved it...just. what I don't agree with is theassumption that they dominated the game when they clearly didn't. The full match stats even show that Liverpool just about edged it. I just can't agree on the domination many are saying it is and the match stats back me up on that. Most of the stats show it was fairly even with pool marginally edging some stats.

The penalties changed the game, before that it was pretty even. Take them out and it would have been a draw or a sneaky 1 nil for one of the teams.

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I have to disagree with you and say that Liverpool never looked in danger. Should of had two other penalties and man u should of been down to ten men in the first half.

Both me and my friend commented that Liverpool were shy at pulling the trigger at times and appeared to want to walk the ball in.

Man u did nothing for large periods of the game. Including the first 40 odd minutes. Once Liverpool got their noses in front they didn't have to take chances and were able to play on the counter. Up until that point man u had barely had the ball in Liverpool's half.

I can only recall rvp having one meaningful chance and that was the header when already 2 down. The only others I recall he hit the side netting when offside twice.

My main feeling was Liverpool were not even playing at full tilt. It felt like if they needed to they could go up a gear. Man u looked to lack ideas.

So I'm perfectly capable of making my own mind up thank you.

United had decent shouts too... but as it was the luck was with pool in this game. It cpuld be said that's karma for United considering the amount of times luck has gone their way at OT.

Without wishing to cause offence to you or your friend the match stats show pool had 8 shots from outside the area compared to uniteds 2. Hardly trying to walk it in. As I previously said pool are one dimensional, they hit teams on the counter with their pace by running at them, that will only take them so far. They havn't the skill nor the quality to play any other way. It's because they play like this that you got the impression they were attempting to walk it in.

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I agree Liverpool deserved it...just. what I don't agree with is theassumption that they dominated the game when they clearly didn't. The full match stats even show that Liverpool just about edged it. I just can't agree on the domination many are saying it is and the match stats back me up on that. Most of the stats show it was fairly even with pool marginally edging some stats.

The penalties changed the game, before that it was pretty even. Take them out and it would have been a draw or a sneaky 1 nil for one of the teams.

But man utd had one shot on target and when Liverpool got there first penalty rafael should of been sent off. This would of changed the game completely. Apart from rvp header and Rooney effort in the 1st half they had no clear cut chances.

They were outplayed and just goes to show fergie left moyes a duff team and got out when he knew the task was too hard.

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Liverpool were lucky they managed to get 3. Take away the pens or give Man Utd one of their shouts and it was a 1 nil or a 1-1 game. People get clouded by the scoreline.

I am totally fed up with the game being played like this. It's not football, it's all about who can win a penalty and get players booked or sent off as well.

I didn't see the game yesterday, just saw the incidents later, so not sure how much of this happened. It's not just this match though is it. It seems more and more that there is so much riding on the results of matches that some players will try to get the decision against the opposition rather than play football. Instead of going for goal they try to win the pen and have the player sent off as a bonus, win/ win. It's wrong.

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How can you describe a Chelsea title as "sneaking it"?

Chelsea have to play at Anfield after winning the home fixture and have beaten Man City in both games this season.

Before the game last night apparently Chelsea were champions and couldn't be caught. Liverpool beat a mid table non entity and are suddenly world beaters.


Chelsea are a great side with a great manager but they've not got the fire power of Liverpool and Manchester City up front. Liverpool and Manchester City are way ahead of Chelsea on goal difference and Chelsea have dropped points away against relatively poor opposition this season. In this respect, Chelsea will "sneak" the title if they win it.

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He looks to be some talent. Man Utd should have put more pressure on himwhen the ref gave him his final warning. Get someone running at him and force him into a mistake.

Even at 2 nil Liverpool never looked comfortable, had utd got a goal there would have been a comeback.

As I previously said Liverpools tactics were to sit back and soak up pressure then hit Utd on the counter by using their excellent pace on the wings. Time and time again this caused problems. However they didn't take the game to Utd and control the game as people suggest. Had it been attack after attack full on attack then I would understanf peoples comments but it was a classic counter attacking system. They will only get so far playing that system as it's far too one dimensional.

Why do people pay so much attention to shots on target and base that as how good a team as be? I prefer to go by goal scoring oppertunities and that was pretty even if i'm honest.

Rvp had a few clear cut chances but his finishing was dreadful, Rooney one or two, Fellani also had a few. Had they been put away completely different game.

Man Utd were not bad and Liverpool were not excellent. Pretty even game. The only difference were the pens. United should have had one or possibly two also.

I can't stand that people follow the pundits opinions instead of forming their own opinions.


Liverpool never looked under threat at any point of the game. They won the midfield battle which was always going to happen with united out numbered and didn't use wingers so they could allow Sturridge and Suarez to stay up front which caused United problems all afternoon.

United and one real effort and a few half chances all game. De gea made a world class save against Suarez and Sturridge missed a few good opportunities. Havn't ever seen an away team win so comfortably at Old Trafford.

United had the better 11 players on paper but were beaten by a team with more hunger and desire.

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United had decent shouts too... but as it was the luck was with pool in this game. It cpuld be said that's karma for United considering the amount of times luck has gone their way at OT.

Without wishing to cause offence to you or your friend the match stats show pool had 8 shots from outside the area compared to uniteds 2. Hardly trying to walk it in. As I previously said pool are one dimensional, they hit teams on the counter with their pace by running at them, that will only take them so far. They havn't the skill nor the quality to play any other way. It's because they play like this that you got the impression they were attempting to walk it in.



No offence taken, this is what forums are for- I enjoy a good old disagreement. However the fact that the players were "running at them" was not the reason I "got the impression they were attempting to walk it in"


Liverpool may well of had more shots from outside the box (I'm confused as to why you can use shot stats to back your opinion yet when others did they weren't a fair representation of the game) but there were many occasions when Suarez or Sturridge were in the penalty area and rather than have a pop they tried to beat a man or a difficult pass that didn't come off. Many times they got to the byline and crossed it to no one at the back post (or to 3ft tall Sterling trying to out jump Fellaini) This is very unlike both these players as they both love to shoot and are both more than capable of scoring from the positions they were in.


You keep saying Liverpool are one dimensional- yet for the first 40 minutes they pressed very high up the pitch and dominated the ball- You could say a very similar style to Barca and Bayern (No I'm not saying Liverpool are anywhere near that good). Difference was that as soon as they went ahead they sat back and were able to play their counter attacking game- something they are incredibly good at.


I may sound like I'm very pro Liverpool- I'm not, I couldn't care for them at all (or any prem team for that matter). I just feel you are doing them a disservice in your assessment of the game. You also appear to be the only person who thinks the game was close -bare in mind that I'm typing this in an office in Manchester having spoke to people who were at the game.

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But man utd had one shot on target and when Liverpool got there first penalty rafael should of been sent off. This would of changed the game completely. Apart from rvp header and Rooney effort in the 1st half they had no clear cut chances.

They were outplayed and just goes to show fergie left moyes a duff team and got out when he knew the task was too hard.

But they wasn't outplayed at all. Liverpool slightly edged it but it wasn't total domination like people are suggesting. Look at match stats they only slightly swing in Liverpools favour.

It's pointless looking at shots on target, clear cut chances are more of measure of a game. You can be in the 6 yard box and not shoot on target but be outside the area and hit a poor shot but it's on target so shots on target are not an indication of clear cut chances. If we talk about clear cut chances then once again it was pretty even.

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In general I have no particular interest in premier league teams, and especially the mega rich clubs at the top end. However, I am pleased to see that it looks like we have a proper fight to the end of the season with 4 teams appearing to have a genuine shot at the tile.


I have been bored with Man U's dominance over the last 20 years and the arrogant attitude of too many of their fans and in particular the Johnniecomelately plastic fans jumping on the band wagon, so it is good to see them brought down a peg or two. In the past I've viewed Liverpool a bit along similar lines, and have become a bit weary of the constant bleating of 'Pool fans, but I have been impressed with their renaissance under Rogers. They are pretty compelling to watch when going forward and suspect that it must be pretty scary being a defender confronted with Sturridge, Suarez and Sterling running at you. Rogers has them playing good football  and if they can strengthen their defence they will be a real force if they can secure champions league football and keep their manager and best players. 

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But they wasn't outplayed at all. Liverpool slightly edged it but it wasn't total domination like people are suggesting. Look at match stats they only slightly swing in Liverpools favour.

It's pointless looking at shots on target, clear cut chances are more of measure of a game. You can be in the 6 yard box and not shoot on target but be outside the area and hit a poor shot but it's on target so shots on target are not an indication of clear cut chances. If we talk about clear cut chances then once again it was pretty even.


Liverpool were miles better, probably their easiest win this season.

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If all goes well, we'll meet Man U in the Championship for the 2015-16 season. :P


Does anyone remember the Div 2 season 1974-75 when Man U last played us in the second division? I still remember my Grandmother being furious about all the shops that the Man U Red Army smashed up in Bedminster. :shifty:

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When people see it as a one sided game when it clearly wasn't then it's easy to assume they are following what the pundits say.

Most people want United to fail so opinions get skewed because of that. I watched a good game of football between two sides. Penalties aside it was a pretty even game, Utd should have had one too. Both teams had good chances, no team dominated and both made mistakes.

But as it's the much loved Liverpool and the much hated Utd then people see the game with rose tinted glasses.



"Much loved Liverpool???"


By dint of having lived up here for 30 years, Liverpool are my second team (nowhere near to City but the ONLY other team whose scores I look out for).  That may make me a 'plastic' but there you go.  Over the last few years I have read god knows how many posts on here slagging off Liverpool and Scousers, whilst I agree with much of it, I have many friends who are scouse and, in any event, it is a stereotype and they are never 100%.


Yet now I read that Liverpool are "much loved" on here?!  Good God!  Do a search on the word 'Liverpool' and see what you find.


Sorry but the entire broadcast and print media have been fulsome in their praise of Liverpool's game yesterday, the majority of posters on here have said versions of "I don't really care either way, but Liverpool were good" and there is you claiming that this is all some anti United propaganda - WOW!

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Interesting flash back there Red Goblin.


You don't hear anything of the Manchester United Red Army and their antics these days but I remember them always being in the news in the 70s. They'd travel by train and when 10,000 of them appeared in any away day town or city they could swarm and takeover.

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If all goes well, we'll meet Man U in the Championship for the 2015-16 season. :P


Does anyone remember the Div 2 season 1974-75 when Man U last played us in the second division? I still remember my Grandmother being furious about all the shops that the Man U Red Army smashed up in Bedminster. :shifty:

Don't recall United coming to Ashton Gate, but I do recall my great-aunt, who lived in Stapleton Road/Fishponds area being petrified when they were heading to Eastville.


This book has a decent bit on their time in Division 2:


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You don't hear anything of the Manchester United Red Army and their antics these days but I remember them always being in the news in the 70s. They'd travel by train and when 10,000 of them appeared in any away day town or city they could swarm and takeover.

The basic premise was that it was impossible to police 10-15,000 away fans, and thus they essentially owned the town for the day.

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Don't recall United coming to Ashton Gate, but I do recall my great-aunt, who lived in Stapleton Road/Fishponds area being petrified when they were heading to Eastville.


This book has a decent bit on their time in Division 2:



The last time I read of Manchester United's Red Army in the national press was when they turned over some jewellery shops in Switzerland - during the 80s? They played us in the league at Ashton Gate 5 times during the 70s - once in Div 2 and 4 times in Div 1 (1976-80).

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He looks to be some talent. Man Utd should have put more pressure on himwhen the ref gave him his final warning. Get someone running at him and force him into a mistake.

Even at 2 nil Liverpool never looked comfortable, had utd got a goal there would have been a comeback.

As I previously said Liverpools tactics were to sit back and soak up pressure then hit Utd on the counter by using their excellent pace on the wings. Time and time again this caused problems. However they didn't take the game to Utd and control the game as people suggest. Had it been attack after attack full on attack then I would understanf peoples comments but it was a classic counter attacking system. They will only get so far playing that system as it's far too one dimensional.

Why do people pay so much attention to shots on target and base that as how good a team as be? I prefer to go by goal scoring oppertunities and that was pretty even if i'm honest.

Rvp had a few clear cut chances but his finishing was dreadful, Rooney one or two, Fellani also had a few. Had they been put away completely different game.

Man Utd were not bad and Liverpool were not excellent. Pretty even game. The only difference were the pens. United should have had one or possibly two also.

I can't stand that people follow the pundits opinions instead of forming their own opinions.

your fighting a losing battle here, I can't stand both and even I thought liverpool should of won by 5 or 6, man u were awful in fact its the worst I've every seen them pay (all be it mainly on the tele),

Liverpool controled the midfield and Stirling was creating and generally being a pain, Man U had no answer for him, his pace exploted man U's defense all day,

Man U's front four of mata Rooney RVP and that young polish lad looked like they had only just met infact I think you can count on one hand how much they had passed the ball between them,

With Chelsea and Man City having to go to Anfield we may well see Liverpool as champions, they are hitting form at the right time,

Arsenal (the team I do have a soft spot for) will only finish 4th and celebrate like they have won the champions league

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