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Equal Rights And Opportunitys

Major Isewater

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On one hand we have a Government who is cutting benefits to disable people and forcing disable and sick people back to work, and in some cases when they are not fit to work,cheered on by right wing voters with no compassion and social concience.

And when disable people are given a chance to work with more opportunity to find work the right wing nut cases come out of the wood work screaming discrimination and the World have gone PC mad.

Some people in society need a helping hand to get on . If they are allowed not to receive benifits surly they should have the right to work to feed themselves .

It's hard for people with disabilities to find work . It's not a level playing field and I feel they need are support not our scorn.

I hope some of the users who made crass comments do not become ill or disable or who have family members who become disable, maybe then they will view life differently.

Nice to see someone else who knows how hard it is for people like me or worse, it's so hard finding work with a disability as I know.

I got forced off benefits but they don't even give the proper help once done just force you to get a job, I ended up going back to a job that wasn't really suitable which has now made me worse, most disabled people want to work if I'm anything to go by but don't get the proper help to do this.

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On one hand we have a Government who is cutting benefits to disable people and forcing disable and sick people back to work, and in some cases when they are not fit to work,cheered on by right wing voters with no compassion and social concience.

And when disable people are given a chance to work with more opportunity to find work the right wing nut cases come out of the wood work screaming discrimination and the World have gone PC mad.

Some people in society need a helping hand to get on . If they are allowed not to receive benifits surly they should have the right to work to feed themselves .

It's hard for people with disabilities to find work . It's not a level playing field and I feel they need are support not our scorn.

I hope some of the users who made crass comments do not become ill or disable or who have family members who become disable, maybe then they will view life differently.


Excellent point.  Well made.

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Nice to see someone else who knows how hard it is for people like me or worse, it's so hard finding work with a disability as I know.

I got forced off benefits but they don't even give the proper help once done just force you to get a job, I ended up going back to a job that wasn't really suitable which has now made me worse, most disabled people want to work if I'm anything to go by but don't get the proper help to do this.


Absolutely and to carry on the French link, it was a French company hired to do this dirty work, but they've run up the white flag already (couldn't get more French than that). But i'm also reminded that in May Mrs Bung will be going into hospital for an op and will be wheelchair bound for a while and believe me France is the least wheelchair friendly country I have ever visited, so good luck to Hollande in succeeding in this quota getting them into the building will be fun.

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