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Where's The Insider Advantage? (Another Eu Thread)


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Fair play Paddy.


The Civitas report confirms what many have known - the UK gets absolutely NIL financial advantage by being in the EU.

Nada, Zip, Sweet FA.


The EU gains by the billions the UK pay in each year.


When a report like this is released, it's pretty much the final nail in the 'stay in the EU' coffin.


It's not been noted much on this forum (as it shouldn't - this is such a tiny place) but I can assure you, just about every comment in every paper regarding any anti UKIP article is making FULL reference to it.


Maybe we should ask Oxford Red  to buy more Expresso's?

To be fair, the Civitas report is completely at odds with a report from the CBI which suggests that Britain gains billions in trade with the EU. Furthermore, Civitas have always taken a stronly Euro-sceptic point of view. As a right leaning think tank, they have always been fairly anti-EU, as you can see from the titles of their other reports.


It's all down to the interpretation of the figures, and having read through the report I can say that I am unconvinced by their methodology. However, it is an interesting perspective.

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To be fair, the Civitas report is completely at odds with a report from the CBI which suggests that Britain gains billions in trade with the EU. Furthermore, Civitas have always taken a stronly Euro-sceptic point of view. As a right leaning think tank, they have always been fairly anti-EU, as you can see from the titles of their other reports.


It's all down to the interpretation of the figures, and having read through the report I can say that I am unconvinced by their methodology. However, it is an interesting perspective.


The CBI is made up from business leaders who are in life to grab money at every opportunity. These CBI business leaders are just as guilty as the various Lib-Lab-Con EU loving traitor politicians that have sold us down the river of EU subjugation. It should never be forgotten that the leader of the last German led EU project - Herr Hitler - was backed by top German industrialists to make money for - you've guessed it - top German industrialists.

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Looks like there are worries in the European Commission concerning the direction Britain is heading!   Looks like there could be sweeteners coming our way, are they really getting worried we could leave?





Charles de Gaulle never wanted England to be in the EEC because he knew that we'd eventually wreck the whole Franco-German project. That's what's now going to happen now they've riled us with massive membership fees and unrestricted immigration and giving settlement rights to foreign criminals and benefits tourists. Our anti EU stance is also giving hope of freedom to millions in Southern Europe that are currently suffering under the German led fiscal jackboot.

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It's not really just us though mate is it.


France, Italy etc all have Eurosceptic parties expected to poll very well, if not win most seats.


There will still be a German led majority, but they are worried that such a sizeable group of MEP's could simply grind Brussels to a halt.


And that would be the worst of all scenario's.


UKIP need to ensure they get the 25+ MEP's from 5  (or 7) countries group funding status - which is guaranteed pretty much anyway, without having to join Le Pen, Wilders et al.


Wether they decide to by choice later is another question.


Exactly, the Euro grouping to which UKIP belong is the 'freedom and democracy movement'. Our Lib-Lab-Con EU loving political traitors stand for dictatorship under what is fast becoming a German led EU 4th Reich.

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Its founder Umberto Bossi said illegal immigrants should be shot,


.....you'd probably get shot if you wandered into North Korea and that's a 'left-wing' country using the popular left/right paradigm. I also can't imagine North Korea or any 'left-wing' country accepting and housing benefits tourists as Britain is forced to by the EU.

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.....you'd probably get shot if you wandered into North Korea and that's a 'left-wing' country using the popular left/right paradigm. I also can't imagine North Korea or any 'left-wing' country accepting and housing benefits tourists as Britain is forced to by the EU.

So your point is that they're better than North Korea?

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So your point is that they're better than North Korea?


My point is that they are right to speak out against the EU 4th Reich Commissioners that operate with absolutely no democratic mandate. The politicians you mention and deride have been democratically elected unlike the British Labour Party's Lady Catherine Ashton who has absolutely no popular democratic mandate to apply her rules and regulations to - what are now effectively - her subject people in her EU 4th Reich.

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My point is that they are right to speak out against the EU 4th Reich Commissioners that operate with absolutely no democratic mandate. The politicians you mention and deride have been democratically elected unlike the British Labour Party's Lady Catherine Ashton who has absolutely no popular democratic mandate to apply her rules and regulations to - what are now effectively - her subject people in her EU 4th Reich.

What is it that you think the commissioners do?

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