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Sag Head Jailed


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The OP should amend his post.


Why do I need to amend my posting? All I've done is post a title & a link. I know only two were identified as Rovers, including the one who was given a custodial sentence. There's a fair chance that the other's are sags given their addresses but obviously that would be a wild & irresponsible guess.

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All five are definately sags,fact.My son knows who they are.

Even if they weren't, the offense that was deemed the most serious by the courts was carried out by one of the blue few. This is something that needs highlighting considering they spent all of the season just gone going on about sheedheads invading the pitch

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Because you said a sag was jailed, and the picture was of this Cousins guy, who wasn't.


In your own words:


There's a fair chance that the other's are sags given their addresses but obviously that would be a wild & irresponsible guess.


Not rocket salad really is it?


If the headline had said Bagnall Jailed - yes, fair enough, but neither you or I have any idea who the guy in the picture supports, yet the inference is, that he's the guy gone to jail.

Whatever, moan at the writer of the article, not me. I'm amending nothing.

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And that's why Monkeys shouldn't be given crayons.

Throw shit and it may stick.

All these blokes were absolute scum - but you can't just pull an article out of your arse and tell everyone he was a gashead

Yes, he got nicked - and yes he was probably a GHS Casual. Probably.

But you have no proof - and certainly, at anything more than a detailed read - most would assume the Cousins bloke had been jailed.

He wasn't.

And that's the point.

And why quote from an "EDL criminal page" or whatever it was, when there were dozens more links on google to Newspapers.

This thread should be pulled as well.

GHS casual :laugh:, there's nothing casual about them bunch of scruffbags

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Of course it is.


Anyone who clicks on the link will assume that the picture is of the bloke who was jailed.


So now people have to apologise and account in advance for people not bothering to read an article and caption?


You were acting as if the OP has claimed that the pictured man has been jailed, which is in direct contradiction to the text of the article. He never said anything of the sort. He simply said that a Bristol Rovers fan had been jailed, which the article confirms...


On that basis if I share an article which says "Big Macs contain 10% badger" and there's a picture of a squirrel underneath it, captioned "this is not a badger", I'm claiming that Big Macs are 10% squirrel?

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To be fair this Cousins guy is a known Rovers thug, he's got previous having been involved in rioting during an EDL march in Bristol last year, don't let's show any sympathy for him, should know better at his age

There was no EDL march last year and definitely no riot,as the song say's don't believe what you read.

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Hi Dave!

who's Dave?

Anyway the article was lifted from the Post, word for word, so don't really know where the agenda comes from. The photo was poorly placed but anyone reading the article would know that this wasn't the person with a custodial sentence.

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Of course it is.

Anyone who clicks on the link will assume that the picture is of the bloke who was jailed.

FFS......then people should not assume and read the article through.......you know what happens when people assume

How you make issue with the OP for purely posting a link is beyond me, he's not responsible for other peoples assumptions

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There was no EDL march last year and definitely no riot,as the song say's don't believe what you read.

So there wasn't a "silent march" organised by the EDL from Kingswood to St. George last May bank-holiday which led to several people barricading themselves in a pub and lobbing bottles at the police leading to several arrests? including this "nice guy" Cousins for a racial offence, all depends how you define a riot i suppose, as the song says, "don't laugh at me 'cause i'm a fool" 

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Just to clarify I know one of them extremely well. A really nice lad actually and he is NOT EDL, 100% not EDL.

I know of only the one of them, let's just say the EDL are not right-wing enough for him! as for the other 4 i have no idea 

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