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Hello Internet Censorship.


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Remarkable EU ruling forcing Google to remove search results of people who deem themselves to have a right to be forgotten.

Can of worms opened. I expect the longest queue for stuff to disappear will be from our glorious MP's, that'll keep Google busy for a few millennia alone.


To show just how hypocritical these tossbags are, here is a quote from David Davis Conservative MP ;

"The presumption by internet companies and others that they can use peoples personal information in any way they see fit is wrong, and can only happen because the legal framework in most states is still in the last century when it comes to property rights in personal information."


Oh yes David, using peoples personal information is wrong now is it, but it was o.k when GCHQ and the NSA were gathering information from large corporations around the world, listening in to Heads of state and collecting ordinary folks telephone conversations.

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Remarkable EU ruling forcing Google to remove search results of people who deem themselves to have a right to be forgotten.

Can of worms opened. I expect the longest queue for stuff to disappear will be from our glorious MP's, that'll keep Google busy for a few millennia alone.


To show just how hypocritical these tossbags are, here is a quote from David Davis Conservative MP ;

"The presumption by internet companies and others that they can use peoples personal information in any way they see fit is wrong, and can only happen because the legal framework in most states is still in the last century when it comes to property rights in personal information."


Oh yes David, using peoples personal information is wrong now is it, but it was o.k when GCHQ and the NSA were gathering information from large corporations around the world, listening in to Heads of state and collecting ordinary folks telephone conversations.


And as if by magic we have the first politician to want details removed.


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I don't know why US-based Google don't just say bugger off to the EU. They are hardly going to block the search engine to all Europeans if the company doesn't agree to to comply with the almost impossible to implement ruling.

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Step in the right direction IMO.


One of the things I do when assessing applicants for job roles is to google their name.


As teenagers these days share a lot of their drunken escapades online this could still be around when at 21 they apply for a job. If a google search reveals many photos of their vomiting copiously they are unlikely to be hired.


So they should be able to purge this online history, as you can get stupid tattoos and face piercings removed once you realise how unempolyable they make you.

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I don't know why US-based Google don't just say bugger off to the EU. They are hardly going to block the search engine to all Europeans if the company doesn't agree to to comply with the almost impossible to implement ruling.


Because the EU would stop them selling anything inside of it..

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Because the EU would stop them selling anything inside of it..

I think it's more because Google's business model relies on a presence in each area it operates. I also suspect they enjoy the tax status they attract in several EU countries, i.e. Ireland

While I agree that there are circumstances where people should be able to erase some actions from Internet searches, it's plainly going to be abused by the wealthy and powerful, in the same way that so-called super injunctions are

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