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Luke Ayling: A Glovers' View On Our New Signing

The Exiled Robin

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I too can't understand why they're quick to mention this "rivalry". They're an utter non event.

Theres a rivalry between them and the NLBR 1653ers but I always thought we got on quite well with yeovil fans and their team, I don't seem them as rivals and I always like it when they are doing well (just as long as we are doing better)

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Still don't see Yeovil as our rivals.

I like Yeovil and I like to see them do well. I also like the fact we share a mutual dislike of NLBR. Would be nice to have City as the top team in the South- west and Yeovil as second. As for Gary Johnson, he will receive a standing ovation from me when he sets foot on Ashton Gate again.

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The footage that i've seen of Luke and I am minded of the classic SAF quote re-Ryan Giggs, "I remember the first time I saw him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind." 


Luke seems very similar, 'oh, oh there's the ball, look, look there it is again', he appears incredibly driven and transfixed by the ball, I can see him being a huge hero at the Gate.

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