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Yes most definitely sir.

Sounds very much like a preconceived stitch up of Malky.

Dunno how much of it us true though but it is still bitter and twisted from the top at Redbluebirds.


Both Malky Mackay and the LMA have apologised so you'd have to assume they know they're in the wrong. Therefore you'd imagine it is true.

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Lesson to be learned here, don't piss off the paymaster, accept you are not wanted, take pay off and move on.


Don't try and out smart a successful businessman.


Silly boy.  Now he has been hung out to dry.

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Lesson to be learned here, don't piss off the paymaster, accept you are not wanted, take pay off and move on.


Don't try and out smart a successful businessman.


Silly boy.  Now he has been hung out to dry.


Well 'Arry boy says he hasn't raped anybody and he's not a paedophile, I think what 'Arry was really trying to say nobody likes a grass.

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Am I the only one who thinks so what, it was private conversations, people say stuff to their mates all the time, doesn't mean that's a true reflection of their thoughts, to me it was banter between him and others. That should of remained private.

Yes, you are.

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Am I the only one who thinks so what, it was private conversations, people say stuff to their mates all the time, doesn't mean that's a true reflection of their thoughts, to me it was banter between him and others. That should of remained private.

Well if you are sending texts around like this and you are a public figure then you have to know stuff like this gets out. Quite frankly you have to be a imbecile or just not notice what people get vilified for in the press every day.

Either way, if you say it and get caught then suck it up. I'm sure many people say things close to the mark. I don't believe it makes them what he is being accused of being. But it matters not in today's society. It seems people need a fall guy to hate. It's His turn and he has no one to blame but himself.

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I understand there was some sort of investigation which involved various Cardiff officials having their phones interrogated.


As for people like you or I exchanging texts of that nature, its totally different than a bloke who is the face of a large organisation and can bring discredit on that organisation. In that respect, MM was just plain stupid or arrogant, he should have been above that in his position.


He deserves what he's brought on himself.




I really don't want to have a dispute  but are you saying it's ok to slag off jews, blacks and homosexuals ( as MM did) so long as we're not in a senior position?

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Dunno how these texts were obtained/shared, but I'd imagine that were it in an underhand way that would have been mentioned, which it hasn't been.


Have said elsewhere; but curious as to how using phrases like "****ing chinky" and making comments about Jewish folk being money-grabbing that wouldn't have seemed out of place under Nazi rule fit into most folks day-to-day, even in comments between friends?  Any examples?


And people calling it harmless banter; doesn't sound like the groups/golks he's insulting were 'in' on the 'joke', or do you think he'd say those things to the South Korean (not Chinese; whoops) or Jewish bloke's faces?  If not; what does that say about him?

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Dunno how these texts were obtained/shared, but I'd imagine that were it in an underhand way that would have been mentioned, which it hasn't been.

Have said elsewhere; but curious as to how using phrases like "****ing chinky" and making comments about Jewish folk being money-grabbing that wouldn't have seemed out of place under Nazi rule fit into most folks day-to-day, even in comments between friends? Any examples?

And people calling it harmless banter; doesn't sound like the groups/golks he's insulting were 'in' on the 'joke', or do you think he'd say those things to the South Korean (not Chinese; whoops) or Jewish bloke's faces? If not; what does that say about him?

If that's what he said I take back my comment about feeling sorry for him... Jesus!!!

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Tell me a joke about a white man I'll laugh, probably the same way an African man will laugh at this joke, it's getting ridiculous all the PC crap...

It's really not even worth going into.. It's just a bit of humour...

Most people are quite relaxed about it, other make it an issue

So, calling someone from Asia (not even China) a "****ing chinky" is a joke?


I don't get it.

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If that's what he said I take back my comment about feeling sorry for him... Jesus!!!



'Fkn chinkys. Fk it. There's enough dogs in Cardiff for us all to go around.'

On the arrival of South Korean international Kim Bo-Kyung

'Go on, fat Phil. Nothing like a Jew that sees money slipping through his fingers'

On football agent Phil Smith

'He's a snake, a gay snake. Not to be trusted'

On an official of another club

'Not many white faces amongst that lot but worth considering.'

On a list of potential signings

'I hope she's looking after your needs. I bet you'd love a bounce on her falsies.'

On a player's female agent

A picture entitled Black Monopoly (where every square was a "Go to Jail" square)

Sent to members of Cardiff's staff"

Those are quotes from the texts.


Personally, not sure how you'd put those bold ones in context, though happy to have folks prove me wrong.

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No doubt MM will pay the price for his conduct, But what really takes the biscuit, is that vile mr tan and his vile football club,claiming the moral high ground.

No argument there.


It's like 'Aliens Versus Predator'; "Whoever wins... we lose".

But also underlines Cardiff are a nasty bunch all told; they even hate each other!

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I understand there was some sort of investigation which involved various Cardiff officials having their phones interrogated.


As for people like you or I exchanging texts of that nature, its totally different than a bloke who is the face of a large organisation




Struggling with the "out of context" bit-maybe missing something here

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