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Are We Now Going To Start To See The Real Sc?


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The dynamic is setup to play what is required.


Think it's a beaut playing in our current formation, given our squad players that can suit what is required.


A home game walkover (on paper) and a rainy Tuesday night at a less desirable team - both can have a 3-5-2/5-3-2 which can revert to long/short/wide play.


SC knows his gaff.


I wouldn't mind if we varied our play but we had no other ideas against Orient (not Posh, my mistake) and just pumped it.

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I wouldn't mind if we varied our play but we had no other ideas against Orient (not Posh, my mistake) and just pumped it.


That was the resort of play, but despite our disallowed goal - pretty much a stalemate. Long ball for the win, lack of patience and a build of frustration perhaps?! They hardly lit the pitch up and I'm sure they're normally better.

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No Ian I won't be back to score points if we start loosing, I want City to win every game and take no pleasure in us loosing who ever the manager is, also I'm not cheap and shallow unlike some of the oh so loyal fans who shamefully wanted City to loose matches during sod,s reign. also as you have said I have made no secret of my opinion of the guy and have no desire to expose my sell to accusations off hypocrisy ! ( although many have no such scruples )

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Before the start of the season a Sheffield united fan wrote " the only thing that can stop Bristol City getting promotion is bizzarley their own manager, yes he has signed good players, but the opinion of many people in football is that good players are wasted in a Steve cotterell side " a interesting and moot point ! imo given the budget he has been handed anything less than top 6 will be failure! as aalways it wll certainly be a interesting season. coyr

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Firstly if we get promotion then i don't care how we play this season (i won't get to watch anymore anyway)!


Secondly after watching the Oxford game and reading the comments of others i do have some fears about how we are going to play this season, OK our midfield for Oxford didn't help matters by never being available to receive a pass from the back 3 but bottom of L2 Oxford certainly played a nicer on the floor passing game than the hoofball we played and fully deserved the win. Perhaps more excusable if we had been playing a target man but hoofing it long to Sammy and JET will as proven get you nowhere.

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:fingerscrossed: I think the real SC will prove to SL that the transfer money he has been given will bring it's rewards.I also think that SC has too much  to lose as being a creditable manager if he fails to bring better days for BCFC. He wants it.

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:fingerscrossed: I think the real SC will prove to SL that the transfer money he has been given will bring it's rewards.I also think that SC has too much  to lose as being a creditable manager if he fails to bring better days for BCFC. He wants it.


As a fellow supporter I can only hope that you're right. My cider addled brain however insists

that it's all going to end in tears, yet again.


I wish I supported Man U Bayern Munich as it would all be a lot easier.

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The vultures are circling.

Be warned Mr Cotterill, the moment you lose a game of football, the same old few will be on here saying I told you so.

Get out of the club now, how dare you bring winning football to us miserable bastards. We want our traditional 30 passes across the back four and our defense to drop so deep that we need to wang it at a 5'8 forwards head. Please help us achieve a winless run of 12 games. I am sick of telling the wife we didn't lose.

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Oh for gods sake - as soon as I saw 'Teach' a week ago, it was obvious he's a gashead.

Edward Teach - Blackbeard - Pirate...

This guy does this every year, and every year gets a bite.

Or of course I'm just a teacher?

Sociology, citizenship, pshe, health and social care, child development, geography, history, re....and judging by my timetable I've got one lesson a fortnight of PE as well.....brains as well as beauty.

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Or of course I'm just a teacher?

Sociology, citizenship, pshe, health and social care, child development, geography, history, re....and judging by my timetable I've got one lesson a fortnight of PE as well.....brains as well as beauty.

Oh for gods sake - as soon as I saw 'Teach' a week ago, it was obvious he's a gashead.

Edward Teach - Blackbeard - Pirate...

This guy does this every year, and every year gets a bite.

We could turn this into a thread about academia if you like....I would gladly educate you :).

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So when SC took over he had a reputation for long ball, negative and slightly depressing football... And anyone who saw his Portsmouth and Forest sides come to play for 0-0 will remember just how negatively his sides were set out to play.

Now with pre season over, and the likes of JET seemingly being phrased out over the tall cumbersome Wilbraham, do we think SC is slowly going to incorporate his traditional, long ball uneasy on the eye tactics?

So far this season we have created very little , with Wilbraham being used as the main point of contact up top....largely due to long balls played in to him.

We are playing with one, if not two holding midfielders in Pack and Smith infront of a 5 man defence, something that while shoring us up, isn't necessarily going to lead to attacking football

Is there a danger, or do you think evidence is there that over time we are gradually turning into the long ball, unattractive team that SC has a reputation for?

This isn't a dig, just putting the idea out there.

Thought about this long and hard.


My answer will be short.


No.  The personal we have on the field, are better than that.  You only have to look at the two goals scored up at Sheff Utd to see we are more than a hoofball team.  We will carve teams up.





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he's just the antithesis of me robin, loud, crude, big headed, I'm sure he was the school bully, in this case opposites do not attract, I realise that most fans only care whether we win games or not and I can totally understand that, but I'm a bit different, sorry that's just my opinion, he may be a lovely lovely guy, but I somehow doubt it very much

What an amazing fantasy world you construct in your head, Timothy "lower case" Bird.

Do let us know what you imagine other managers were like at school. I could do with a laugh.

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Worst thread ever. How could you prefer Mr Boring SOD, Cotterill has a bit of fire in his belly and gives the players a kick up the arse! We are undefeated and everyone needs to stop complaining. It took us 10 games for a win last season!

Wilbraham was a good signing and you always need a target man in your squad.

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What an amazing fantasy world you construct in your head, Timothy "lower case" Bird.

Do let us know what you imagine other managers were like at school. I could do with a laugh.


That's a very case-ist thread Robbo. 


A posters upbringing and how he posts has nothing to do with his thoughts on the manager. What about a City fan from Coombe Dingle who went to Millfield and who posts on here in block caps, are you going to accuse him of being upper case?


As for me I'm middle case - I know my place!



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Remind me who does SOD coach/manage at this moment nearly a year on?.


I do agree with 'Yosser' Bird about one thing IMO top 6 is the minimum target, because SC is allowed to claim that we are in transition, with all of the signings/changes that have been made, something perhaps to be considered when performances are considered below par but results are still being ground out this early in the season (something that we have struggled at since the demise of GJ), transition is of course not a word SC has uttered yet, well let's just hope if SC does utter that word that the next words are not 'it's going to get worse before it get's better'.

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How many games have all the critics watched of Burnley, Cheltenham etc?


I personally can say approx 0 and I would imagine a similar number for most. Therefore I find it baffling how everyone seems to refer to this 'long ball' style of play. A match is 90 minutes remember, all sorts of passes are made.

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How many games have all the critics watched of Burnley, Cheltenham etc?


I personally can say approx 0 and I would imagine a similar number for most. Therefore I find it baffling how everyone seems to refer to this 'long ball' style of play. A match is 90 minutes remember, all sorts of passes are made.

. You are right ,trouble is the long ball moaners will only see that part of the game. Then come back with yes but that was most of the game.
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