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The Paedophile Hunter


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Certainly compelling viewing.

I say well done to the bloke. The woman who had the baby with the one who killed himself, I say better a kid without a dad rather than a paedophile for a dad.

The thing I couldn't understand was why all the perverts had only ended up with suspended sentences!!

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Certainly compelling viewing.

I say well done to the bloke. The woman who had the baby with the one who killed himself, I say better a kid without a dad rather than a paedophile for a dad.

The thing I couldn't understand was why all the perverts had only ended up with suspended sentences!!

I thought the most disturbing part was him with his dog. It was almost sexual.

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Compelling viewing indeed, although it was also incredibly disturbing how easily he could lure these people to his house, and just how many of them there were.


I also thought that a very good point was made by one of the contributors about the fact that, despite being paedophiles and deserving no mercy, they may well have completely innocent families and plastering everything over the internet is hardly the best way to minimise the harm done to them. He would have been much better advised to just hand his evidence to the police, or call the police directly to him the way that he was sometimes seen doing. I have a horrible feeling that most of them got away with suspended sentences due, in part, to the circumstances in which they were caught.

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I have a horrible feeling that most of them got away with suspended sentences due, in part, to the circumstances in which they were caught.

Most definitely. Still better that than never caught at all.

I can't get my head round the one chap who no action was taken against. Seems like weak prosecuting to me.

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Most definitely. Still better that than never caught at all.


True enough, but would it not be better for some kind of police unit be set up to fulfill this role and ensure that everything they had was watertight?


I can't get my head round the one chap who no action was taken against. Seems like weak prosecuting to me.


I'd guess that there was some kind of flaw in the evidence presented by Stinson Hunter that made it inadmissible? Either way, I figure he's a marked man wherever he goes from now on.

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Compelling viewing indeed, although it was also incredibly disturbing how easily he could lure these people to his house, and just how many of them there were.


I also thought that a very good point was made by one of the contributors about the fact that, despite being paedophiles and deserving no mercy, they may well have completely innocent families and plastering everything over the internet is hardly the best way to minimise the harm done to them. He would have been much better advised to just hand his evidence to the police, or call the police directly to him the way that he was sometimes seen doing. I have a horrible feeling that most of them got away with suspended sentences due, in part, to the circumstances in which they were caught.

Spot on rich,


I was tempted to donate myself but it's the innocent families problem that stops me.  I know some lads whose brother was convicted. Whilst they have disowned him they would be devestated if it was made public. No easy answers to this

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Not a fan of this vigilante.

I'd rather he stayed out of it all together, but if he really can't resist acting as a 12 year old child constantly then the least he could do is quietly hand all the information to the authorities without trying to make himself a martyr/famous in the whole situation.

I wonder how many potential peadophiles are living freely in society because his methods have ruined any chance of a conviction? I'd hazard a guess that it's a higher number than those that have actually ended up behind bars due to his efforts.

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I wonder how many potential peadophiles are living freely in society because his methods have ruined any chance of a conviction? I'd hazard a guess that it's a higher number than those that have actually ended up behind bars due to his efforts.

I'd be happy to bet otherwise, the program intimated he had a 10-1 record. Although I appreciate none of them actually ended up behind bars as it were.

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Not a fan of this vigilante.

I'd rather he stayed out of it all together, but if he really can't resist acting as a 12 year old child constantly then the least he could do is quietly hand all the information to the authorities without trying to make himself a martyr/famous in the whole situation.

I wonder how many potential peadophiles are living freely in society because his methods have ruined any chance of a conviction? I'd hazard a guess that it's a higher number than those that have actually ended up behind bars due to his efforts.


One does tend to wonder what he gets out of it...

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One does tend to wonder what he gets out of it...

It seemed quite obvious he was abused as a child and perhaps the only way he knows how to deal with it is to try and stop others suffering?

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Not a fan of this vigilante.

I'd rather he stayed out of it all together, but if he really can't resist acting as a 12 year old child constantly then the least he could do is quietly hand all the information to the authorities without trying to make himself a martyr/famous in the whole situation.

I wonder how many potential peadophiles are living freely in society because his methods have ruined any chance of a conviction? I'd hazard a guess that it's a higher number than those that have actually ended up behind bars due to his efforts.


Perhaps because the police don't seem interested, the handling of this is national disgrace and heads need to roll. This happened only LAST WEEK it beggars belief and if this guy can do it this easily, why don't the police release some motorist botherer's from their money making duties and do this themselves.



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The only way to deal with these monster perverts is castration through enforced anti-libidinal medication. No good signing the sex offenders register, what a waste of time.

Castration would be as waste of time, it wouldn't stop them. The only way to stop them is a bullet to the head

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One of my favourite videos is on his website.

A gay Geordie chap turns up to meet a 14 year old boy and when confronted says "I was only doing it to advise him what he's doing is wrong!" To which Hunter replies, "well why did you ask him if he likes the taste of c*m then?"


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Surely this is entrapment though?


Possibly explaining the sentances handed out.  While they thought they were talking to children underage they technically weren't and I'd imagine that may be the loophole that lets some of these individuals off.

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Great show. Better than the U.S 'version' To catch a predator which was good too but Chris Hansen is a smug bar steward imo.


i used to watch that show. you can still get them all up on Youtube.


From memory, when the show first started they could not arrest them, but the law changed so then the police were outside waiting for them once they'd "interviewed" the people that arrived.

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I believe it was arson when he was in his teens


Cheers. That enabled me to find this http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/online-crime-fighter-stinson-hunter-6800023


He still strikes me as a bit of a dick, BUT I cannot fault what he does in that programme. The cops don't have the time or inclination to do this work much, and any adult who arranges to meet children, sometimes as young as 11, for sex deserves all the humiliation they get. 

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