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How Much Do U Care About Football?

The Humble Realist

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Don't watch any Prem games too boring for me, Dead atmosphere and Too predictable.

City just has the unpredictable edge, The optimism around game day. The buzz on Saturday morning making the Journey to Ashton Gate to sink a few in the rising sun then to stand for 90 mins with people you don't know but can easily talk to chanting on your team until physically impossible. That's what football is for me

That friendship with thousands of randomers who support City.

And I can honestly say I would never give a lift to a stranger, Unless that stranger was going to a city away game!

At times you wonder why you spend all this money on football but when you wake up on match day those reasons come flooding back

Exactly this, meet my mate, train to Bristol, cab to the Riser & meet up with the son,,wait outside for it to open ,watch the footy with a few golds ,can on the Natch wall the off to sing a few songs........Bliss

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With much talk lately about how football is changing e.g. price, sterling's tiredness , FIFA etc ...

How much do u care and why do u watch football?

Do u care about the coaches and the tactics ?

Do u care about the winning aspect ?

Do u care about getting bladdered , missing the first ten mins, getting a pint in at half time etc...

Guess my question is, why do u watch the beautiful game ?

I try very hard not to care so that I don't get too depressed

or optimistic, but fail miserably

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Social aspect - getting to AG via a few local establishments then Lions and others afterwards. Usually ending up getting bus home via Ritas for the doner in front of the Footy League Show.

Also it feels strangely comfortable being at footy so many familiar faces although most you don't know ir reinforces the city family ethic which I like.

saying that do enjoy a spot of non league when were away (not gas tho) Bath, WSM or Mangotsfield. It's what Saturday is for.

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With much talk lately about how football is changing e.g. price, sterling's tiredness , FIFA etc ...

How much do u care and why do u watch football?

Do u care about the coaches and the tactics ?

Do u care about the winning aspect ?

Do u care about getting bladdered , missing the first ten mins, getting a pint in at half time etc...

Guess my question is, why do u watch the beautiful game ?

All of the above!

I enjoy watching the game of football at all levels but I love Bristol City FC. Like any love it is unconditional & despite various fall outs it's there for better or for worse. Through one reason or another I don't go to that many away games & maybe the day will come when I don't make it to AG as much as I like, but I will always have the club in my heart. I guess it's in my blood. That's why I can't understand glory hunters/armchair prem fans.

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Love it. Simple.


I honestly think football does so much good for me. Without it I feel I would be lost. I think everyone needs something to take an interest in to keep you going. Football gives me something to look forward to and gives me that so important interest. 


That buzz you get going up the steps into Ashton Gate as well and the rush when a goal goes as the roar erupts all around you and delirious fans leap up and down finding the nearest stranger to embrace. 


I know we all talk about reaching 'the holy grail' of the premier league but in all seriousness I love the football league. The premier league almost doesn't seem real if that makes sense. The average punter can't relate to it and is so distant from it all whereas I feel you are closer to the club in the football league and the players are more relatable to us. 


People who don't follow a club or football in general probably don't understand 'our type' but football is such a big part of our lives and often is what gets me through the week with the thought of City on the saturday and something to have as an interest during the week.

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I love it. I don't understand what other people talk about or look forward to haha!


I spend my whole week looking forward to the weekend and football. Even the last few years when we have been miles away from home, in the pouring rain and 3-0 down (happened far to too often!) I was still looking forward to the next one! I love going into new stadiums, having a few pints and singing some songs with my mates even if we lose!


Plastic fans just don't understand, you can watch all Man U/Chelsea/Arsenal games on the TV but unless you go or have been in my opinion you're not a fan. Nothing beats going to games, taking in the real football atmosphere and following your team whether they win lose or draw!


Only 21 but can't ever see me wanting to give it up any time soon!

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Seems like I`m the fly in the ointment then...........used to go to all home and most away games back in the late 60`s early seventies, and attendance support has slowly dwindled since; done most away proper grounds, no wish to visit the modern bowls at all. Been a couple of times this season but have read just about every word written and seen all the goals.

More important things take centre stage now like mine and my families health and finding enough work to keep me and my son employed.

Been to Wembley, The Mill, and seen us in the top and bottom divisions, tomorrow will be with you in mind and will read everything posted as the game progresses.

Guess that makes me very close to an armchair supporter............ah well I`ve done my time. :tv_horror:

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I care about football way too much! Only from championship down now . I have got a season ticket ever since my first job but due to life unable to make more then a few away games a season .

I'd love for city to get to the prem one day but would then long term would prefer to be a high end championship team unless the wage structure ever changed the drama queens got booked etc...

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While I do enjoy watching a good game of football, and do sometimes watch televised football, I always say I'm more of a Bristol City fan than a "football fan".


Football, as a sport, has a lot of things wrong with it, and a lot of things I find unpleasant and tawdry and over-hyped - especially in this country.


However, this doesn't affect the way I think of City. My dad watched them all his life, his dad did and probably his dad did. Although, I personally have never lived there, my family have been 100% Ashton/Bedminster/Southville for as far back as anyone can trace. When I go to a match, it's almost tribal - I feel connected to my ancestors.

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