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How Do You Use The Editor Properly?


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before u can use it you need to gointo Eidos folder and make some of the files not read only, it tells u how to do it i think

but here is a breif what to do.

find your Eidos file, open it and you will see your CM03/04 file, open that and you will see a file called data open that too and u will se another file called "db" inside that file several that files which u need to right click and unclick them being read only as you want to edit them.

once thats done you can use the editor fine, any problems post again and ill try to help some more

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I'm useing the realtime editor atm which is good fun, you can DL it from the CM nerd sites, but make sure you have 4.1.5 latest version of the realtime editor wont laod i start a normal season as Bristol City (who else) while I'm in the game ill boost Citys funds so i have about 3m trasnfer kitty, not that u need moeny if u see a plyer you like just amend his contract details put him on £5 a week on an expirted contract so there is no fee, before the club you have just sticked up no what the hell is going on he;s signed for you! you can aslo change the ability of players too and their poential ability pace creativity anything really.

Matt Hill soon gets an england call up so do Lita to the u21's hehe

Be warned though, the editor has ruined CM for me in some ways as i can never just play a normal game anymore, i have to tinker!

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