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Just Back From The Game.

Bristol Rob

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He didn't do snorts and snuffles for the people though did he? Call himself a hog.. disgraceful!

You have to remember that some very frail old people listen to Radio Bristol. In fact, they're the only people who listen to Radio Bristol when it's not the football. Just listen to the music they play :(

We wouldn't want to shock and upset them, would we?

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Listening to the Grim Northern commentary of radio Quiet it appeared that we played it long quite often ,by passing their midfield ( they did n't say hoof ball ) is this accurate ?


Fielding tried a few long kicks up to Wilbraham and Agard. It only actually achieved its target once, but it is reasonable to have a punt if you see someone in space. A long free kick by - I think - Elliott also caught Oldham napping in their half.


I'd not say that's how most of our threat came. It was passing and running football as usual. Ayling and Little both had a few lovely surges from defence. But we were obviously trying to shake things up a bit and I've nothing against the occasional long ball if it's intelligently delivered.

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