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Nursery Costs


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I don't have kids but I have a number of friends where one of the couple is only working to maintain a career path for when the kid/kids go to school as when tax deductions are taken into account, they'd be better off being a stay-at-home parent. How did your nursery justify their 5%, notably above inflation, cost rise? I think the cost of childcare in this country is a big issue and it seems to be getting exponentially worse

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I've never worked in private day care only public sector but I think you are right about being able to charge high rates due to demand. The staff are very low paid and a lot is expected of them, and yes it is bloody hard work. Not sure what the ratios are in private sector but I used to have 7 under 5's a day and worked in a room with another Nursery Nurse who had the same, so covering each other for breaks there was one person with 14, certainly had our hands full. The actual ratio on paper was officially 1:5 as they counted the 4 office staff the nursery had, but they never came into the rooms. And there was meant to be 1 child less in your group if you had under 2's but that was 'forgotten' about too. So keep an eye on numbers when choosing.

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