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Doherty Must Go

Big Red Rich

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Absolute disgrace to the club. I don't think he should ever play again. Horrible behaviour. Wilson should fine him loads of wages. Slap him on the transfer list.

I seem to remember plenty of these comments after Wycombe away.

Now its 'Oh Tommy, please don't go'............


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Absolute disgrace to the club. I don't think he should ever play again. Horrible behaviour. Wilson should fine him loads of wages. Slap him on the transfer list.

I seem to remember plenty of these comments after Wycombe away.

Now its 'Oh Tommy, please don't go'............


The answer

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Doherty has a hot-headed side to him that, on occasion, makes him a liability.

Thankfully, he seems to have matured since his embarassment away at Wycombe and is now an integral part of the side.

His "red mist" may descend again at a later date at which point he will be criticised (and rightly so) but we must remember that his talent outweighs the downside of his discipline problem.

Fickle? Possibly, but aren't people allowed the right to change their minds? Had Doherty continued playing in the manner of Wycombe away for the rest of the season then people wouldn't be so forward in calling for him to stay - it's circumstances that dictate opinions.

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Umm wasn't that like last season? :D

Wait a minute wasn't that about 6 months ago? :(

Oh yeh and sorry for being "fickle" and worshipping a player who has done so well for us for most of the season and not holding one mistake over him for the whole season. next time I will be a stubborn #### and hate him for no valid reason?

What a silly and pointless post. :Sleep12:

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Guest East-Ender
Absolute disgrace to the club. I don't think he should ever play again. Horrible behaviour. Wilson should fine him loads of wages. Slap him on the transfer list.

I seem to remember plenty of these comments after Wycombe away.

Now its 'Oh Tommy, please don't go'............


Oh dear. Are you really that desperate for attention? Slagging off the most consistent player of last season, one of the only players who gives 100% week in week out. :@



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What is it with sarcasm being lost on so many people?? :D:(:grr:

I was merely pointing out that its quite funny that back then people were saying what a disgrace he was and never wanted him to play again and now they are desperatley wanting him to stay.

Just funny how quickly peoples opinions change in football.

East-Ender, an apology if you would be so kind?

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