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Nello.............marvellous !

Tall King Blox

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Tickled my humour and very heart warming film.

Best para-quotes from memory:

Nello's Mum: "Who was that?".

Nello: "That's a very good friend of mine".

Nello's Mum: "You've never mentioned him"

Nello: "Why would I have? I only met him yesterday".

Lady at the job centre: "What job would you like to do?".

Nello: "Manage Stoke City. I don't mind if I have to manage someone else but I will have to draw the line at Port Vale".

Lou Macarie: "How do you always manage to remain so positive?".

Nello: "Well I know we're all going to die one day, so until then I've just decided to be happy".

On Neil Baldwin FC....

Nello: "I'm gonna be captain and manager, Gary Lineker's gonna be chairman".

Nello's Mum: "Really, has he agreed to that then?"

Nello: "I'm just writing to tell him now".


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