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The My Old Man Song


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So does "be a Rovers fan".

Not saying you're wrong,mind.


It has extra beats: be-a-ro-vers-fan compared to fo-low-West-Ham


They may be despicable ***** in lots of respects, but it has to be said 'Wall fans have come up with a number of classic chants.


Someone once told me it was originally a "clean" version of the popular music hall classic, but twas subverted at The Den.

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The original song was my old man said follow the van and don't dilly dally on the way?? Off went the cart with the whole home in it. And I walked behind at my old own limit?

Which is where the we hate the rovers and they all know it, comes from isn't it ????

Great song mind. The bt sport advert had me in stitches when I saw it !

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a manc I know is claiming they started this song, I am sure we were singing it in the early 70s.


can anybody shed some light.


In my time in Manchester I've had Manchester United fans claiming the rights to every song ever heard on a football terrace. Whilst I'm not naive enough to claim that nothing original has ever come out of Old Trafford... I call BS pretty much every time.


Most recently I had one raving on about the abusive song they sung about Fernando Torres and how "no other team in the country would ever have thought to use that tune" (think its the animal went in two by two) when I pointed out that, as amusing as their version was, the reason they used this tune was because it was the tune that Liverpool fans used to sing about Torres he nearly blew a fuse arguing with me- I didn't even get around to saying that I was pretty sure that Everton started the abusive version.


Virtually all football fans are the same though and will always consider themselves better than their counterparts so it is just to be expected.

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Thing that's suspect about the Wiki entry is the reference to "Stanley knives". How long have they been around?


We sing, (following the Millwall example?) "With hatchets and hammers, carving knives and spanners" which is obviously more old school and more in keeping with the original music song "My old man said follow the van"

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Years ago I was in a car with a non-football supporter, he was driving. I sang him that song and he laughed so much we nearly had an accident. It's my favourite song of all time. I taught it to some of the locals here in Italy.


Big Brother I'm with you completely on this one - it's brilliant.


"My old man, said be a r****s fan,

I said **** off b******s you're a c***!


* offensive words asterisked to protect the innocent, obvs


Bloody great song.

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Years ago I was in a car with a non-football supporter, he was driving. I sang him that song and he laughed so much we nearly had an accident. It's my favourite song of all time. I taught it to some of the locals here in Italy.

For some reason, the words 'sunshine' and 'bus' came to mind reading your post.

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Thing that's suspect about the Wiki entry is the reference to "Stanley knives". How long have they been around?


We sing, (following the Millwall example?) "With hatchets and hammers, carving knives and spanners" which is obviously more old school and more in keeping with the original music song "My old man said follow the van"

I used to sing the word "stanley Knives" backe it the late 80s. "with hatchets and hammers stanley knives and spanners we teach those f@@king gas heads how to fight and you'll never take the Dolman with the CSF in it ,City's the pride of the west"

Back in the 80s it was very de rigueur of the hooligan to carry stanley you may say it was thier weapon of choice.

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I used to sing the word "stanley Knives" backe it the late 80s. "with hatchets and hammers stanley knives and spanners we teach those f@@king gas heads how to fight and you'll never take the Dolman with the CSF in it ,City's the pride of the west"

Back in the 80s it was very de rigueur of the hooligan to carry stanley you may say it was thier weapon of choice.


Fair play mate

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I can remember the old Tony Harling version sung from high up in the old grandstand;


"My old man said be a Rovers fan,

I said no way Father , you're a fool"



Classic  :clap:

Started watching City as a kid in the late 70's...something that always sticks in my mind is Tony Harling singing on his own from the Grandstand...just brings back good memories... :)

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Big Brother I'm with you completely on this one - it's brilliant.


"My old man, said be a r****s fan,

I said **** off b******s you're a c***!


* offensive words asterisked to protect the innocent, obvs


Bloody great song.


I remember singing that at city in 1964 :) After my old man had taken me to watch rovers. ;)

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I love the song although my old man has never told me to be a Rovers fan, that's pretty much the last thing he would ever suggest.

...and if I'd ever told him to **** off before calling him a ****, I'd have got the goofy teeth kicked out of my head.


Me too P.O'H.

My old man was City through and through, him suggesting I follow NLBR2014 was not on any agenda.

As a boxer and wrestler, he would literally have "killed" me if I had called him a **** !

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One of my personal favourites.


Actually for me it was the other way around when I was a young scrote living in Gas infested waters....some Sags visited my school and gave me a couple of 50p tickets for Eastvile. I went home and showed them to "My old man" who proceeded to tear them into small pieces whilst informing me exactly why we wouldn't be going down to Eastvile any time soon. The following week we went to watch City....the rest is history.

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One of my personal favourites.

Actually for me it was the other way around when I was a young scrote living in Gas infested waters....some Sags visited my school and gave me a couple of 50p tickets for Eastvile. I went home and showed them to "My old man" who proceeded to tear them into small pieces whilst informing me exactly why we wouldn't be going down to Eastvile any time soon. The following week we went to watch City....the rest is history.

Responsible parenting.

That's what this country's crying out for.

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