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Swindle At It Again


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Losing managers always moan about something. Cotts Saturday, Dickov last night etc.

Yes I know that happens, but when the same team keeps getting mentioned again and again for the same thing by different managers, they can't be all wrong can they.

Swindon aren't winning many friends, but trouble is they are winning games. Maybe their talent isn't as good as people think it is if they have to cheat to gain an advantage.

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I posted that article to a Swindle supporting friend's facebook wall. Go this reply from one of his Swindle cohorts.


''Parky is having a laugh. We were getting kicked to shit last night, and he wants to talk about professionalism?! they were lucky to keep 10 men on the pitch let alone 11. 

I can take jibes at our play acting. We do it because we have to. But I wont take a manager who clearly sent his side out to hurt us physically (a la Cotterill) complaining about us not being honest.''


They really are crying over all this :laugh:. There is no smoke without fire, with Bradford being the third club this season to complain about their histrionics. Won't be long till Thompson receives a suspension for being double booked for simulation (hopefully)  :yes: 

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I posted that article to a Swindle supporting friend's facebook wall. Go this reply from one of his Swindle cohorts.


''Parky is having a laugh. We were getting kicked to shit last night, and he wants to talk about professionalism?! they were lucky to keep 10 men on the pitch let alone 11. 

I can take jibes at our play acting. We do it because we have to. But I wont take a manager who clearly sent his side out to hurt us physically (a la Cotterill) complaining about us not being honest.''


They really are crying over all this :laugh:. There is no smoke without fire, with Bradford being the third club this season to complain about their histrionics. Won't be long till Thompson receives a suspension for being double booked for simulation (hopefully)  :yes: 

Typical response from a bunch of cheats.

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I posted that article to a Swindle supporting friend's facebook wall. Go this reply from one of his Swindle cohorts.


''Parky is having a laugh. We were getting kicked to shit last night, and he wants to talk about professionalism?! they were lucky to keep 10 men on the pitch let alone 11. 

I can take jibes at our play acting. We do it because we have to. But I wont take a manager who clearly sent his side out to hurt us physically (a la Cotterill) complaining about us not being honest.''


They really are crying over all this :laugh:. There is no smoke without fire, with Bradford being the third club this season to complain about their histrionics. Won't be long till Thompson receives a suspension for being double booked for simulation (hopefully)  :yes: 

Well, chatting to a steward at MK at Half Time, I said I would rather them accompany us up than Swindle. He said that the majority of away fans said EXACTLY the same thing, they are not very popular club are they?


Take from that observation what you will, but we (it seems) are not alone !

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Always the victims, it's never their fault  ;)

To be fair, the comment from the Swindon lad is right. Unfortunately, we have picked up a deserved reputation for being a touch 'dramatic' in games and where you guys were concerned, you had a valid complaint.

Unfortunately, it is an easy charge to level at us now, even when you get beat fair and square and where whinging Parky is concerned, there is absolutely no basis to this claim. They had 4 yellow cards the first half and subbed a guy at half time who was on his final, final warning (stonewall second yellow) for clearing out Nathan Byrne for the umpteenth time.

They clearly had a plan to kick us about and, to be fair to them did a really good job. Cooper has the good grace to not harp on about some of the rough house tactics we encounter but opposing managers like to make excuses for defeats.

We are absolutely not whiter than white and I am the first to admit to being disappointed by some of our histrionics this season but Parkinson, as usual, is talking cobblers.

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To be fair, the comment from the Swindon lad is right. Unfortunately, we have picked up a deserved reputation for being a touch 'dramatic' in games and where you guys were concerned, you had a valid complaint.

Unfortunately, it is an easy charge to level at us now, even when you get beat fair and square and where whinging Parky is concerned, there is absolutely no basis to this claim. They had 4 yellow cards the first half and subbed a guy at half time who was on his final, final warning (stonewall second yellow) for clearing out Nathan Byrne for the umpteenth time.

They clearly had a plan to kick us about and, to be fair to them did a really good job. Cooper has the good grace to not harp on about some of the rough house tactics we encounter but opposing managers like to make excuses for defeats.

We are absolutely not whiter than white and I am the first to admit to being disappointed by some of our histrionics this season but Parkinson, as usual, is talking cobblers.


Trouble is mate it's a recurring complaint, as well as the 2 you mention Notts County and Sheff United both made comment of WWE tactics and play acting and for the record you had 6 booked at Sheff Utd.

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Trouble is mate it's a recurring complaint, as well as the 2 you mention Notts County and Sheff United both made comment of WWE tactics and play acting and for the record you had 6 booked at Sheff Utd.

I didn't go to County or Sheff U and no one is debating yellow cards. I am also not defending us throughout the season as a whole. All I have said is that Bradford had no right to complain. It is interesting that on a few occasions their players went to ground a easily and either lino or ref waved play on as no offence committed but Parkinson didn't bother to mention that. Just like he didn't mention his teams 5 or 6 yellows and kicking lumps out of us from the first minute.

I suspect fans will do like most of us do and check out other forums. It is easy to make a judgement, whether justified or not and assume that every time a player from a 'diving' team hits the ground it must be a dive. We have earned that reputation and now have to live with it and rightly have received stick for it.

As for the Coventry game, can't agree there either. Wasn't any theatrics in that game as far as I recall, but it will often depend on what you want to see, whichever side of the fence you are sitting.

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I didn't go to County or Sheff U and no one is debating yellow cards. I am also not defending us throughout the season as a whole. All I have said is that Bradford had no right to complain. It is interesting that on a few occasions their players went to ground a easily and either lino or ref waved play on as no offence committed but Parkinson didn't bother to mention that. Just like he didn't mention his teams 5 or 6 yellows and kicking lumps out of us from the first minute.

I suspect fans will do like most of us do and check out other forums. It is easy to make a judgement, whether justified or not and assume that every time a player from a 'diving' team hits the ground it must be a dive. We have earned that reputation and now have to live with it and rightly have received stick for it.

As for the Coventry game, can't agree there either. Wasn't any theatrics in that game as far as I recall, but it will often depend on what you want to see, whichever side of the fence you are sitting.

You've said it, you've earned that reputation for cheating teams out of a fair contest, so you will illicit little sympathy on here.

'Parky' has my full blessing for his team giving as good as you like to dish out and then to have the audacity to bitch about it afterwards. I am glad you feel a sense of injustice, you may develop a degree of sympathy for the next victims you cheat.

It's only a pity they didn't also beat you.

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