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Any Excel Experts Out There?


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Need to rid a range of sums, over multi sheets of the $ anchor in sums....anyone know a quick way of doing this??


For example - multi sheets are Jan to Dec, and the sums would all be in the same cell on sheet, so can group the separate tabs together, just can't work out a quick way of editing them out




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Ctrl+H (Find and replace)


If you don't have any other $ signs in your workbook then that's all you need to do, so in the find box you'd have "$" and in the replace box you'd leave it blank. Then hit replace all and job's a good un (make sure you have "Workbook" rather than "Sheet" selected as the search radius).


If you have other $ signs in your workbook (other than where they're used as formula anchors) then it's a bit trickier.

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  • Admin

If you have other $ signs in your workbook (other than where they're used as formula anchors) then it's a bit trickier.

In that case just select all the cells with the $ formula anchor & then run find + replace to only affect the selected cells.

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