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Walsall Fan - Classic Moment


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We were sat in the lower tier against the segregated area, just across from the Warsaw fans, when after going a goal behind, a particularly cultured chap (In a dodgy black hat) decided he wanted to fight us all... :boxing:


He got more animated by the minute and was up giving it large, the arms were waving and he was asking us all out, you could see the steam was coming out of his ears :ranting:


Anyway, after standing up once too often, and asking another twenty of us out, several of their fans had had enough and reported his great behaviour to a local steward who had a 'quiet word'.


The steam was clearly at boiling point but he wasn't having any of it, at which point he bravely took the female steward on - his 'home' fans then turned on him big time and 'helped him out of the aisle' with several pushes and some well timed feedback, much to his obvious delight!!


The funniest part of it all though was that in turns out he had a scrawny little mate who after seeing the treatment his buddy was getting decided to rush in to help, only to be laughed at and thrown out by their fans too. :redcard:


Needless to say as they were marched out, they took it really well, it certainly put a smile on our faces :rofl2br:

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