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Those Into Keeping Fit


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I'm trying to shed my slight belly, i run 5 miles every other day and do alot of cycling. I also do alot of walking due to being a postman.

My diet is fairly good and i watch what i eat, just can't shift my gut though.

I'm obsessed with my weight too, constantly weighing myself.

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I do 30 mins on the treadmill at 12 KM/H and then row 2000 meters and finish off on the cross trainer for 15 mins.
That's good.

Do you do any weights as well? It will help to increase your metabolism if you do. Working your major muscle groups will also burn off a few calories!

Also it's always good to change your workout quite often, some people say every two weeks but that's more for people who train very often.

Always try to overload what your body is used to, so try and go a bit further each time or a bit quicker or with more resistence!

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