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Steve Cotterill: Legend


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Wouldn't say he is a legend yet. Get us one more promotion and he will be!

Forgot last year's achievements too? But for him we conceivably could be wondering where we would finish in League Two. Instead we achieve something the club has not done in 60 years AND we have a double, we have a team assembled for little cost which has I'm sure most will agree a handful of players worth very close to a million, a few well over a million.

Legendary status achieved.

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Very few real 'legends' in life

But Legendary Status at Bristol City Football Club....

First title in 65 years playing the way we have and in a sporting manner too

To be fair to Mr C I think you have to say

Yes - will be a manager never forgotten

Legendary status achieved.

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Can someone clearly define what a legend is before we decide whether he is or isn't. We won't need to argue about it then.

Sure. A legend is Someone you'd push back for

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Forgot last year's achievements too? But for him we conceivably could be wondering where we would finish in League Two. Instead we achieve something the club has not done in 60 years AND we have a double, we have a team assembled for little cost which has I'm sure most will agree a handful of players worth very close to a million, a few well over a million.

Legendary status achieved.

Sorry, but I don't agree. I guess legendary status needs to be harder earned in my book.

It's a silly argument really as it depends what the word means to you. Some people think Basso is a legend.

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For me, a legend is someone who, through his positive achievements, will be talked about for years, even decades to come. What Steve Coterill has achieved is not only spectacular by this club's standards, it's spectacular by anyone's standards

My feelings also. The job he has done since early December 2013 is nothing short of spectacular.

I'm not sure how much harder you could possibly work?

Red Dave : I find it odd that it's a silly argument as you readily acknowledge there is such a thing as legendary status - you just don't feel that Cotts warrants it yet whereas I and Ashton Great do.

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My feelings also. The job he has done since early December 2013 is nothing short of spectacular.

I'm not sure how much harder you could possibly work?

Red Dave : I find it odd that it's a silly argument as you readily acknowledge there is such a thing as legendary status - you just don't feel that Cotts warrants it yet whereas I and Ashton Great do.

It's silly as its so subjective. As i say, some people call Basso a legend. Some call Bradley Orr a legend just because he tried. Is Shaun Taylor a legend? Scott Murray? Are there 10 club legends? Are there 100?

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It's silly as its so subjective. As i say, some people call Basso a legend. Some call Bradley Orr a legend just because he tried. Is Shaun Taylor a legend? Scott Murray? Are there 10 club legends? Are there 100?

But it's not a case of being right or wrong so I fail to see what subjectivity has to do with it. Just interesting what someone's expectations are before someone is in their eyes worthy of such status.

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The expectations are what is subjective!

I'm well aware of what subjective means thanks. The point I made is that it's interesting to see, subjectively, what would qualify someone for such status.

If subjective debates or discussions aren't worth having or are silly may as well close the forum - there's very little objectivity in football outside the league table!

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The double in his first full season after saving us from relegation in his first half season, he literally couldn't have achieved anymore, what ever happens now he will be up there as one of the most successful managers in our entire history, end of

And immediately following (statistically) our worst.

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Legend is certainly bandied about too often, and too easily, but he has taken us to our 1st title since 1955, bossing the league from the get go, only the 5th in our history, becoming the only team to win the tin-pot cup a 3rd time, and only the 2nd team to win the much-coveted lower league double.  


He has done enough for me. 

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Agree,great double no doubt,but will he do a gj and take us from 1game to the Premier League ,here's hoping

Lets be honest with GJ we had plenty of scruffy one nil wins and our success was built on team spirit and momentum. This year we have walked the league for the first time in 60 years. Won many games in style and played superb football and this league is much tougher than in 2006. Cotts achievements pisses all over GJ's in my opinion. Promotion last time was earned with an ageing squad which lacked youth. This time we have a young fresh talented squad and I feel with the players ee have we are better equipped for the Championship whrre as last time we had a team of league one players that over achieved.
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You said they both are Ashton,winning div 3 or taking us into div 1,legend is spouted to much as you are doing,cotts can't compare with dicks or Johnson at the moment


Not belitting Dicks at all - a 'legend' in my book - but  I dont like 'he took us in to Div 1 and Cotts won Div 3. The whole landscape of football, professionalism, competitiveness and most importantly technique has advance significantly since then such that its completely incomparable in my opinion. Winning 'Div 3' is much more of an achievement in 2015 than then. Promotion from the Championship for example would be far more remarkable in my eyes than Dicks' achievement'

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I can't believe this double malarkey,yeh we did it but jeez,so we should of


and the reason we should've (if we should've at all) is Cotts - the team he built, trained, coached and sent out playing his tactics.

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Lets be honest with GJ we had plenty of scruffy one nil wins and our success was built on team spirit and momentum. This year we have walked the league for the first time in 60 years. Won many games in style and played superb football and this league is much tougher than in 2006. Cotts achievements pisses all over GJ's in my opinion. Promotion last time was earned with an ageing squad which lacked youth. This time we have a young fresh talented squad and I feel with the players ee have we are better equipped for the Championship whrre as last time we had a team of league one players that over achieved.

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So we had a team of league 1 players who over achieved,and why was that,because of gj,but you says cotts pisses all over his achievements,that makes no sense

Your reasoning that Gj is a Legend but cotts not doesn't make any sense. What did GJ win with us? One promotion that was only secured by 1 or 2 points. Took us to a play off final but that means jack as we lost. When GJ left he left the club in a utter mess. Players on long pricey contracts. Youth wasn't used. Back room staff were all his relitives etc etc. Cotts has won us a league title and a Cup. We have dominated the league since the first game. He has brought in young talented players that have a sell on value and has built strong foundations behind the scene. Gj also had a hell of a lot more money to work with. If Cotts left 2moro I would be confident that this club would continue to progress due to the work Cotts has put in. Gj in the end did lots of damage to this club that only now can we say we have recovered from.
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Your reasoning that Gj is a Legend but cotts not doesn't make any sense. What did GJ win with us? One promotion that was only secured by 1 or 2 points. Took us to a play off final but that means jack as we lost. When GJ left he left the club in a utter mess. Players on long pricey contracts. Youth wasn't used. Back room staff were all his relitives etc etc. Cotts has won us a league title and a Cup. We have dominated the league since the first game. He has brought in young talented players that have a sell on value and has built strong foundations behind the scene. Gj also had a hell of a lot more money to work with. If Cotts left 2moro I would be confident that this club would continue to progress due to the work Cotts has put in. Gj in the end did lots of damage to this club that only now can we say we have recovered from.

You are largely distinguishing GJ and SC because of the state of the club when GJ left. That's obviously flawed because when SC eventually leaves, notwithstanding if it was today you'd be confident we'd progress, only then can the club's state actually be judged. Of course we could go down the money and crippling contracts route again - some on here think we'll be signing Joe Garner.

Also the losing play off final may have meant jack to you, but just as this season shall, that season will live long in my memory and only ever looked back on fondly. It didn't mean jack to me.

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Despite our success with GJ the state of rhe club was a mess, It could be said the success covered over the cracks. We threw money at success without thinking of the long term future of the club. It got a bit desperate in the end. SL has already admitted he trusted GJ too much. The club now is in really good shape and I truly believe past lessons have been learned. Still some issues but generally with the 5 pillars in place and an excellent recruitment network headed by Keith Burt long gone are the days of spending 600k+ on players like Peter Styvar.

Of course we don't know how things will tuen out with Cotts but I have total trust in the club to stick to the 5 pillars which is a great foundation for success. If Cotts were to leave for whatever reasons those 5 pillars remain in place. The mess we got ourselves In to last time wont be repeated.

GJ a car sales man. Cotts a genuine fan.

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I would have loved to have seen what Cotts could have done with players like Noble, Trundle, Sno, Hartley etc. Gj never could manage a talented player where as its clear to see Cotts has improved our talented players this year.


Apart from JET! He's taken a step back this season (sadly imo)

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Legend is a word bandied around too much these days...


If Cotterill can eventually get us promoted to the Premier League, then he will be a club legend.

I don't think so. Success is all relative. If Accrington Stanley ever get promoted to League One, for instance, that manager will be rightly worshipped. There have been people on here who have been City fans for 50 years saying this is their best season ever. That makes Cotts a legend in my eyes.

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How do you define the word 'legend'? Its a bit like 'world class' its such a opinion based phrase its barely worth a discussion!

Cotts has done great dont get me wrong and i dont want to piss on anyones corn flakes this morning, BUT its only the third tier (granted it was the title fair shout)and a pretty mickey mouse cup we have won.. As Bristol City especially with our squad, backing from SL and pretty recent escapades (one game away from the big time) does anyone else feel as if we are sounding a tad tin pot?

I still live in hope that i will see a BCFC team either get to the top flight OR lift a major trophy (fa or league cup) and for me the gaffer that can bring that to us can be held in the legendary category..

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How do you define the word 'legend'? Its a bit like 'world class' its such a opinion based phrase its barely worth a discussion!

Cotts has done great dont get me wrong and i dont want to piss on anyones corn flakes this morning, BUT its only the third tier (granted it was the title fair shout)and a pretty mickey mouse cup we have won.. As Bristol City especially with our squad, backing from SL and pretty recent escapades (one game away from the big time) does anyone else feel as if we are sounding a tad tin pot?

I still live in hope that i will see a BCFC team either get to the top flight OR lift a major trophy (fa or league cup) and for me the gaffer that can bring that to us can be held in the legendary category..

I can't answer your tin pot question because it's so opinion based its barely worth a discussion.

Sorry, just had to make the point.

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It was a rhetorical question kiddo! No need to answer those ones!

Alright, how about should JET get a new contract, the next thread down? Or what does 'success' mean next year, or just below that what does Agard bring to the team, etc etc etc.

I made the point above this whole forum is about opinions, if something's not worth discussing because it's opinion based what on earth are we doing on here. We might as well just read the league table and be done with it.

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