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Bolasie Sale


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I wonder if it's the case that Pardew is being extremely shrewd in the respect that he knows Bolasie's outstanding pace and direct approach has caused problems to opposing defences this year, but just like Blackpool in their premiership season, the others soon suss you out and know how to counter it. The shrewd bit being that Pardew knows Bolasie is a one trick pony so once the opposition counter this he has no influence on a game. Better to cash in and buy someone better.

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or another way of looking at it a Professional who has earned a good living in the game against someone who posts on a fans forum.


Hey, I don't profess to be anything other than a person with an opinion on his ability. My opinion is he is your typical standout British winger, all pace with no brain.

Imagine what a player with a brain could do, Joe Bryan with Bolasie's pace would be a much more terrifying prospect, two footed, good in the air, excellent crosser and solid defensively. Sorry but, Bolasie is just an Ivan Sproule upgrade, pace to burn and it gets him noticed.

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I think Bolasie not playing when he was with us just shows how bad things were on the pitch, such a talent how well would we have done with YB and AA, playing together running at defenders week in and out, also palace would have had to off paid more than 300k for him that was a bargain.

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I think Bolasie not playing when he was with us just shows how bad things were on the pitch, such a talent how well would we have done with YB and AA, playing together running at defenders week in and out, also palace would have had to off paid more than 300k for him that was a bargain.

Absolutely right -- when we were crying out for new ideas and something to relieve the dross -- we had the players capable of panicking other defences yet were never tried. Just to have two such speedy and skilful wide men would have stretched and caused panic in any defence.

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If we have a sell on clause I could not give a flying **** how much people think he's worth, just that he goes for the biggest amount of money possible. Whether it's value for money or not is a discussion for the forums of Palace fans and the buying club

For what it's worth I could never figure out why we never played Bolasie and Albert together, either side of a striker. It would undoubtedly have been an inconsistent formation, but Albert and Yannick were good pals off the field and I often think that makes for a good combo on the field. All pie in the sky now of course

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Don't think who he represents at International level actually matters. For those teams competing in Europe, the British quota is actually only about how many played their youth football in this country. I think 3 years before you turn 21 qualifies a player as "home grown".

Fair enough; I get your reasoning now, the U21 rule slipped my mind!

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He looks like a great player to watch

but offers very little end product

Just 4 goals and 6 assists is not great



No. It's my opinion on his ability, 5 assists and 4 goals is hardly earth shattering for an attacking player.

He's bang average who is all pace and no brain, your typical over hyped British player. He excites fans because he has pace and attacks full backs, not because he has an end product. If he was any kind of decent player the pace would be the icing on the cake. Please list what he is good at, it's like watching a kid who has been given a ferrari, he knows where the accelerator is, he just keeps driving it into the wall.


The thing is he's playing for Palace and when you watch him play for them he's carrying them a lot of the time when it comes to driving the attack. Taking the stats into play does make it look like he's not much cop but watching him tells a whole different story, he's just having to do too much and I don't think there are many goals scored by Palace that he's not involved in.

What I see when I watch him at the moment is the guy who takes the ball into dangerous zones by beating players, he may not get direct assists but he's getting the ball in the dangerous areas and that's where his teammates are doing the rest. It doesn't sound like much but when he doesn't do that Palace look so dull and lack creativity.

I think a move to Tottenham would only see him up his game again as he's be able to do less of build up work and more of the creating, with Palace a lot of teams know if they mark Bolasie out of the game they have very little to get them going. If he were to go to Tottenham he'd have Harry Kane on the end of his attacks, not Chamakh, he'd have Lamela, Eriksen etc around him which would mean he'd have more freedom to move as they'd have to be marked up too. 

The better players are around a player the better he'll do, just look at Bolasie for us.... uninspirational, but we were struggling to remain in the championship, then he goes to Palace who had strengthened and had a good season and he looked a completely different player and since that he's gone from strength to strength. 

I think it's easy to play him down with stats but you only have to watch him and see the figures people are putting on him to know he's not over-rated, he's 26, playing in the Prem, performing well and looks to have a lot more still to give.

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No. It's my opinion on his ability, 5 assists and 4 goals is hardly earth shattering for an attacking player.

He's bang average who is all pace and no brain, your typical over hyped British player. He excites fans because he has pace and attacks full backs, not because he has an end product. If he was any kind of decent player the pace would be the icing on the cake. Please list what he is good at, it's like watching a kid who has been given a ferrari, he knows where the accelerator is, he just keeps driving it into the wall.

You have just listed what he's good at, pace, power, skill, being unpredictable. That's what fullback hate being up against. He's obviously not worth the figures being quotes in newspaper but you are not a "bang average championship player" if the likes of Spurs and Liverpool are after you.

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He obviously lacks consistency but on the Liverpool forum they all said he was the best visiting player they had seen this season.

The links to Liverpool and Spurs make sense to me; he's obviously not someone who could command a place in a Champions League team, but both those sides can both afford, and perhaps would be looking for players with space to improve, but have cut their teeth in the Premier League.


Regardless; hope he moves so we've got more money to invest in the side, be it to Liverpool or Bradford Park Avenue, and so here's to his fee being as high as possible.

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Not sure if the club are playing it down, but John Pelling has stated;


"There is a sell-on clause, but there is also a confidentiality clause which prevents us disclosing the details.

"I hear that Palace don't want to sell, but if they do, then there will be something coming our way.

"It won't be an amount that will make a massive difference to us, but everything helps.

Going by that statement it would seem that the club aren't expecting a huge amount if/when he goes.


Not a huge amount is probably a relative term when the boss is worth close to 2billion!


Anyway here's hoping for a windfall!...And a bid for AA

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