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God Save Us From Liberal Judges

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Eventually the reality of what's going on in this country will filter through to those who for the most part have been living lives thus far relatively untouched by the creeping political rich/poor, establishment/non establishment ever widening divide...

How many stigmatizing, stereotyping TV programmes and media reports like 'Benefits Street' have we been bombarded with in recent times? .. Coincidence? or deliberate policy verging on political propaganda...

Sad to say but so many issues are bubbling away beneath the surface in this country, mostly unnoticed except by those who step back and see the bigger picture or those already affected. Something is simmering away whether by design or not but its building a head of steam is constantly swelling steadily as more and more families arecaffected- despite the many diversions of life that cause most of us to take our eyes off the ball, the underlying pressure cooker of injustice for the weakest easiest in society to politically disrespect.. Its going to blow eventually, more people than ever have endured the indignity of having to resort to food banks ffs in 21 Century Britain, many of whom are not on benefits but honest people struggling to make ends meet dispite working soul destroying jobs for minimum reward.

Its not getting any better, its not in the 'haves' interests to worry about the never ending stream of 'have nots' clammering for the minimum crumbs on offer.. A desperate underclass has been steadily growing, frequently being prodded with stigmatising rhetoric, eventually it will explode under pressure... What else can happen other than that? ....

Somehow the title of a well known Kaiser Chiefs hit seems to be more plausibly prophetic as day by day things get tougher for the majority, safety nets are constantly shrinking, desperation is becoming reality, and the wealthy continue to thrive.

Keep kicking a dog and if you donbt kill it eventually it will bite back.

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Eventually the reality of what's going on in this country will filter through to those who for the most part have been living lives thus far relatively untouched by the creeping political rich/poor, establishment/non establishment ever widening divide...

How many stigmatizing, stereotyping TV programmes and media reports like 'Benefits Street' have we been bombarded with in recent times? .. Coincidence? or deliberate policy verging on political propaganda...

Sad to say but so many issues are bubbling away beneath the surface in this country, mostly unnoticed except by those who step back and see the bigger picture or those already affected. Something is simmering away whether by design or not but its building a head of steam is constantly swelling steadily as more and more families arecaffected- despite the many diversions of life that cause most of us to take our eyes off the ball, the underlying pressure cooker of injustice for the weakest easiest in society to politically disrespect.. Its going to blow eventually, more people than ever have endured the indignity of having to resort to food banks ffs in 21 Century Britain, many of whom are not on benefits but honest people struggling to make ends meet dispite working soul destroying jobs for minimum reward.

Its not getting any better, its not in the 'haves' interests to worry about the never ending stream of 'have nots' clammering for the minimum crumbs on offer.. A desperate underclass has been steadily growing, frequently being prodded with stigmatising rhetoric, eventually it will explode under pressure... What else can happen other than that? ....

Somehow the title of a well known Kaiser Chiefs hit seems to be more plausibly prophetic as day by day things get tougher for the majority, safety nets are constantly shrinking, desperation is becoming reality, and the wealthy continue to thrive.

Keep kicking a dog and if you donbt kill it eventually it will bite back.

Haha, I think this is the first sensible post I've read from you and it was a very interesting read!

Halfway through I scrolled to the top to check I read the poster name correctly!

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Very true Mr Whistle.  I sensed a change in the air around 18 months to 2 years ago, doubtless it has been bubbling longer than that, but it's growing.  Things could get ugly.


I've been doing a bit of reading about WW2 and the rise of Hitler and there are unfortunate parallels:


- bankers stiffing the people

- an out of touch political class

- poverty, as you said food banks (utterly disgraceful and a national embarrassment)

- unemployment, though not 1930s levels in the UK it's very high in southern Europe



Off-topic but ... I decided to find out more about WW2 and Hitler for two reasons:


1. my lady friend bought me a very nice book filled with old photos of Bristol.  I'd seen some of the war ones before but not all of them and, as always, I was feeling pissed off with the whole waste, death and needless destruction of our beautiful city, but this time it didn't get me humming the Damn Busters tune, instead I started reading (which is on-going) and watching and I've come to the conclusion that we haven't been told the whole truth about WW2.


2. Something about the Greece situation reminds me of Germany in the early 1930s.


We're no where near becoming national socialist but you're right the parallels are there just less so. The problem is that the British have shown to be very passive in our protest compared to other countries. 

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