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New York Derby

formerly known as ivan

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I see football or 'soccer' is really taking off over there just like in other countries with fights breaking out between rival fans before today's derby.

Red bulls currently winning 1 0 at half time. Villa, Pirlo and Lampard all starting.

its the second most watched sport with with 14-25's or something like that another ten years it will be one of the biggest leagues in the world!
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its the second most watched sport with with 14-25's or something like that another ten years it will be one of the biggest leagues in the world!

Didn't they say that when Beckham moved over there..?

No doubt it's growing but I can't ever see it being anything but a graveyard for European players who are after a last big payday. Much like the UAE and places like that.

If for no other reason than the geographical area is to vast for supporters to treat it as anything more than a day trip to watch a home game.

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Didn't they say that when Beckham moved over there..?

No doubt it's growing but I can't ever see it being anything but a graveyard for European players who are after a last big payday. Much like the UAE and places like that.

If for no other reason than the geographical area is to vast for supporters to treat it as anything more than a day trip to watch a home game.

yes but when beckham went there it was behind basketball, ice hockey, baseball and gridiron! Now it's the growing rapidly amongst the young uns!

And the produce a lot of good solid players just not quite the flair players but I suspect when they do the national team could go further than the quarters that ramps up interest! I think you might be surprised!!

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Another issue they have is the sheer size of the country, you will never get the culture of travelling to away games like Northern Europe when teams are separated by thousands of miles!

Because there aren't enough teams... MLS has just one division, with just 20 teams. Even the NFL has more teams than that (32). 


I would love to see it get bigger over here in the US, and have several divisions, more teams, and even more fans. Not that any of that would help me where I am, in the frozen tundra of Alaska, where we have no professional teams to speak of in any sport, not even hockey. But for those folks living in the lower 48, it would be awesome. 


Unless I'm just flying to Seattle, it is only slightly more money to fly all the way to London than to the East Coast of the US. 

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