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This League Will Be Tougher - Who Knew?!

The Exiled Robin

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Could you cut and paste it on here? That website is a complete ball ache, always crashes my comp and phone


So there you have it. After wins galore, unbeaten runs, two trophies and 99 points, the Championship is going to be just a little bit tougher.


The aftermath of Saturday's defeat at Hillsborough has seen fans split into various different camps. There are the doom-mongers who "always" knew that a number of players wouldn't be up to it and should be replaced right away, conveniently forgetting everything this side achieved last season. Pack, Williams, Fielding, Ayling etc are suddenly useless and not up to it, or so we are informed.


There are those who deride that particular set of fans, who exude the positivity and want to hold tight, feeling everything will be OK soon and we're going straight up.


And then there are, probably, the majority of fans, who fully appreciate the quality of the team that romped to the League One title last time, but who understood the step up would be difficult and accept there will be many challenges along the way


Yes, we need more reinforcements, and of course we could do with a couple of extra players with Championship experience, but this is no time to be rushing into buying a seasoned has-been.


Although he performed well on Saturday, I'm not sure anyone expects Wes Burns to be 'the answer' to a replacement left wing-back in the Championship, given he wasn't deemed good enough for League One last time out. So of course we need cover in key positions, and we need them quickly.


Saying that, one tiny negative element of the success we had last season, and the incredibly lucky injury run we incurred, was that no-one else had a chance to prove themselves. This time out more chances will be offered, and it's up to the likes of Burns, Reid, Wagstaff and, dare I say, Adam El-Abd, to snatch that chance with both hands and show they're worth a spot on every team sheet.


Taking Saturday as a one-off, which until we face Brentford it is, the defending looked worryingly nervous and panicky, with early threats from the home team not leading to any sort of increased solidity as the game went on. If you go back a year, the main doubts about Frankie Fielding centred around his decision-making on crosses and through balls. He had to deal with very few of each last season, given our dominance, so let's hope Saturday was an aberration he can put behind him.


And if you can bear watching the second goal again, then our defensive players were all running back in a disparate fashion, lacking any kind of structure or organisation.

If you had to pick one weakness last year then, surprising as it was given our prowess at them going forward, set-piece defending was possibly it, and this again proved a fallibility on Saturday.


But it's only one game, and although some warning signs popped their head above the parapet, there's no doubt we were always going to take some time to get used to the higher level.


We'll review Saturday's errors and work on them, and if I can spot issues with our defensive organisation, then I'm sure Steve Cotterill and John Pemberton can too, and will work on the necessary improvements.


The next week is crucial, however. Ultimately it won't make much difference in the end result, but from a confidence and fan's backing point of view, four points from two home games and the positivity will be back in abundance. A couple of draws, or worse, and the prospect of a long winter ahead will become ever more real.


You can visit The Exiled Robin's website at "http://exiledrobin.blogspot.co.uk/"

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So there you have it. After wins galore, unbeaten runs, two trophies and 99 points, the Championship is going to be just a little bit tougher.


The aftermath of Saturday's defeat at Hillsborough has seen fans split into various different camps. There are the doom-mongers who "always" knew that a number of players wouldn't be up to it and should be replaced right away, conveniently forgetting everything this side achieved last season. Pack, Williams, Fielding, Ayling etc are suddenly useless and not up to it, or so we are informed.


There are those who deride that particular set of fans, who exude the positivity and want to hold tight, feeling everything will be OK soon and we're going straight up.


And then there are, probably, the majority of fans, who fully appreciate the quality of the team that romped to the League One title last time, but who understood the step up would be difficult and accept there will be many challenges along the way


Yes, we need more reinforcements, and of course we could do with a couple of extra players with Championship experience, but this is no time to be rushing into buying a seasoned has-been.


Although he performed well on Saturday, I'm not sure anyone expects Wes Burns to be 'the answer' to a replacement left wing-back in the Championship, given he wasn't deemed good enough for League One last time out. So of course we need cover in key positions, and we need them quickly.


Saying that, one tiny negative element of the success we had last season, and the incredibly lucky injury run we incurred, was that no-one else had a chance to prove themselves. This time out more chances will be offered, and it's up to the likes of Burns, Reid, Wagstaff and, dare I say, Adam El-Abd, to snatch that chance with both hands and show they're worth a spot on every team sheet.


Taking Saturday as a one-off, which until we face Brentford it is, the defending looked worryingly nervous and panicky, with early threats from the home team not leading to any sort of increased solidity as the game went on. If you go back a year, the main doubts about Frankie Fielding centred around his decision-making on crosses and through balls. He had to deal with very few of each last season, given our dominance, so let's hope Saturday was an aberration he can put behind him.


And if you can bear watching the second goal again, then our defensive players were all running back in a disparate fashion, lacking any kind of structure or organisation.

If you had to pick one weakness last year then, surprising as it was given our prowess at them going forward, set-piece defending was possibly it, and this again proved a fallibility on Saturday.


But it's only one game, and although some warning signs popped their head above the parapet, there's no doubt we were always going to take some time to get used to the higher level.


We'll review Saturday's errors and work on them, and if I can spot issues with our defensive organisation, then I'm sure Steve Cotterill and John Pemberton can too, and will work on the necessary improvements.


The next week is crucial, however. Ultimately it won't make much difference in the end result, but from a confidence and fan's backing point of view, four points from two home games and the positivity will be back in abundance. A couple of draws, or worse, and the prospect of a long winter ahead will become ever more real.


You can visit The Exiled Robin's website at "http://exiledrobin.blogspot.co.uk/"

Thanks Phantom

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