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Who Would You Prefer?

Ian M

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At the moment either deal looks a little unlikely but given a choice of one OR the other occuring which would you prefer?

In McPhee's favour we would be buying potential as well as current (proven) ability but Stewart hasthe experience of having performed at the highest level with a certain degree of success and is a City fan.

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Guest XrAnGeX

Marcus Stewart

+ Proven goal record

+ Played at higher level

+ Played at lower level

+ Bristol City supporter

Personally I'd like to see Murray given a run out as a striker, surely he won't be getting too much faster and we all know he has an eye for goal. Could it be worth a try?

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Guest Lockerman

Mcphee I think !

He is younger than Marcus Stewart, But Marcus could be the name to put a few more bums on seats, he is of course a proven striker and in the second division he should be awesome, here i am giving arguments as to why I should change my mind.

It's a difficult call, dammed if you do and dammed if you don't

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Although Mcphee has age on his side, Stewart (who isn't exactly over the hill) has the added experience factor. Add that to the fact that he actually supports this club as well and would be giving 110% every time he walked out onto the field, then I would have to go with Stewart.

Agree that both deals seem very unlikely at the moment.

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Lets just sign both then end of argument!!!

Seriously though, I dont know which one to chose.. I would love to see Marcus down the gate, but is he a long term prospect.. he would want a 3-4 year deal, which means we could be stuck with a 36 year old striker seeing out his days..

Whilst Mcphee might accepct a 2-3 year deal so we might be able to sell him for a profit...

Head says Mcphee but heart says Stewart..

I'm going to say........ Stewart.

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Stewart. he's quality. He holds ball up well and would be good foil to Roberts/Lita (even Gillespie-though never seen him).

Plus he'd lift crowd and be a real coup. Can't see people getting excited in same way about McPhee.

Don't think it will happen though.

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He'll score goals and probably make our other strikers better with his experience.

Also being a city fan, he'll definatley be wanting success for the club.

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I like the picture madger , better than my awfull atempt to get stewart in a city shirt! ;)

I would prefer stewart because he's proven at premiership level and would definately score a lot of goals next season. Mcphee is proven at this level but it could have been a one off , you never know.

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