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Burnley - No South Stand Tickets Available


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To anyone logging on to buy Burnley tickets this morning, you will find zero availability in the South Stand.  Knowing there was a whole block available for the previous two home games, I immediately called the club to query this.  They explained that there is currently a 20% capacity reduction in place for the South Stand for the Burnley game and so they are not able to sell any seats there yet.  Good of them to mention it!


As I write it appears there are literally less than 200 tickets available across the ground, so be quick!

Bit disappointed - this is my first game of the season and made the effort to be first in the queue to ensure I got to try out the South Stand.



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This has been done to death, we all know there is a reduced capacity. Its been published in program and on website and in Bristol sport stadium site.


No, that is not the issue.  I am aware of the overall capacity reduction.  Even allowing for this reduction, for the previous two home games members were able to buy tickets in one block (S24) of the South Stand.  For the Burnley game, even S24 is not showing any availability whatsoever.

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This has been done to death, we all know there is a reduced capacity. Its been published in program and on website and in Bristol sport stadium site.

That was only supposed to be for the Brentford and Leeds game though?


why is it still in effect?

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Please read my previous post properly.  I am comparing the situation to the previous two home games, when tickets were available to buy in the South Stand, even though the capacity reduction also applied to those games as well.  For the Burnley game, there is no availability at all.

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As an ongoing build things will need to be flexible. As build is slightly behind there will be reduced capacity. Patients is the key. It be worth it in the end


I'm still not convinced you've understood what I'm saying.  Why would capacity be reduced further compared to the first two games?

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There were tickets available for S24. Granted, not many though. I expect they were all gone within minutes, so maybe you were unfortunately too slow off the mark?


Blimey well I was hitting F5 from 9:55 so I'd be surprised if many were quicker.  For the first two games there were loads available in S24 - I even checked a couple of hours later and there were still some there (I didn't actually buy any for those games but was just doing a dry run for buying tickets for this one).  On that basis I'm convinced there are fewer available this time.

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Blimey well I was hitting F5 from 9:55 so I'd be surprised if many were quicker. For the first two games there were loads available in S24 - I even checked a couple of hours later and there were still some there (I didn't actually buy any for those games but was just doing a dry run for buying tickets for this one). On that basis I'm convinced there are fewer available this time.

I got my tickets in S24 for Leeds about 3 days after they were released for Forever Bristol members, no troubles really

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I got my tickets in S24 for Leeds about 3 days after they were released for Forever Bristol members, no troubles really


Exactly - this proves my point.  There were none there within seconds this morning, so for some reason they appear to have reduced the capacity further.

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I've just contacted the ground. There answer is as have already been stated, there is a 20% reduction in capacity until the safety people lift that sanction, they were hopeful that it was going to be lifted after the first 2 games. Also the other problem is depending on the interest, a certain amount of tickets are kept by for group/block bookings, i.e football clubs etc. That's what I've just been told, so don't shoot the messenger. I personally think that the group/block booking thing is a disgrace when the ground is short on seats, due to the refurb....

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Exactly - this proves my point.  There were none there within seconds this morning, so for some reason they appear to have reduced the capacity further.

Blimey , its difficult getting through to some people. 


I understand your point perfectly CR and it is a bizarre one.


I've got to be honest, I ignorantly thought the SS was all season ticket holders only, probably down to the fact i'm hardly ever able to get to games due to being on call and therefore, haven't looked at ticket availability at all really.

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I've just contacted the ground. There answer is as have already been stated, there is a 20% reduction in capacity until the safety people lift that sanction, they were hopeful that it was going to be lifted after the first 2 games. Also the other problem is depending on the interest, a certain amount of tickets are kept by for group/block bookings, i.e football clubs etc. That's what I've just been told, so don't shoot the messenger. I personally think that the group/block booking thing is a disgrace when the ground is short on seats, due to the refurb....


This isn't really the answer though as the reduction was in place for the first two games when tickets were available in the South Stand.


However I do agree that holding back tickets for groups is not fair on members who have paid for the privilege of advanced access to tickets, particularly during the redevelopment when demand outstrips supply.

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I bought tickets in S24 for the Leeds and Brentford games, there was plenty of availability in that block for those games. I agree with the OP that something has changed, meaning no tickets are available in this block any more.

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I bought tickets in S24 for the Leeds and Brentford games, there was plenty of availability in that block for those games. I agree with the OP that something has changed, meaning no tickets are available in this block any more.


Thanks shorey.  I have emailed David Lloyd asking for clarification on what has changed for this fixture, and will report back on what he says.

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Thanks shorey.  I have emailed David Lloyd asking for clarification on what has changed for this fixture, and will report back on what he says.

Seems a strange one to me CR, even stranger that some on here are arguing the point

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I bought tickets in S24 for the Leeds and Brentford games, there was plenty of availability in that block for those games. I agree with the OP that something has changed, meaning no tickets are available in this block any more.

So did my mate and me. A few days after they came out online and we were sat next to each other with still quite a lot of availability left to buy after as well. Obviously we are Fore ever Bristol members. As it stands at the moment no one would ever get one on a general sale basis!!

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I was told they are awaiting a certificate of safety, which they presumed would be issued after the initial 2 games. They held off putting them on sale while waiting but had to start selling today before it was too late, but still no certificate.

If the certificate is granted in the next few days, they will put the seats on sale.

However, this doesn't explain why the last two games there were plenty in S24, this time there seems to be none.

I can only presume the whole lot will go on sale when the certificate is issued, if it isn't there will be a pretty empty block next Saturday.

I have bought one in the Atyeo with the promise I can swap to SS if they become available.

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I was told they are awaiting a certificate of safety, which they presumed would be issued after the initial 2 games. They held off putting them on sale while waiting but had to start selling today before it was too late, but still no certificate.

If the certificate is granted in the next few days, they will put the seats on sale.

However, this doesn't explain why the last two games there were plenty in S24, this time there seems to be none.

I can only presume the whole lot will go on sale when the certificate is issued, if it isn't there will be a pretty empty block next Saturday.

I have bought one in the Atyeo with the promise I can swap to SS if they become available.

Thanks for this Ralph. I've got Dolman tickets but really wanted South Stand, I will probably try to do a swap if the opportunity presents itself. As you say though, I don't really understand why they haven't sold the same tickets as the previous games.

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Thanks for this Ralph. I've got Dolman tickets but really wanted South Stand, I will probably try to do a swap if the opportunity presents itself. As you say though, I don't really understand why they haven't sold the same tickets as the previous games.

Unless they change the stewarding, if you've got Dolman tickets you can just go and sit in one of the spare seats in the SS, or visa versa. I did this in the second half on Saturday. Of course it will have cost a couple quid more but with em two stands it a case of if you see an empty seat, go and sit in it wherever it is.

I'll probably get told off for this but if nobody is checking......

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I like the new relaxed, low profile stewarding. No jobs worth about. Well done to whoever is in charge.

Bit odd that South Stand season tickets are marked Dolman Stand for certain blocks. Had to persuade the steward on E27 to let me in to the South Stand vs Brentford. No questions asked vs Leeds. Assume, on that basis, stewards were told either don't check tickets or they decided themselves that the contradictory information on cards was too much for them to handle.

Anyhow's, plenty of space around in the South Stand and no one in officialdom seems fussed. Just use commonsense wait until just before KO and if someone claims the seat you're in, just move. Nice, self-policing casual approach. Like it.

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What are the chances of getting a ticket on General Sale at this rate?

I'm a season ticket holder but wanted an extra ticket so will have to wait until Wednesday to try and get one and looks like that's not gonna happen?

When I last looked around 1pm there were only around 100 left across all the stands, but as per this thread there seems to be an issue with South Stand availability for this match. A shame the club haven't clarified the issue.

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What are the chances of getting a ticket on General Sale at this rate?

I'm a season ticket holder but wanted an extra ticket so will have to wait until Wednesday to try and get one and looks like that's not gonna happen?

I thought I had no chance waiting fir General Sale for Leeds game, but I got two though.

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Roll on next season I say, thank god there will be no ticket supply problems whatsoever.


I presume that with the new stand finished we'll have the chance again of going down and just buying a ticket on the day.


Unless of course we somehow pick up an extra 13000 fans in the next year...

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Roll on next season I say, thank god there will be no ticket supply problems whatsoever.


I presume that with the new stand finished we'll have the chance again of going down and just buying a ticket on the day.


Unless of course we somehow pick up an extra 13000 fans in the next year...

You mean in the Prem ?

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The builders are hoping to finish off most of the South Stand internal work by the end of the international break so the extra reduction for the Burnley game is probably related to that, they're trying to finish the Sports Bar, Coffee Shop, lay down proper flooring, put up pictures etc and the fact that we only have one home game in a month has given them a chance to blitz the remaining issues, so I reckon it's related to that then hopefully back to normal for the Reading game.

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When does the restriction expire?

As I said earlier in this thread. I contacted the ground last week when i got my Burnley ticket. They told me they were hopeful that the restrictions would have been lifted for the Burnley game, but it seems it will be lifted after the international break. They also told me there are restrictions in the Ayteo stand as well, this Health and Safety issue must be a stadium issue!
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The builders are hoping to finish off most of the South Stand internal work by the end of the international break so the extra reduction for the Burnley game is probably related to that, they're trying to finish the Sports Bar, Coffee Shop, lay down proper flooring, put up pictures etc and the fact that we only have one home game in a month has given them a chance to blitz the remaining issues, so I reckon it's related to that then hopefully back to normal for the Reading game.


I don't understand how reducing the capacity of the stand further makes any difference to the ongoing work you specify.


Has there been any formal announcement that this game is now sold out?  Bristol Sport ticketing website suggests it is but nothing on official twitter (can't access OS at work).

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I don't understand how reducing the capacity of the stand further makes any difference to the ongoing work you specify.

Has there been any formal announcement that this game is now sold out? Bristol Sport ticketing website suggests it is but nothing on official twitter (can't access OS at work).

Nothing on the website yet.

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You get the feeling whoever issues the H&S certificate must be on holiday because it's been neither a yes or no.

Frustrating but I guess the club will wait until the end of the week to see if they can release some more tickets.

My guess is they'll be a few more SS at least.

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Guest Running Man

I don't understand how reducing the capacity of the stand further makes any difference to the ongoing work you specify.


Has there been any formal announcement that this game is now sold out?  Bristol Sport ticketing website suggests it is but nothing on official twitter (can't access OS at work).


It won't be about how many are in their seats, it will be about how the people get in and out of the ground and use the facilities while they are in there.

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OK, so I've given it three days but neither the club (via Twitter) nor Dave L (via email) have bothered to reply to my enquiry about South Stand tickets for this game.

Also if the game is now sold out as it appears to be, why have the club not announced this with general sale due to start tomorrow?!

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OK, so I've given it three days but neither the club (via Twitter) nor Dave L (via email) have bothered to reply to my enquiry about South Stand tickets for this game.

Also if the game is now sold out as it appears to be, why have the club not announced this with general sale due to start tomorrow?!

I sympathise with you CR. The words "dead horse" and "flogging" come to mind. No one at the club seems interested in your plight, which is a shame for the PR side of things. I just wonder if the rugger supporters get the same problems. Over to you egg chasers.

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I sympathise with you CR. The words "dead horse" and "flogging" come to mind. No one at the club seems interested in your plight, which is a shame for the PR side of things. I just wonder if the rugger supporters get the same problems. Over to you egg chasers.

Not really a "plight" as I did get Dolman tickets, I would just preferred to have sat in the new stand! Very much a first world problem! Just thought I'd try to find out what I could for the benefit of fellow supporters, and also to satisfy my own curiosity.

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I sometimes get the impression that DL et al think....."it's a great job, if it wasn't for the ****** fans " !

I try to give DL and the club the benefit of the doubt most of the time. But I do think this thread is a very good example of where their direct input is being missed. But that's a well-worn argument.

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OK so I've literally just received the following reply from Dave L:-

"We are still operating under the same restrictions that were in place for the first two games, pending the next meeting of the Safety Advisory Group, which will take place this week. We haven't restricted the capacity any more, but released more seats in the Dolman instead of the South Stand. The seats in S24 will be initially reserved for group and schools bookings, if we are able to lift restrictions for the Burnley game.

It is frustrating not to be able to sell all the tickets, as there is high demand. But it's equally important that we make sure that everyone can get in and out of the stadium safely before we do this.

Please bear with us as we continue to build a stadium we can all be proud of."

So the overall capacity is the same. A fair response I think, though I'm not entirely certain that it's fair to reserve seats for group bookings / schools ahead of members who have paid for priority.

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Group bookings and schools??? WTF? What does he mean by group bookings. Groups of what?

As for schools, sorry, try again next season.

I disagree.


We will have a 27,000 seater stadium next year.


Get the fans interested early to fill it up, everyone who already has Forever Bristol membership are hooked on the addictive drug we call football already.

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I disagree.


We will have a 27,000 seater stadium next year.


Get the fans interested early to fill it up, everyone who already has Forever Bristol membership are hooked on the addictive drug we call football already.


I see both sides on this one.  I'm all for encouraging new support, but with a limited capacity it does seem unfair that a member who has paid for priority access to tickets could miss out to a group booking.


Anyway as Ralph said, who are these "groups"?

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I disagree.


We will have a 27,000 seater stadium next year.


Get the fans interested early to fill it up, everyone who already has Forever Bristol membership are hooked on the addictive drug we call football already.

Sorry but I disagree with your statement. The club should be looking after the long standing fans first. The group booking thing could be implemented next season after the stadium is built. They should be looking after their members first, or stop memberships!
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Sorry but I disagree with your statement. The club should be looking after the long standing fans first. The group booking thing could be implemented next season after the stadium is built. They should be looking after their members first, or stop memberships!

Another case of "new customers only"!!

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I disagree.

We will have a 27,000 seater stadium next year.

Get the fans interested early to fill it up, everyone who already has Forever Bristol membership are hooked on the addictive drug we call football already.

You really think it's ok for the Forever Bristol members to have to go without tickets for the new SS so we can give tickets to schools and "groups" ?

Fair enough when you've got seats to fill, in the meantime look after those who've been looking after the club for 40 years in my case.

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Does this safety ground advisory group actually attend matches or do they have some form of computer model they analyse in setting capacities?

I've never entranced or exited a venue anywhere quicker than the new stadium, the movement around the ground is fine and the walk to the seat a breeze. Even got to the bogs without trouble. Can also hear the announcements. If there was an emergency that resulted in all 3 stand exits being blocked there's a gert big space on the far side of the pitch if they hadn't noticed.

Just a bunch of jobsworths by the sound of things. Probably the same group people are in charge of the Club's woeful IT and customer services.

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Just got a Burnley ticket for the SS.

For those finding it difficult buying tickets in iPad or similar, I used Safari this time and although not quite seamless, I did do the whole transaction in 3 minutes.

I'm not sure if it was easier than when I used Chrome last time or I'm just getting used to the quirky little ways you have to click on things. Maybe a bit of both.

Now just got to hope I'm not amongst a block full of school kids. [emoji106]

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