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Is your manager a b******d?


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Hello workers

Yes, this thread is called "Is your manager a b*****d?"


We can all give examples of what a b******d our bosses are, and possibly some good will come of it, by way of mutual help and advice. OR we can just take the p**s, as usual on OTIB, and drive ourselves over the edge.


I'll start:-


Your boss wants to give you a good hard kick in the b****cks. He can't do this, so instead the approved MO is to make you look like a ****, preferably to his boss. How is this best achieved? Simple, send an email at oooooh - what time shall we say ......... 5 minutes to 5 on a friday afternoon (boss, naturally gets weekends off), and immediately leave the building, switching his phone off.

I believe this is called the 'friday night fry 'em', or the 'weekend whump'. Everyone thinks you are a moron, and you cannot do anything about it until monday at the earliest, by which time, everyone above you in the company has absorbed the mis-information, and it has become fact.

What a bunch of total b******ds.





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Or this:-

Again, by the dreaded email, you are told (copied into a senior manager), that someone has made a complaint about you. Naturally, they have supposedly complained to your manager, not you. 


You respond by saying 'tell me who it was and I will make the appropriate apology'. Fair and reasonable?


Because there was no complaint, he can't tell you who it was, so offers to pass on your apology instead.


You phone the department the complaint allegedly came from, and they don't know what you are talking about.


Trouble is, the complaint has been 'put out there' and your bosses boss knows about it. You can't undo it, because you don't know who it came from.


Proof, indeed the the devil liveth, and walketh the planet incarnate?



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