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Wake up and smell the coffee

where's the joy

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either Cotterill changes his line up and tactics or we need to change him, because we are going down if we don't.

this may be simple; bring in an experienced ex premiership defender to lead the back line; or hire a defence coach

but pretending we are playing well and are just unlucky is pathetic

27,000 seats in a 3/4 new stadium and league one football, can't bear to think about


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We can keep him and hope Charlton, Rotherham, Bolton, and the 2 that come up with us are worse. You can't even defend him anymore can you. We didn't bring in much quality in the summer. Then got a bit more in Cox and Bennett but still he sees fit to use 13 players at best. The sooner he can say to himself he has been poor and needs to change, the sooner he can save his job and become a better manager. As of now he thinks he's right and we are just unlucky. No, we have been poor most games. Unlucky some? Sure but there's a reason we haven't had much luck and that's because we aren't being set up to succeed.

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Think we do need to accept we are in a relegation battle, and give ourselves a chance. A day when everything went wrong against a better team. Agree right now it looks like three from six or seven. Simply have to win that battle, but still believe we can. Or at least, hope so!

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