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Did Wilson Know What Was Coming

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Did Wilson tell SL players would not sign on at wages being offered and told SL that they would not accept.

Was the disscussion about this all along and Danny knew what was on table and thought this is impossible to work with next season.

Backroom staff leaving players not accepting contracts players we want not agreeing to sign or wages are to high

Was Danny pushed or did he jump?

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Guest Spunkwood

Did DW tell players to get out a join him at a new club ######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######,######, i am so mad :@

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No, but did he tell board that deals on offer were no good and that cutting wage bill would create problems with players, listening to radio on saturday appears board want to save money but improve squad. Did danny say impossible so got in yes man to do it instead who seems to have awlked into quite a mess. I am confident BT will sort it out but where is chairman when we need him to sort this out.

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A mess???

There is no mess at this club, if the players aren't happy with what they have been offered, they have the freedom to find another club if they so wish.

If I was SL I would be doing the same thing, the wages have to come down, we need less players on the books, If Wilson had got us into the 1st divsion the players would be celebrating a nice wage rise, he didn't and we need to save money, Wilson was well aware of the consequences of failure, SL can't be expected to keep ptting his hands in his pockets to fund a failing club, the club needs to stand on it's own feet.

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Agree it's not a mess but you've got to admit things could be better. Carey & Brown both asking for more, Peacock & Burnell leaving. OK but none of the 7 players have signed yet, what if none of them do? Would that constitute a mess?

Yes we had to leave it late to sort contracts out and yes we can afford to lose 1 or 2 players, but not all of them. Openness in player contract negotiations is one thing but the comments coming out on the website at the moment seem to be an open offer to any other club out there to come and get our players........

out of contract

not offered a good deal

looking for better

would have to consider decent offers for key players in contract

we'll be lucky if there is anyone left come the start of the season!

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Its Simple fark up promotion, and your new pay deals will reflect Div 2 wages. however had you gone up!!!! you would have a Div 1 offer.

This losing the playoff final is not failure b@ll@x, is exactly why we are now in this mess...Steve L made this clear months back...yeah spose Wonder-Son would have known, but too stubborn to take it on board!!!

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Guest LeicesterRed

Whilst I appreciate players have a short "shelf life", the wage demands are pretty outrageous. My wife works as the head of a Maternity unit in an NHS hospital, loads of responsibility for staff, budgets patients etc, with no where near the amount of dosh our players get for running around kicking a ball.

Even at our level, wages are a massive drain on the clubs coffers and as has been shown with Leeds, wage demands can destroy even the strongest of clubs.

Everyone wants more money for the work they do(me included) but we have to get this matter into perspective.

When wages grew at a massive rate within the game, some of us could see what was coming. It cannot go on I`m afraid.

It amazes me that the gate receipts for the Scum at Old Trafford don`t meet their wage bill. Without merchandising, the scum would go under.(Hope they do)

That`s one thing our club can do better is get better merchandise to create more income to meet players growing wage demands, and the few with over inflated views of themselves and their ability can go and play elsewhere if their hearts are not with City. After all, can anyone say that all the team that played at Cardiff were worth their pay for that day??

It may have been an off day, Leeds had an off season, but Mark Viduka still got his £60,000 per week until February for doing very, very little and played with no heart or interest in the club certainly for the latter part of the season.

Players want better wages, then produce the goods.

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Whilst  I appreciate players  have  a short "shelf life",  the wage  demands  are  pretty outrageous. My  wife  works  as  the  head  of  a  Maternity unit in  an NHS hospital,  loads of  responsibility for  staff,  budgets  patients  etc,  with  no where near  the  amount of  dosh  our players  get  for  running  around kicking  a ball.

Even  at our level,  wages  are  a massive  drain on  the  clubs  coffers and  as has been  shown  with  Leeds, wage  demands can  destroy  even  the  strongest  of clubs.

Everyone  wants  more money  for  the work  they  do(me included)  but  we have  to  get  this matter into  perspective.

When  wages grew  at  a massive  rate  within  the  game,  some of  us  could  see what  was  coming. It  cannot  go on  I`m  afraid.

It  amazes  me  that the  gate receipts  for the  Scum at  Old Trafford  don`t  meet their wage  bill. Without  merchandising,  the  scum  would  go  under.(Hope  they  do)

That`s  one thing our  club  can  do  better  is  get  better  merchandise to  create  more  income to  meet  players  growing  wage  demands,  and the  few with  over inflated  views of  themselves and  their  ability can  go  and play  elsewhere if  their hearts  are not  with  City. After  all,  can  anyone  say  that all the team  that  played  at  Cardiff  were worth  their pay  for that  day??

It  may  have been  an  off  day, Leeds  had  an off  season,  but  Mark  Viduka  still  got his  £60,000 per  week  until  February  for  doing  very, very little and played  with  no  heart  or interest  in  the  club  certainly  for the  latter  part of  the season.

Players  want better  wages,  then  produce the  goods.

Well said LEICESTER RED its time footballers woke up to the realities of life.

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Exactly !! Which is why you wont see me pleading with the likes of Aaron Brown or any of the others to stay.

Some of them seem incapable of seeing the bigger picture and for all the badge kissing antics they would be willing to bankrupt the club.

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