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Maths Teacher convicted of Assault


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Honestly what is this the UK coming to and what a waste of taxpayers money:


A maths teacher has been convicted of assault after squirting his ex-partner with a water pistol.

Timothy Gledhill, 40, wept in court when he was told a judge would not be overturning the conviction.

Gledhill feared professional ruin after he was found guilty of soaking his furious victim with a child’s toy in a “humiliating” attack during two heated rows.

During the appeal at Canterbury Crown Court, he admitted to the judge and two magistrates that he couldn’t rule out that the water had not accidentally hit Catherine Weir in the attack.

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1 hour ago, BigTone said:

Honestly what is this the UK coming to and what a waste of taxpayers money:


A maths teacher has been convicted of assault after squirting his ex-partner with a water pistol.

Timothy Gledhill, 40, wept in court when he was told a judge would not be overturning the conviction.

Gledhill feared professional ruin after he was found guilty of soaking his furious victim with a child’s toy in a “humiliating” attack during two heated rows.

During the appeal at Canterbury Crown Court, he admitted to the judge and two magistrates that he couldn’t rule out that the water had not accidentally hit Catherine Weir in the attack.

This one is even better Tone, WTF is the old Bill coming to?.


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The water pistol trial interests me slightly - I'd like to have heard the judge's summing up the maths teachers case. 

CPS and police should face charges themselves for wasting taxpayers money pursuing rediculous actions like these - hardly in the public interest is it - decision makers in these cases should be forced to answer for the decisions they made - the NHS couldve saved a life or two with that cash, the CPS need to use some Gumption and realise that life is not always like a box of  f'ing chocolates. The idiots who pursued the notorious teacher and water pistol case should be sentenced. to taking the ice-bucket challenge in the accused schools playground for charity in front of the kids. 

I despair for this Country sometimes , where the f** k is it going? & who the hell is left at any level that is worthy of respect, lunatics have taken over the asylum how did that happen?... Grrrrr!!!

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15 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

The water pistol trial interests me slightly - I'd like to have heard the judge's summing up the maths teachers case. 

CPS and police should face charges themselves for wasting taxpayers money pursuing rediculous actions like these - hardly in the public interest is it - decision makers in these cases should be forced to answer for the decisions they made - the NHS couldve saved a life or two with that cash, the CPS need to use some Gumption and realise that life is not always like a box of  f'ing chocolates. The idiots who pursued the notorious teacher and water pistol case should be sentenced. to taking the ice-bucket challenge in the accused schools playground for charity in front of the kids. 

I despair for this Country sometimes , where the f** k is it going? & who the hell is left at any level that is worthy of respect, lunatics have taken over the asylum how did that happen?... Grrrrr!!!

What about this shit, of course i'm sure it's all lies because it's the DM............................


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I know of a mother and stepfather who were charged in Bristol for child cruelty for having sent their son to his room when he was a child. He had become estranged from them and as an adult was seeking compo. Another charge of child cruelty was levelled against them for making him sit on the top stair and also for encouraging him to stand up to a bully at school who eventually clobbered him. The son tried to pathetically excuse the fact he turned up as an adult at their house and asked if he could live there again and then kept visiting for months thereafter by saying that he turned up on their doorstep because he had moved to the area a year earlier and was scared of bumping into them...even though he signed up with the same doctor as his mother had, and had turned up out of the blue when he lost his job and feared he'd have to move out of the area!

This rubbish went on for nearly two years, costing the taxpayer an arm and a leg and was eventually dropped 6 days before the trial when the prosecution offered no evidence. The carnage these pathetic charges caused to the accused far exceeded the supposed ill treatment they had 'inflicted' upon their son.

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18 hours ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

What about this shit, of course i'm sure it's all lies because it's the DM............................


Perhaps we should all try this next time we encounter the Hedllu or WMP. Anyone reckon it would work? No, thought not.

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On 8 November 2015 17:03:45, Barrs Court Red said:

Worst I've seen lately in America was a girl charged with having indecent images on her phone.....they were images of herself and taken while she was classed as a minor. 

This one is becoming a real problem here, that we have had to get training for. In essence, young people below 16 but in a relationship send pictures to each other. If it becomes known, maybe mum sees them and complains, they are both guilty of distributing child pornography, will most likely be at least cautioned, and put on the sex offenders register.

Now, a serious misjudgement certainly, but is this what most of us think this law was put there to protect against? 

And just to go against the flow a little on the water gun one. His ex has split up with him. He has then sought her out on another day and walked down the high street shooting at her with a water gun. Yes, maybe the full weight of the law here looks somewhat overkill, but would nonetheless have felt deeply degrading to the victim?

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