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Atmosphere today!

Guest I am the mole

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Guest I am the mole

I thought it was the quietest I've heard the gate for a long time dunno if it was the early kick off or we weren't on the ball much but I can only recall a couple of songs!


altough someone shouted out about McGregor's Nan getting fisted was quite funny though!

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1 hour ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Yeah it was pretty tame. No one drunk enough.

The dolman were asked for a song three times! Nothing 

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 


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It was poor for atmosphere today. Don't get me wrong before the game I would have taken a point against Hull, but it was hardly a great game was it, especially for a neutral tv audience. It was cold yes, but we've been there colder. It was early, think that was it, horrible time to play but we have played early before at Christmas etc as someone has mentioned but better atmosphere.

Hull were very quiet too for +700 of them. Glad we got that game out of the way. Hull for their league position weren't anything special. We've played much better ourselves and lost so a point was good.

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Guest BCFCS82
46 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 



why do you keep mentioning cheap seats. Do the fans set the prices?

is there any history of fans asking to cheaper tickets? 

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46 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 

50 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 


There is only one price so technically so I do pay the full amount.

if we all pay the same as you will you sing then? I'm Sure we could get a whip round going ... ;)

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Guest BCFCS82
5 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

As It's annoying, it's become a stick to beat fans with. There's never been demands for cheaper seats to my knowledge.

No it never has been.

back when the east end was season ticket holders only, no potd etc, the club told the supporters trust they had something exciting planned.

this in turn related to cheap season tickets which filled the stand, therefore solving any council issued on who was in the stand. This was the clubs doing and not the fans.

i would like to ask, barbs3, what he would like fans to do when they have no choice in the setting of prices at Ashton gate?

i paid the full price for my seat as per what Bristol sport asked. I'm not really sure what more fans could do?

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Guest BCFCS82
2 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

Thought Dolman A was looking decent this season even quite lively at times but if this "we'll sing when you pay full price" bollocks is true (as it couldn't be heard at the time) then that is truly pathetic. 

Some people will always want to feel better than others, even when those others have no say in what those people feel happy lambasting the others for

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1 hour ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 


What a pathetic and arrogant response. I personally CHOOSE to go in the Atyeo or the ' cheap seats ' according to you! 

I'd rather have a sing song, stand and have a laugh with old mates. Not sit on the my hands all game!

Couldn't make it today but think before posting arrogant and unnecessary drivel.

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Guest BCFCS82
2 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

What a pathetic and arrogant response. I personally CHOOSE to go in the Atyeo or the ' cheap seats ' according to you! 

I'd rather have a sing song, stand and have a laugh with old mates. Not sit on the my hands all game!

Couldn't make it today but think before posting arrogant and unnecessary drivel.

He's a better fan as he paid more...........

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It needs two to tango and the Hull fans didn't fancy a dance today. It may be because they set off at 5.30 this morning, but they seemed to be asleep. As for City supporters, Hull were obviously an ex Premiership team and forced City to play deep as though they were the away team. The team kept its shape and defended well, but this isn't the short of thing that generates a lot of vocal support. 

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1 hour ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 


If you're bitter about the price, why didn't you take advantage of the low prices in the Atyeo and the SS in the first place?

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This is the age of Aquarius... or This is the age of the Train... Maybe this is even the age of Hufflepuff...

but FFS... When did the AGE OF THE SUPERFAN BEGIN? 

Never thought I'd ever see the day, when looking back to the swaying singing poor but happy, all together now days of pre-Thatcherite Britain's football terraces. (& I don't mean hooligans btw) .... to think shit like this ain't even coming from the traditional prawn sandwich brigade... BOLLOCKS!! 


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5 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

This is the age of Aquarius... or This is the age of the Train... Maybe this is even the age of Hufflepuff...

but FFS... When did the AGE OF THE SUPERFAN BEGIN? 

Never thought I'd ever see the day, when looking back to the swaying singing poor but happy, all together now days of pre-Thatcherite Britain's football terraces. (& I don't mean hooligans btw) .... to think shit like this ain't even coming from the traditional prawn sandwich brigade... BOLLOCKS!! 


I agree, do 'fans' in the Dolman Stand really think those in the Atyeo Stand are beneath them???! And I don't mean in a physical sense...

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2 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 


And here was me thinking we were all on the same side, doesn't sound like it, Atyeo booing Dolman ( I'm in there but didn't get involved) and then if correct Dolman having a go back, no wonder we are a tinpot club if that is how we act

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Guest BCFCS82
5 minutes ago, gordie said:

And here was me thinking we were all on the same side, doesn't sound like it, Atyeo booing Dolman ( I'm in there but didn't get involved) and then if correct Dolman having a go back, no wonder we are a tinpot club if that is how we act

Isn't it an ironic boo coming from the atyeo ? As in a pantomime one? 

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1 hour ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

I agree, do 'fans' in the Dolman Stand really think those in the Atyeo Stand are beneath them???! And I don't mean in a physical sense...

I am a "fan" in the dolman and I don't think any other city fan is below me,the way I look at it is you pay what you can afford I can afford the top price seats so that is where I choose to sit,if I couldn't afford it I would sit somewhere cheaper not a problem!

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4 minutes ago, gloucester robin said:

I am a "fan" in the dolman and I don't think any other city fan is below me,the way I look at it is you pay what you can afford I can afford the top price seats so that is where I choose to sit,if I couldn't afford it I would sit somewhere cheaper not a problem!

Great, thanks for announcing you can afford the most expensive seats !

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So, please may I add some perspective to this thread. If I may?

Ok, so it was me that started the song "Dolman, give us a song, Dolman, Dolman, give us a song", at around the 80 minute-mark.

Why did I do this???  I'll tell you.......

I was once a season ticket holder in the Dolman, and then moved to the East End, Williams, Atyeo West and finally Atyeo East.  Having been a Dolmanite, I know full well what an intimidating sound can come from there when the place is rocking. It is without doubt the best acoustic area in the ground, and the height and rake can cause intimidation when at it's best.

So, at around the 80-minute mark today, when our team (which we all support), were battling to a very welcome draw against the league leaders, I thought I'd try to get behind the lads and give them some extra oomph.  I figured I'd ask the Dolman for a song, knowing how raucous that place can be when in full voice. I figured, a huge, rousing, "Come on you reds" may have been the order of the day.  That's all I was asking for.

The request was not meant in a malicious, narcissistic or sniding manner, twas a genuine request for the Dolman to give us a massive "Come on you reds".  I can't believe for the life of me how this request was met, by both area's, in the manner it was.  The Dolman fans seemed to think the Atyeo fans were taking the piss.  The Atyeo fans also seemed as though it was a pisstake and ventured into Dolman 'slating' territory.

Innocent old me just wanted the fans from all sides to sing loudly and proudly and spur our boys on.  How naive of me.

Lets get this straight.  I don't care what anyone says, from the horses mouth, it was ME that started that song, and my intentions were pure.  I wanted the A & B Block to rise as one and sing "Come on you reds", in the loud, raucous and intimidatory way that only the Dolman can.  Then the rest of the ground would join in. That's all I wanted.  I wasn't expecting yet another bitch-fest about which fans are better.  We're all the same lads.  Let's just be as one, yeah.

For what it's worth, some folks may not have thought today carried the best atmos this season, but I for one can safely say that I did my bit.  I left the ground today with a sore throat, out of breath, and knowing I gave it my all.  I sang my little white ass off, gave it everything I had in my (perhaps) futile attempt at spurring my 11 warriors in red to victory.  I wish the other 14 and half thousand of you would do the same - whichever Stand you may frequent.

Let's quit the inter-stand rivalry.  Next time I sing "Dolman, gis a song", I expect you to rise and sing.  And if you don't, I don't want the Atyeites to respond in a derogatory way - just respond by singing louder and making your 1200 voices sound like 14,000.

Together, Ashton Gate can be intimidating, loud, proud, raucous and rocking.  But if we react like we did today then we have no hope.  Let's be as one, yeah.  I remember...... not so long ago....., when the old terraced East End used to sing "Dolman, gis a song", and the Dolman would rise, look upon the collected mass of scum-ridden and sh**-scared away fans in the corner, and give them a little taste of hell!!! We used to see away fans melt like cheap mozzarella when the Dolman got into full voice.  Let's get back to that, yeah.  Let's quit the in-fighting, inter-stand rivalry, my support is better than your support kinda crump that we've allowed to consume us.

It was ME that started "Dolman, give us a song" today. And I started it 3 times.  The reason was to try to get the whole crowd buzzing.  Sadly, all it seems to have created is another argument,  My intentions were pure.

And I know full well, I did my bit today for the atmos.  How many others on here can say the same?


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4 hours ago, Three Lions said:

Thought Dolman A was looking decent this season even quite lively at times but if this "we'll sing when you pay full price" bollocks is true .. In Dolman A and didnt hear it. if a fans rep is making that up then that is out of order.

I'm only a humble cheap seat season ticket holder, so forgive me for participating in this debate, but what sort of fan's rep is he? He is no rep of mine and what he says is not in my name.

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3 minutes ago, Sixtyseconds said:

Not reading all that.

And with all the money you are saving for cider from your cheap seat you should not be sober enough to type it.

Had to get the last bus to Charfield at 7pm, so had to cut it short at 10 pints today.

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3 hours ago, jambodinho said:

If you wanted the whole ground to start singing 'Come on you reds' it would probably have been a better idea to start singing 'come on you reds'. Usually how it works isn't it? 

Yeah, you'd think. Tried that as well, but didn't work either. So thought I'd go down the more direct route. 

Did you join in? Just asking ....... 


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There was various issues today all of which combined to dampen the atmosphere. The breakfast time kick off, the perishing cold (people wearing gloves always make less noise clapping). The wind somehow always kills an atmosphere as it appears to carry off any noise generated. Add that to the three sided stadium and the fact that the crowd knew we were playing a team that seemed to be playing altogether better football than us, and there you have it.

Good result though, but weird getting home at three in the afternoon. Thought there was a impressive turn out from the Hull fans considering they must've had to leave home in the dark to get to the game that they could've easily watched on telly. Only heard them once when they scored, presumably they did make some noise but simply didn't hear a thing at the other end. 

On another issue. Anyone else think that Steve Bruce looks even bigger in real life than he does on the telly? Wiki reckons he's 13 stone apparently..... in which case I can only assume he must've been wearing a number of jumpers, a fleece, 3 coats and eaten all the pulled pork rolls that should've been sent to the South Stand (that's another issue)..  No offence Steve, but you've let yourself go fella. Perhaps you're just big boned. 

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12 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

Everyone around me in the dolman refused to sing at the instruction of a bunch of people who had been stood in silence for most of the game. 

Eventualy a chorus of "we'll sing when you pay full price" followed, to which there was no response from the cheap seats. 


What an odd post.

Everyone pays the full price as set out by the club for a given seat.

Are you suggesting that people are not paying the full asking price?

Do you stand outside Lidl berating those coming out because you chose to shop at Marks and Spencer?


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9 hours ago, gloucester robin said:

I am a "fan" in the dolman and I don't think any other city fan is below me,the way I look at it is you pay what you can afford I can afford the top price seats so that is where I choose to sit,if I couldn't afford it I would sit somewhere cheaper not a problem!

Not a case of afford but just refuse to.

I dont think Championship football is worth more than £10 or so a game. A professionalfootballer at that level is not worth £10k a week and more in wages.

An awful state of affairs really. 

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FWIW I have never liked the "Dolman give us a song" chant.

People can be a bit quiet during games if the game is uninspiring; highlighting that they're being quiet is going to make them feel slightly uncomfortable.

I am fully aware that the only intention behind it is to raise the atmosphere and not to belittle other fans.  But if it's not helping then maybe time to change it.  Something like "everybody!" in the gap between verses.

Encourage people rather than make them feel awkward.

I'm usually in the Williams, not that where you sit matters. 

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9 hours ago, Harry said:

So, please may I add some perspective to this thread. If I may?

Ok, so it was me that started the song "Dolman, give us a song, Dolman, Dolman, give us a song", at around the 80 minute-mark.

Why did I do this???  I'll tell you.......

I was once a season ticket holder in the Dolman, and then moved to the East End, Williams, Atyeo West and finally Atyeo East.  Having been a Dolmanite, I know full well what an intimidating sound can come from there when the place is rocking. It is without doubt the best acoustic area in the ground, and the height and rake can cause intimidation when at it's best.

So, at around the 80-minute mark today, when our team (which we all support), were battling to a very welcome draw against the league leaders, I thought I'd try to get behind the lads and give them some extra oomph.  I figured I'd ask the Dolman for a song, knowing how raucous that place can be when in full voice. I figured, a huge, rousing, "Come on you reds" may have been the order of the day.  That's all I was asking for.

The request was not meant in a malicious, narcissistic or sniding manner, twas a genuine request for the Dolman to give us a massive "Come on you reds".  I can't believe for the life of me how this request was met, by both area's, in the manner it was.  The Dolman fans seemed to think the Atyeo fans were taking the piss.  The Atyeo fans also seemed as though it was a pisstake and ventured into Dolman 'slating' territory.

Innocent old me just wanted the fans from all sides to sing loudly and proudly and spur our boys on.  How naive of me.

it was ME that started that song

I for one can safely say that I did my bit.  I left the ground today with a sore throat, out of breath, and knowing I gave it my all.  I sang my little white ass off, gave it everything I had

Next time I sing "Dolman, gis a song", I expect you to rise and sing.

It was ME 

And I know full well, I did my bit today for the atmos.  How many others on here can say the same?



This place gets more and more wet every time I visit. 

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Guest BCFCS82
5 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

You lot get so precious. I think the only super fan attitude within the ground comes from those in the Atyeo.

It was them criticising the Dolman supporters that I was responding to in the first place. 


I don't think anyone is criticising anyone in the dolman. 

I would like to ask you again, what do you want fans to do, when they do not set ticket prices? 

Do you as a fan rep feel that you are of a more important status as you pay more?  

No one in the atyeo or any other "cheap" section as you call it, feel they are super fans, where do you and others get those ideas from?

I hope you can answer this in a grown up and mature manner.

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1 minute ago, BCFCS82 said:

I don't think anyone is criticising anyone in the dolman. 

I would like to ask you again, what do you want fans to do, when they do not set ticket prices? 

Do you as a fan rep feel that you are of a more important status as you pay more?  

No one in the atyeo or any other "cheap" section as you call it, feel they are super fans, where do you and others get those ideas from?

I hope you can answer this in a grown up and mature manner.

They certainly were criticising supporters in the Dolman. 

I don't personally care what people pay in other parts of the ground as long as I feel the price of my ticket is fair (which I do)

Your 3rd point makes no sense. 

I disagree with your 4th point and refer you to point one. 

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Guest BCFCS82
7 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

They certainly were criticising supporters in the Dolman. 

I don't personally care what people pay in other parts of the ground as long as I feel the price of my ticket is fair (which I do)

Your 3rd point makes no sense. 

I disagree with your 4th point and refer you to point one. 

You call people superfans. why do you feel it is right to call people superfans, when they do not view themselves as super fans?

if you do not care, what people

pay why did you start a song about it?

my third point was quite simply, as a fans rep and I assume you still are one, do you feel you of are an more important status , than fans in the atyeo as you pay more? Simple yes or no would suffice. 

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1 minute ago, BCFCS82 said:

You call people superfans. why do you feel it is right to call people superfans, when they do not view themselves as super fans?

if you do not care, what people

pay why did you start a song about it?

I didn't start a song about it. 

Where did I say that I started a song about it??!!

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Guest BCFCS82
1 minute ago, Bar BS3 said:

I didn't start a song about it. 

Where did I say that I started a song about it??!!

Your very good at avoiding points. That's impressive .

i must give an apology , from your post it made it sound as if you started it. My questions are still there though. 

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2 minutes ago, BCFCS82 said:

Your very good at avoiding points. That's impressive .

i must give an apology , from your post it made it sound as if you started it. My questions are still there though. 

Of course I don't feel superior, as a fan rep or otherwise. I didn't think that was a serious comment that actually required a response. 

Anyway, you are clearly upset about me starting songs that I didn't start and seeing myself as superior, where I don't. 

So, this conversation is futile and boring now so I wish you a good day  




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Guest BCFCS82
5 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

Of course I don't feel superior, as a fan rep or otherwise. I didn't think that was a serious comment that actually required a response. 

Anyway, you are clearly upset about me starting songs that I didn't start and seeing myself as superior, where I don't. 

So, this conversation is futile and boring now so I wish you a good day  




indeed Internet forums are hard to read what tone things are said in.

have a great day also. 

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We were moved in the Atyeo because of the change over, quite why I don't know as they have moved us approximately 10 seats to the right, in the same row so we are now right behind the goal :), That means they have actually moved us slightly further away from the unreserved seats,  but the good news is that they actually sounded louder that side. It must be the sound being reflected off the Dolman or something?  Hull were the quietest bunch we have had in ages, even when they scored they barely raised a cheer and had a cursory attempt at "it's all gone quiet over there" but other than that, nothing.

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Didnt hear any criticism of the Dolman from the Atyeo from Dolman Bit of panto booing and that is it. Didnt hear this song in the Dolman sung v the Atyeo Bar BS3 refers to as well. you should be helping these fans efforts with the odd encouraging word, you are a fans rep but for years now you have been making snidey digs at asection of fans. you did with the EE, the Williams, and now the Atyeo. Bar BS3. you are a fans rep maybe fans should examine exactly how you have attempted to improve things for others as the lads in the Atyeo and others are guilty of attempting for years. the superan attitude is all yours because you do not appear to do anything for others at these meetings you attend.Keep it up Harry, BCFCS82 and all the rest. Ashton gate would be batter place with more of you and silent with more Bar Bs3's

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6 minutes ago, Three Lions said:

Didnt hear any criticism of the Dolman from the Atyeo from Dolman Bit of panto booing and that is it. Didnt hear this song in the Dolman sung v the Atyeo Bar BS3 refers to as well. you should be helping these fans efforts with the odd encouraging word, you are a fans rep but for years now you have been making snidey digs at asection of fans. you did with the EE, the Williams, and now the Atyeo. Bar BS3. you are a fans rep maybe fans should examine exactly how you have attempted to improve things for others as the lads in the Atyeo and others are guilty of attempting for years. the superan attitude is all yours because you do not appear to do anything for others at these meetings you attend.Keep it up Harry, BCFCS82 and all the rest. Ashton gate would be batter place with more of you and silent with more Bar Bs3's

You clearly don't know me or how I have supported city for over 25 years. I'm all for the best atmosphere possible, home and away. 

I'll leave you to your ill informed opinions. 


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You clearly don't know me or how I have supported city for over 25 year ... Newbie then and those of us with forty years plus will have paid more than you but unlike you are bight behind the lads in the Atyeo.

I'm all for the best atmosphere possible .. Righto. how have in your rep position helped the lads in the EE, williams or Atyeo? really helped not just the odd begrudging "that was alright" aftert being pushed,. because its come across the opposite and you want to create a feeling of us v them. plenty ion the dolman happy to put out hands in pockets to help out even if we dont sing ourselves hoarse anymore and we also dont feel the need to pout in the digs you do in these threads everytime.

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1 hour ago, Bar BS3 said:

Of course I don't feel superior, as a fan rep or otherwise. I didn't think that was a serious comment that actually required a response. 

Anyway, you are clearly upset about me starting songs that I didn't start and seeing myself as superior, where I don't. 

So, this conversation is futile and boring now so I wish you a good day  




What was your view on the City wave?

11 hours ago, Harry said:

So, please may I add some perspective to this thread. If I may?

Ok, so it was me that started the song "Dolman, give us a song, Dolman, Dolman, give us a song", at around the 80 minute-mark.

Why did I do this???  I'll tell you.......

I was once a season ticket holder in the Dolman, and then moved to the East End, Williams, Atyeo West and finally Atyeo East.  Having been a Dolmanite, I know full well what an intimidating sound can come from there when the place is rocking. It is without doubt the best acoustic area in the ground, and the height and rake can cause intimidation when at it's best.

So, at around the 80-minute mark today, when our team (which we all support), were battling to a very welcome draw against the league leaders, I thought I'd try to get behind the lads and give them some extra oomph.  I figured I'd ask the Dolman for a song, knowing how raucous that place can be when in full voice. I figured, a huge, rousing, "Come on you reds" may have been the order of the day.  That's all I was asking for.

The request was not meant in a malicious, narcissistic or sniding manner, twas a genuine request for the Dolman to give us a massive "Come on you reds".  I can't believe for the life of me how this request was met, by both area's, in the manner it was.  The Dolman fans seemed to think the Atyeo fans were taking the piss.  The Atyeo fans also seemed as though it was a pisstake and ventured into Dolman 'slating' territory.

Innocent old me just wanted the fans from all sides to sing loudly and proudly and spur our boys on.  How naive of me.

Lets get this straight.  I don't care what anyone says, from the horses mouth, it was ME that started that song, and my intentions were pure.  I wanted the A & B Block to rise as one and sing "Come on you reds", in the loud, raucous and intimidatory way that only the Dolman can.  Then the rest of the ground would join in. That's all I wanted.  I wasn't expecting yet another bitch-fest about which fans are better.  We're all the same lads.  Let's just be as one, yeah.

For what it's worth, some folks may not have thought today carried the best atmos this season, but I for one can safely say that I did my bit.  I left the ground today with a sore throat, out of breath, and knowing I gave it my all.  I sang my little white ass off, gave it everything I had in my (perhaps) futile attempt at spurring my 11 warriors in red to victory.  I wish the other 14 and half thousand of you would do the same - whichever Stand you may frequent.

Let's quit the inter-stand rivalry.  Next time I sing "Dolman, gis a song", I expect you to rise and sing.  And if you don't, I don't want the Atyeites to respond in a derogatory way - just respond by singing louder and making your 1200 voices sound like 14,000.

Together, Ashton Gate can be intimidating, loud, proud, raucous and rocking.  But if we react like we did today then we have no hope.  Let's be as one, yeah.  I remember...... not so long ago....., when the old terraced East End used to sing "Dolman, gis a song", and the Dolman would rise, look upon the collected mass of scum-ridden and sh**-scared away fans in the corner, and give them a little taste of hell!!! We used to see away fans melt like cheap mozzarella when the Dolman got into full voice.  Let's get back to that, yeah.  Let's quit the in-fighting, inter-stand rivalry, my support is better than your support kinda crump that we've allowed to consume us.

It was ME that started "Dolman, give us a song" today. And I started it 3 times.  The reason was to try to get the whole crowd buzzing.  Sadly, all it seems to have created is another argument,  My intentions were pure.

And I know full well, I did my bit today for the atmos.  How many others on here can say the same?



Read the above thread.

Do you feel that if fans representatives like Bar BS3 encouraged wider Fan x Club co-operation fans could coordinate something with wider impact?

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Just now, Red Rag said:

I watched I,m a celebrity last night with that Lady C woman carry on a ridiculous argument about a can of soup. I then read this thread. Dejavu.

Yes dejau vu, in another form. Bar BS3 has kept up a theme for seasons. Ideas for improvement from fans are met with "Anti BS, cheap seats, divisive, super fan ... "

Lady C will have a few minutes of fame, but she is not a City fan who also sits on a body of Supporters who offer advice to Bristol Sport / Bristol City FC.

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