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PC Now Infected Pronouns


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Just read an article on the BBC website , I don't know how to provide links, about how the University of Wisconsin is bowing to demand, from about 1% of its student population, and making it known what pronoun everybody would prefer to be called by. It is called something like Respect My Pronoun. Obviously, the majority of us ( collective pronoun) would be simply called He or She, as has sufficed since the written word was invented in about 768 BC. But now it is seen as offensive not to respect the pronoun someone identifies with. For instance, there is a kind of a woman type person at Wisconsin who was a Tomboy when THEY were slightly younger and THEY identify with the pronoun They or Them rather than She, which is why I wrote when They were slightly younger as I didn't want to upset Them!!!  There are others who use words like Ze instead of He or She or Zeself and Eirself. The University has even issued a card with all the different preferences listed and how to apply them in the use of grammar. There are even some students who demand that they never be referred to using a pronoun and only be referred to by their name.

It would be a nightmare if a group of Wisconsin students took to the streets to protest about others not respecting their pronoun rights. If I was reporting on the incident in the Madison Times I wouldn't be able to write that a group of them were staging a protest. I would have to name them individually as they wanted to be shown respect through not being referred to as a pronoun and also because if I said that They were revolting then that kind of woman type person might sue the paper for defamation of character because everyone would assume that I was referring to her!

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2 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

In America today, in the UK next year. It was ever thus.

It's already started. The "safe space" nonsense has reached at least Oxford.


this guy gets it (apologies for using Fox News but it was the first result I could find)




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On Monday, December 07, 2015 at 10:33, handsofclay1909 said:

Just read an article on the BBC website , I don't know how to provide links, about how the University of Wisconsin is bowing to demand, from about 1% of its student population, and making it known what pronoun everybody would prefer to be called by. It is called something like Respect My Pronoun. Obviously, the majority of us ( collective pronoun) would be simply called He or She, as has sufficed since the written word was invented in about 768 BC. But now it is seen as offensive not to respect the pronoun someone identifies with. For instance, there is a kind of a woman type person at Wisconsin who was a Tomboy when THEY were slightly younger and THEY identify with the pronoun They or Them rather than She, which is why I wrote when They were slightly younger as I didn't want to upset Them!!!  There are others who use words like Ze instead of He or She or Zeself and Eirself. The University has even issued a card with all the different preferences listed and how to apply them in the use of grammar. There are even some students who demand that they never be referred to using a pronoun and only be referred to by their name.

It would be a nightmare if a group of Wisconsin students took to the streets to protest about others not respecting their pronoun rights. If I was reporting on the incident in the Madison Times I wouldn't be able to write that a group of them were staging a protest. I would have to name them individually as they wanted to be shown respect through not being referred to as a pronoun and also because if I said that They were revolting then that kind of woman type person might sue the paper for defamation of character because everyone would assume that I was referring to her!

 Is it OK for me to PRONOUNCE this type of right-on PC Yankee nonsense is a waste of time, money and consideration.... I PRONOUNCE it is a load of pseudo-intellectual  BULL SHIT!!

Get a life ffs -University of Taking the Piss.

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On 07/12/2015 at 11:01, Barrs Court Red said:

American university's are currently under siege by liberals.

Expanded gun use is the only way to solve this socialist menace.

Don't tar liberals with that brush, academia is under siege by the namby-pamby progressives. The whole Black Lives Matter and the 1 in 4 women are raped on campus brigade.

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