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Bristol Sport Shop - troubleshooting


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I seem to be forever dismayed at all things administration of our wonderful club.

The latest is in trying to order a bunch of clothes/accessories for my nephew for crimbo.   The payments failed twice (tried in different web browsers, different payment cards) and my contact with their customer services is of course fruitless, generating a series of generic 'have you tried turning it off and on' type responses.

Now my user account isn't recognised and I don't receive the email for changing password.  

When I suggested that I go down in person they mentioned that it's better to order online to avoid disappointment if the items aren't in stock.  And round and round in circles I go.  AAARRGGHHH.

My question is, does anyone have a phone number for them?  It's not visible at all on their website.


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As far as I know the shop is 0117 9630637

if you go to the Bristol sport site, or contact numbers on the OS then I couldn't see it listed either. Google is your friend, type in Bristol Sport shop number and it's there to see and with a map!

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Got to say the service from the shop is abysmal.

I tried so many times last week to get through on the phone. Nothing, just answer machine or a message telling me the 'mailbox is full'. Helpful that.

I went to the shop and the selection of clothing other than club kits for kids is woeful. No tracksuits and really poor selection of t shirts.

Not too badly catered for if you're after rugby items though.

This area really needs a kick up the arse. Behind the times, badly run and providing a God awful service to supporters.

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Bristol Sport is the industry leader of fractal channels. Your budget for whiteboarding should be at least three times your budget for aggregating. Our technology takes the best features of OWL and Apache. Do you have a strategy to become six-sigma? Think affiliate-based. We will multiply our capability to incentivize without lessening our capability to iterate. What does the term "deliverables" really mean? It sounds contradictory, but it's accurate! The aggregation factor is web-enabled. A company that can synergize defiantly will (at some undefined point in the future) be able to exploit fiercely. Think efficient.

At Bristol Sport, we realize how to redefine strategically. What does the term "supply-chains" really mean? Do you have a strategy to become customer-directed? The systems factor is efficient. The ability to synergize intra-compellingly leads to the capability to innovate seamlessly. Think frictionless. Think blog-based. Think B2C2B. But don't think all three at the same time. Quick: do you have a turn-key, co-branded plan for monitoring new angel investors? A company that can aggregate defiantly will (at some indefinite point of time) be able to enhance courageously. Imagine a combination of IIS and SVG. Our fractal feature set is unmatched in the industry, but our intuitive B2B2C, magnetic user interfaces and non-complex use is usually considered a remarkable achievement. The metrics for magnetic implementation are more well-understood if they are not revolutionary. Is it more important for something to be turn-key or to be cross-media? What does the term "customized" really mean?


This is the answer I got after holding on the phone for 45 mins to ask if they had a pair of size 11 away socks.

My brother is now getting a book token.

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The online offering is poorly set up too. Last week they had a "50% off selected lines" offer - I went to the website and couldn't find anything with any reduction at all. I emailed them to ask where all the discounts were - they explained you had go to the "seasonal offers" section, where all the items were still shown at full price, but then items in there would be discounted at the checkout. This wasn't explained anywhere so your average person would just browse the items, not see any discounts, and not bother. Amateur beyond belief.

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2 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

The online offering is poorly set up too. Last week they had a "50% off selected lines" offer - I went to the website and couldn't find anything with any reduction at all. I emailed them to ask where all the discounts were - they explained you had go to the "seasonal offers" section, where all the items were still shown at full price, but then items in there would be discounted at the checkout. This wasn't explained anywhere so your average person would just browse the items, not see any discounts, and not bother. Amateur beyond belief.

So it wasn't just me! 

Another one who gave up looking =  lost sale.

With all things off-the-field, the intent is there but we never quite manage to get it right do we. 

Bring back Beryl, she'd sort it! 


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33 minutes ago, Moor2Sea said:

So it wasn't just me! 

Another one who gave up looking =  lost sale.

With all things off-the-field, the intent is there but we never quite manage to get it right do we. 

Bring back Beryl, she'd sort it! 


Didn't think I'd be the only one. Like I said, so amateur it defies belief!

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7 hours ago, Sir Colby-Tit said:

 This is the answer I got after holding on for 45 mins to ask if they had a pa ir of size 11 away socks.

My bro,ther is now getting a book token.

You got accidently connected to Cotts's pre-matchday telephonic teamtalk abd gamneplan tactics for the QPR match.... Its a great idea, as well as the collective face to face dressing room team meeting Cotts has the tactics made available via the telephone for all players wishing to clarify anything ganeplan/tactical or line-uop related that the meeting pep talk left them in any doubt about... as you discovered for yourself by the accidental access to this 'secure/private' phone service all our players will know and clearly understand exactly what their role will be... its a great idea and simplify's everything. :)

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