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How do recent events affect Keith Burt?

Lack of Action Man

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I would imagine that he will be staying for the long term as he is the link beyween the board and coaching staff. With that in mind, it means that whoever we decide to bring in as next manager has to be able to work under the DOF model of operations otherwise we could find ourselves in an even worse situation. 

Could it be possible that Burt would leave/be pushed also with the arrival of a new manager and backroom staff? Unlikely, but anything could happen this season! 

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Given that there seemingly has been some serious breakdown in communication between the board and the coaching staff then I'd suggest he should fall by the way too. More so, I hope before deciding whether to sack SC they thought about KB's post first and whether it may be better to replace him instead or as well as SC. 

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I got the impression the when SC came in the whole DoF and Head Coach system we were trying to set up (and emulate the likes of Swansea) went out the window.

SC came in as an old school manager who wanted to do everything including player transfer selection. Burt seemed to get relegated to just a negotiator and chief scout.

As much as he gets bagged out, he agreed prices for all these transfers that fell through and I assume offered fair wage deals within our price structure so blaming the deals falling though on him is a little harsh.


Now, if it was in fact him and not SC calling the transfer shots then he does have an element of blame.


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