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Kodjia and Flint


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I havent got to see city much this season so can't really comment, but few times I have, and from what I've heard, it sounds a similar issue to Baldock a few years back. As soon as a potential 20+ goal a season man comes in, we start to underperform as a team and become reliant on one player to be the focus of all attacks and goals through out the team fall. It's easy to just hit balls at a player like kodjia and hope he can produce some magic but when there's no one stand out goal scorer like last year goals start to come from all parts of the team. 

If we dropped kodjia do you think the team might start playing more like we did last season and working together to create chances and scoring from all positions rather than relying on one player to single handedly carry us? The few times I have seen us play its looked like the players at times are less focused than last year on building a team goal and often just kicking it at jk and expect him to carry the team? 

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4 minutes ago, CITYAREREDANDWHITE said:

Not quite. Ball comes in over Flint, Ayling try's cheating it down. Ball falls to striker, guy scores. 

Sorry, but do you really think he tried to chest it down?  It's just hit him!  I know Luke is confident on the ball, but....

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10 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Being our top scorer doesn't automatically mean he is good enough or exempt from criticism.

No it doesn't, but its starting to be a different player every week who according to this forum are not good enough. Yet when people say our fans base is so quick to criticise our players it causes uproar

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32 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Being our top scorer doesn't automatically mean he is good enough or exempt from criticism.

Not at all; towards the end of the game yesterday his head dropped and he kept drifting offside, which is a bad habit.  He is frustrating in that aspect, and needs to instructed to get back quicker.

But he does a hell of a lot to try and win us games, and for a player in his first season at this level, he looks a lot more comfortable than many other members of the side.  Just watch the highlights; after Smith plays him in first half, he slips by two players, gets into the box, and tried to slip it under the keeper - the fact he has that in his locker is a big plus for us.

He's scored or assisted around half the goals we've scored this year, so if we're going to critique him, should be balanced with positives he brings.  

I think we need another striker, either to play off him or swap out for him, but until then he's shouldering a lot of responsibly having to play up front alone.

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2 hours ago, Rednwhiterob said:

I'm glad there are other likeminded fans on Kodjia.

I agree. He ain't good enough. If we got a decent offer, and by that I mean anything above what we paid, I'd be happy to see him go, assuming we could use that money for another striker.

He's unpredictable alright, I'd say unreliable, inaccurate, greedy, wasteful and cannot time his runs. 

I don't think he's a team player and would say he's part of the problem, not the solution.

get rid.

Nice one Centurion .       :rofl2br:

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3 hours ago, Tauntonian said:

sorry but if you think kodjia is good enough then your deluded. his finishing is pathetic, yes hes our top goal scorer but the chances hes had, he should be on double that amount. he makes some nice runs but hes selfish in front of goal and it almost always comes to nothing. i would play agard ahead of him all day long

That's truly comical..good lad,Agard-but will never make it as an established first choice Championship player..as along with bobby reid,just not there at this level.Codger needs really to play off a quality target man..now that may be interesting.

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I can't help but think that a lot of criticism aimed at Kodjia in the last few weeks is quite a way wide of the mark. (bit like his finishing..?)

As far as I can see this view put forward that he's missed loads of good chances is incredibly exaggerated, completely unfair and rather ignorant to how many chances every striker in every team in the country misses. He has missed a couple of good chances this season that he really should have scored, but it really isn't anything like the number people try to make out and there isn't a forward in the land who doesn't miss chances, for example I went on Burnley's forum before we played them and there was a thread about Andre Grey (you may have heard of him) that was accusing him of the exact same crime (as well as being a flat track bully). This argument that he can't finish has rather become a self fulfilling prophecy and now every time he shoots and doesn't score it somehow becomes an example his lack of ability in front of goal. For example against QPR he had three shots, all from around the edge of the box, all created solely by himself and in all three he hit the target and in my opinion couldn't have been expected to do much more, yet this leads to some people ringing the radio saying 'Kodjia had three chances and took none'.

I thought all along this season that there may be a point where he slightly hits the wall due to the increase in intensity and physicality in a new league and even without equating for any normal loss of form or losing confidence playing in a terrible team, maybe he is going through that now and maybe he needs a rest/few weeks out of the firing line. The problem however being that we have absolutely no other threat in the squad so he needs to play. Lets be honest here, he is our only threat. When you see the team announced at 2 o'clock he is the only player in it who you have in the slightest expectancy that might score. He isn't absolutely clinical (he is playing for Bristol City), but he is our only threat and makes the majority of chances himself anyway, although maybe there are slight signs of optimism as Gladwin seemed to strike up more of a partnership with him first half yesterday than Freeman has all season.

As I said with any sort of normal squad he may need/deserve a few weeks out of the team, but how can Pemberton pick a team without him and with a straight face tell anyone that we're likely to score. I'd be pretty certain if Birmingham could pick our team for next Saturday Kodjia wouldn't be anywhere near it.

The top scorers for the teams around us-

Rotherham- Clarke-Harris 6. MK- Murphy 6. Charlton- Ghoochannejhad 4. Bolton- Madine 6. Kodjia with 10 is impressive compared to them? And I've watched us so don't try telling me we create loads of chances and with anyone else we'd be flying high.

I would agree with the majority, although not as passionately as some, that we needed to change from 352, but the lack of players in the squad that can score was a reason that I could see why Cotterill persisted with it as it got us two strikers on the pitch every week. The three between them have scored 19 goals, not exactly Messi, Neymar and Suarez I acknowledge, but for a team struggling like ours that is fine. The lack of goals through the rest of the team however is shameful, there was a thread on big Marv yesterday, how we'd appreciate his regular chipping in now.

The last three games we've obviously changed and I agree we needed to and this isn't a criticism of Pemberton, but where are the goals in that team? Now and again we'll nick one like we did against Boro, but more often I'd expect us to look as pointless in the final third as we did yesterday.

Since Kodjia's winner against Wolves we have played 13 league games. We have scored 2 goals in open play. I mean, it's not great is it. The players that have played across the midfield since we changed formation need to score goals.

Joe Bryan has scored 1 this season. Luke Freeman has 1 this season (can we give him it?). Bobby Reid has scored 0 this season. Marlon Pack (harsh due to the role he fulfils) has scored 0 this season. Korey Smith hasn't scored league goal since he joined us.

Maybe we can have some confidence that Wes and Gladwin can change this and I believe that Bryan is someone that has shown he can be useful in front of goal previously (although not if playing at left back), but I repeat 2 goals in open play in 13 league games. The whole team needs to trying to work out how to change that.

Kodjia may not be the messiah, but he certainly isn't the problem, in fact he is much closer to the only hope.

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48 minutes ago, bearded_red said:

The ridiculous way that he under no real pressure gifted possession to Leeds in the first place?

Yep I agree but that was a bit earlier in the passage of play that led to the goal. Don't you think someone of Flint's height and prowess in the air might have headed that cross away rather than duck under it?

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3 hours ago, CITYAREREDANDWHITE said:

Not quite. Ball comes in over Flint, Ayling try's cheating it down. Ball falls to striker, guy scores. 

I assume you meant Ayling tried to chest it down??? No way, Flint missed the header and it simply hit Ayling, he had zero time to react as our tall, dominant central defender had ducked under a cross....

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4 hours ago, city2015 said:

I havent got to see city much this season so can't really comment, but few times I have, and from what I've heard, it sounds a similar issue to Baldock a few years back. As soon as a potential 20+ goal a season man comes in, we start to underperform as a team and become reliant on one player to be the focus of all attacks and goals through out the team fall. It's easy to just hit balls at a player like kodjia and hope he can produce some magic but when there's no one stand out goal scorer like last year goals start to come from all parts of the team. 

If we dropped kodjia do you think the team might start playing more like we did last season and working together to create chances and scoring from all positions rather than relying on one player to single handedly carry us? The few times I have seen us play its looked like the players at times are less focused than last year on building a team goal and often just kicking it at jk and expect him to carry the team? 

We used to be like that with Albert. Very one-dimension, teams just put 2 markers on him. At least Codger can go past people but as i said above what's missing is someone who can keep up with him on those types of solo runs and then we have to teach him how to pass to that person - Burns?

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4 hours ago, smokey live said:

Are you saying we should play Gladwin up front because he nearly got on the end of a couple of crosses?

No mate, not just because of that obviously but he seems to be more direct and attack-minded than others in our present mid-field. He is a big powerful bloke who scored goals last season. we may be driven to trying out these switches of position more and more if we don't get anybody else in. You got any helpful ideas on the subject of where the goals are coming from if not from Kodjia?

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7 hours ago, EmersonsRed said:

Interesting one Kodjia... I was shot down by lots of people when I suggested his finishing wasn't very good after people were calling him our first real valuable asset. 


However you have to say if we were mid table and 1/2 others were chipping in with a significant amount of goals, his goal scoring record and performances would look a lot better. We're just relying on him which is a shame as he's not quite up to it yet.

Easiest striker. To play against in this keagur, just show the ball onto his left and it's attack over, never seen such a one footed player, he'd better starting as a striker who plays On the far left as unless he can get it onto his right he's hopeless.

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9 minutes ago, YorkshireSection said:

Easiest striker. To play against in this keagur, just show the ball onto his left and it's attack over, never seen such a one footed player, he'd better starting as a striker who plays On the far left as unless he can get it onto his right he's hopeless.

Some defenders he's come up against aren't good enough to keep him on his wrong foot, or if they do he has tricks and skills to manipulate the ball past them.  It ain't as simple to suggest all you have to do is show him onto his left foot.

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15 hours ago, MarcusX said:

Makes for embarrassing reading. Any wonder no players want to come here? Top goal scorers get slated for not being good enough!

Go through the forum and we find about 90% of our players get slated on a regular basis. Now SC has gone it's the players turn!

I really hope the players don't read this forum, it would be enough to destroy any of our players ( what must be ) fragile confidence.


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Player Name Team Goals
1 Andre Gray Burnley 16
2 Abel Hernández Hull City 15
2 Ross McCormack Fulham 15
3 Alan Judge Brentford 12
4 Nick Blackman Derby County 11
4 Fernando Forestieri Sheffield Wednesday 11
5 Jordan Rhodes Blackburn Rovers 10
6 Moussa Dembele Fulham 9
6 Jonathan Kodjia Bristol City 9
6 Chris Martin Derby County 9
6 Nahki Wells Huddersfield Town

9           How anyone criticises Kodjia is beyond me, this is exactly the reason I rarely come on this forum anymore, fed up of armchair city fans that are deluded and get on players backs after a few bad games. Kodjia has scored 9 goals in a bottom 3 side, the same as CHRIS MARTIN in promotion chasing Derby and one behind Jordan 'Clinical' Rhodes... What are the other bottom 3 sides strikers doing??? Do you forget that getting into positions to score goals is an art in itself? So yeah, he misses his fair amount of chances, but he also creates a lot of those chances by himself, either with good positioning or his pace and ability, get off the guys back, he's probably our only chance of staying in this league, what an absolute joke.

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